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07-11-09, 22:12
Hi, I'm so scared keep
suffering with missed heartbeats about 20 a day and I keep Reading it can be quite normal but it still frightens me soooo much. Feel like I'm going insane. I had ECG and blood tests and all ok but it's still
happening. How can I ever accept it. Making me so low:( :weep:

07-11-09, 22:21
Please try not to worry about them. Accept the reassurance from your tests that nothing is wrong. I posted to someone earlier about ectopics and was telling them that lots of people on here have them and that we're all still alive and kickin!! Try to carry on with what you were doing and try not to be afraid. I know it's hard but through time and with acceptance you'll stop having them so much and you won't be scared of them.

07-11-09, 22:23
Aww thank you. I do really appreciate it. I just think 20 is probably too many. I will try not to worry. Thank you again

07-11-09, 22:32
Honestly, I probably had dozens in a day. Please don't worry too much. Take it from me, they won't do you any harm so don't get too stressed about them. They will calm down. We put ourselves through so much, don't we!!!

07-11-09, 22:38
even you saying that has calmed me right down. I never realised how powerful mental illness could be. I have put myself thru hell but it's time to calm down and accept these awful palps. Thank you for being kind and reassuring me. Hope you keep well and happy x

09-11-09, 16:22
My ectopics were almost continuous at one time, and I would cry in frustration and fear. months later they started to decrease and at present I do not suffer al all....touch wood!! Just to reassure you that 20 a day is not excessive and that they will go away at some point. thinking of you and hope you aare feeling better now

10-11-09, 16:22
For the last 7 years I've had them on an almost daily basis. For the last 5 years I've had them every day bar about 2 days, when I probably had them but just didn't notice them.

I get 20-30 a day, every day. The other month I had a few drinks, then woke up having 20 per MINUTE, up to 10,000 per day. This lasted a whole week before going back to the usual 20 per day.

Some are runs of 3 or 4, some give me a head rush, some feel like an electric shock, others I barely notice.

These are THE leading cause of my own health anxiety. They have made me cardio-OBSESSED. I now relate everything back to my heart. Stomach ache? Impending heart attack. Pain in neck? Impending heart attack. Short of breath? You guessed it.

I saw a cardiologist only last week. He said that HE gets them, around 20 per day, unless he's been drinking the night before in which case he gets loads more. He wouldn't give me medication for them because they are totally harmless and 20 a day is seen as a 'normal' amount. He said everyone gets them, some people just feel them more than others.

Don't worry about them, and they may go away.

11-11-09, 13:53
I would like to add to what others have said....20 a day is nothing to worry about. When i was having one of my "i'm gonna die" moments i was suffering with terrible ectopics and when asked over the phone how many i was having when i said at least 8 a minute the guy said thats ok...its when you get 20 a minute you should probs have it checked. So at 20 a day i wouldn't worry too much.



11-11-09, 21:53
Hi guys, feeling so much better now thank you all so much for taking the time to post messages it really has helped. So glad to have found this and to know others in the same boat. I'm sure Im not totally over my fears but getting there. Xx:bighug1:

12-11-09, 15:45
Hi I know you posted seeking help, but I just wanted to say Thank you, reading your post and the replies has really helped me, I too suffer from these and have had numerous tests throughout the years, saw a Doctor only a couple of weeks ago, in fact I said if I didnt see a Doc I was off the A+E, He was really nice and said he would 'fit me in' I told him everything, just like I have so many times in the past, but this was a new Doctor, I was terrified he would look up and say 2 you must go for tests, this sounds serious2 what really put my mind to rest at least then was he said EXACTLY the same as about half a dozen others have said, and then I read your post and the replies and I feel a lot better, so I Truly hope you are feeling better and I thank you and the people so caring that they replied to you, I have gotten a lot of peace from you and them. Oh by the way, I have had these for over 20 years and I am still here.......speaks volumes I think, trouble is sometimes I dont listen!.

13-11-09, 13:07
Glad the posts helped and remember that you can look up ectopics on this site and also read through past posts on the subject...always helpful. Hope you are continuing to feel better and more positive about the little blighters!!

16-11-09, 16:12
This has also given me reassurance too, I suffered very mild palps for a while and they only happened every few days.

Just recently I've had what I can only describe as more pronounced palps that beat harder and for longer. I'm guessing I'm not the only one?!

28-11-09, 20:30
Really scared again was doing well hardly getting any missed beats then felt about 3 in a row and am terrified again! Is that normal. I have had really bad toothache and not been sleeping well and taking lots of painkillers till I can get to dentist weds. Sorry going on again. Thanks guys

28-11-09, 20:45
ames, lack of sleep and/or painkillers always seem to increase ectopics on me.

28-11-09, 20:58
aww thank you for repling. havent had them for days but got this bloody toothache and they popped up out the blue and now Im scared stiff but tired, hormonal, toothpain and painkillers not a good combination. thanks

28-11-09, 21:24
I have had them for the last 30 years way more than 20 a day .. Somedays about every fifth beat or sometimes every 30th beat.. I am told I have a real healthy heart and not to worry about them but when you can feel them.. Its terrible .They say that most people aren't aware of them but they have them too..If that would be the case for me I would rather be that way . Hope you feel better..try not to worry because it makes them worse . Michael