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08-11-09, 03:28
HI my name is lynn, i am 49 years old and suffer with generalized anxiety.u have had this for about six months i am on meds for it and just hope and pray they will work only been on meds since october i am so araid of how i feel the panick scares me not sure how to deak with it if i sleep i wake up in a panick then its there for the day anyone eles get it like this its 04.23 awake and in a panick what can u

08-11-09, 04:07
Hi lynn1960

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

08-11-09, 07:55
Hi Lynn

Yes I wake every morning to the feelings of anxiety I try to go to bed as late as possible so that I wake at a more realistic time but because I have such vivid dreams that does not always work, unless I'm happy in the dream where I want to be and then I try to hold onto it, sadly then when I wake the reality and panic hits.

Try not to stay in that panic and though your mind will work hard to stay there busy yourself, change your routine, doesn't matter how or what but change it so your mind has to preoccupy itself with something, the feelings don't subside completely but it allows you to ride through it and not fight them.

Best of luck did you read Ahmeds post I will try it later today myself but it does sound promising.

Mine usually quieten down as the day goes on but no have to be honest never goes away completely and sometimes I have terrible days and others bearable. Laugh as much as you can think happy thoughts

and turn to the site when you have weak moments as it will help you and you can help others as you know x

08-11-09, 08:16
thanks sharon it helps to know you are not on your own i really cant beleive that the meds take so long to work and in that tine the systoms get worse hardly fair i am going back to work tomorrow might make it easier where is ahmeds post i would like to read it hope you have a good day lynn

08-11-09, 08:22
go into active topics and choose todays posts, good luck with work tomorrow, but don't go back unless you are really ready Lynn, it will only knock you if you aren't. Are you under Occupational Health? or get conditional return from doctor, maybe at less hours to start with. Whatever you do be proud of it girlie :yesyes:

No we aren't alone, and I really hope that as we get better we all stay in touch.....

Hugs sent x

08-11-09, 09:03
i am going back on reduced hours i aqm a bit afraid feelingsmay be due to starting the change although the doctor did a test and said that i am not i aMREALLY SCARED OF THE ANXIETY and doctors have said that meds can take at least 6 weeks to kick in dont know how i will get through it i am also diabetic which i dont think helps

08-11-09, 09:11
Lynn, how long have you been off work, I've been on the meds now since 06/10 though was prescribed diazepam a couple of days prior to this. I have to be honest I can say that they have helped with the depression side of things but sadly not the anxiety and the symptoms just yet and again I have been advised that it will take longer for the medication to take full effect.

All I can say is that after my day yesterday, I'm scared too but I know it is a step that I have to take even if it is 3 days a week which I now think may be more suitable I was supposed to start with 4 against my teams advice I wanted normality so much, Don't do it if you are not ready, there is no shame, but you have to weigh up whether you are stronger alone or in company each person will be different and if you don't think you are up to it make an emergency appt tomorrow with doctor.

I did try to carry on at first but literally just broke at work, it was hitting me harder and harder, it didn't help, my mind was whizzing at that time and I couldn't control the severe trembling.

Lynn do what is right for you at the right time, it is okay to be a bit nervous but if you are really getting into a state over it then talk to the doctor, it is important that you get well over and above everything....

Hugs sent :hugs:

08-11-09, 18:10
sharon i have been off work for 2 months. i have been on new meds since 22/10.saw my doctor on thursday and he said that it could be about six weeks before i get the full benifit i am going to try work tomorrow or i will never go back.i start at 6am so it will be quite and shoul.d be able to slowly worrk my way back in trake care lynn