View Full Version : Indigestion and Anxiety

08-11-09, 08:50
Last weekend I felt really down and then suddenly I developed a tight presure across the top of my stomach and nausea. So much so my appetite all but disappeared. It was like this all week and I eventually went to the doctors who said I had indigestion and gave me medication.

I was surprised, I always thought indigestion was when you ate too much and felt sick!

Anyway, since then and having learnt it was probably bought on by me being low and anxious, I have got worse.

Several years ago I suffered with panic attacks and mild depression. It was awful. I have only had one panic attack since which was this year and I am proud to say I controlled it. However, I am now feeling like I am constantly on the brink of them again.

The tummy pain from indigestion is worse because of my stupid head now saying your suffereing again, this is a symptom, you're anxious..blah blah. I try to relax, I read all my self help stuff, try to be positive...feel a bit better. Then my stomach knots again and whoosh I feel anxious again.

I now have my IBS back it seems as everything is going straight through me. I seem to be spirraling and I'm scared.

Please help me stop this awful feeling of doom I have that its all coming back to get me again, I'm so scared of going down that path again :weep:

Any help I would be really grateful for, thank you xx

08-11-09, 09:16
try to relax this is asymtom of axciety ,not a nice one i getit you will be fine xx

08-11-09, 13:42
Hi Amanda
I know how you feel, I have these thoughts myself as well sometimes. It's natural for someone who has recovered from anxiety and panic to fear relapse, but you say that you managed to control the single panic attack you have had, so you have the skills to deal with anything that comes your way. Believe this and try not to focus on it. All the best.

Deepest Blue
08-11-09, 14:08
Hi ya Amanda,

I hope you are feeling better today.

Are you taking any medication? I've been on Propranolol off and on and back on them again which seems to have helped me, I am only on 40mg a day though not sure if that's enough as I still feel a bit anx sometimes but it does help. No other meds have worked for me or they give me bad side affects to the point where I can't even get out of bed.

Take Care

30-07-10, 17:45
I have suffered with indegestion and IBS for years - it often follows the day after I have felt anxious and takes days sometimes months to go away. I find drinking peppermint tea to have a calming effect on my digestive system. Hope you soon feel better x

27-11-13, 01:34
Hi Amanda

I feel your concerns so much as I am similarly going through some symptoms I thought were gone for ever . You need to know you can control this again and you will . Practice what you done when you were unwell before , try hard to keep busy and keep your mind off your body , yes I know how hard it is ....

Good luck dear