View Full Version : Overuse of diorhhea meds/constipation PLEASE HELP :(

08-11-09, 09:03
I have an embarassing phobia of public diorhhea. I've fallen into the bad habit of taking usually two sometimes more anti diorhhea pills most mornings (four or five times a week). Ive been doing this for about six weeks maybe more.

I've become very constipated. Its nearly impossible to pass a stool, let alone a 'normal' one. I've developed blood and mucus in my stools. Over the past few nights I get extreme cramping, may be related to something else but it hurts SO much when I try and pass a stool.

Im worried ive done perminant damage to my bowels. Im really really freaked out and scared. I don't know what to do. I feel so embarassed I don't want to speak to my doctor about this but its worrying me so much I don't know what else to do really.

Can somebody please help me with some advice or just kind words... Its so embarassing and im so scared. and in so much pain.

Sorry for the tmi... x

08-11-09, 15:42
Hi there

I also have a phobia of diarrhoea having had several bouts since giving birth just over a year ago. I am now in so much pain and constipated due to taking so much Imodium like you. I had to go to the doctors on Friday and admit that I have a problem with my bowels not pleasant :( The doctor said I have made myself so constipated that I am now getting diarrhoea overflow (really horrid) and has given me so stuff to clear my bowels out. They sent me straight to the hospital to have an x-ray to see how bad the impacted bowel is- Im now awaiting the results and very worried. Anyhow, what I really wanted to say was go to the Doctor if you can bear to, and I know how hard it is, I could hardly breathe when I went - as mine has got worse and worse as I kept leaving it and I have blood and mucus also. Hope Ive been some help to you. Take care x

08-11-09, 15:48
have you passed anything please reply

08-11-09, 20:32
I have, last night I got diorhhea and passed more than I thought was physically possible. Sorry for tmi. I am going to HAVE to go to the doctor this week its freaking me out too much..

Thanks Chris, now I know I really DO have to go to the doctor.. Let me know when you get your results back and how things are working out?


08-11-09, 21:29
Hi Rachel

Im sorry you had the vile diarrhoea its so horrible. Please let me know how you get on with the doctor. If it helps I asked to see a lady doctor and that really helped me to get through it. Ill let you know what happens with the results. Good luck and hope you feeling a little better very soon xx

08-11-09, 22:33
Please don't be ashamed about this. We sometimes look for a quick fix and if there's something you can buy over the counter or at the supermarket then of course you'd try it. Please go to your doctor and don't be embarrassed - they'll have heard it all before. They can give you something to help where you won't have to worry about it.
Take care

09-11-09, 07:11
Thanks for the kind words Myra. I booked an appointment for this Friday.
Chris my doctor is a lady which is a benefit but because I always go to her I think I get more embarassed... She knows my history though which is a good thing.


21-11-09, 22:14
Hi everyone. I spoke to my doctor about my abuse of diorhhea medication. She's telling me I have to stop immediatly or I could wind up with an impacted bowel.

The idea of not taking them sends panic down my spine. I've been good with my anxiety for the past few weeks and now im stuck inside my house with an anxious tummy and I don't know if i can do anything without taking them. Im so scared and I have no courage. I don't know how to get through this....

Id love some support... And advice from anyone who has been through the same thing and has gotten off the medication....

Thanks.. xx