View Full Version : black spot in mouth?

07-11-09, 21:28
Hi guys, please can you help. I've had a sore mouth for a few days now, which doesn't really worry me cos i think its something viral, as its happened b4 and my doc said its a viral thing. but my mum has got black spots- 2 of them in her mouth and one white one. I'm worried about what they could be??? i mean i've got a sore mouth and i reckon its the same thing, but i've never come across black spots before???
any advice??


07-11-09, 21:32
Hi Dizzy its probably something and nothing but its best to get your dentist to have a look just for peace of mind. I use antibacterial mouth wash its great for minor mouth infections and its available off the shelf. Hope this helps

07-11-09, 21:36
i know this sounds crazy but what are the symptoms of oral cancer? :weep:

07-11-09, 21:38
im not sure but i had a white lump come up on my gum a few weeks ago and ive still got it but my dentist said it is just hard skin which not many people know exists but its very common. try not to panic how long has she had the spots?

07-11-09, 21:44
a few days....my own mouth is sore....
my doc says sores in your mouth are usually cos of viral or bacterial infections..so even a cold can cause them, but its just cos its black thats got me worried.

07-11-09, 21:45
ive read before that u can get little bruises in your mouth that will go after a couple of days so it could be that do they hurt

07-11-09, 21:54
Could be blood spots? Maybe eating something that's scraped the inside of the mouth. If they don't go in a few days I'd get them checked for your own peace of mind and then you can relax.
Myra x

01-12-12, 17:21
Hi guys, please can you help. I've had a sore mouth more than two moths now, black spot in mouth and all in mouth is red and gums are swollen.Iwent to clinic dr. said that it it apotheous ulcer .I started treatment.Dr gaves medicine but still after a month it could not recovered.I'm worried about what they could be???