View Full Version : Scared I am going mad!

08-11-09, 10:08
Hello. I hope people can reassure me because I am really worried.

Basically I keep forgetting little things and I am worried I might be losing my mind or something.

I had this same worry about 1.5 year ago. It started because when I was watching films that I had watched before I couldn't remember seeing certain parts of the film and that made me panic.

Then a few months ago or so I was with my friend in the shop and we were talking about her new house and for about half a minute or so I couldn't picture her house at all and it really panicked me.

Then when I went to sign into my msn on friday night I couldn't remember the password straight away and tried my old one and then panicked because I couldn't remember the one I use now.

Also last night my boy friend said to me that a week or so ago I pointed out a dvd on tv and said about getting it for my little boy but I don't even remember doing it!

With programmes I see that I have seen before I don't always remember them properly.

I am on citalopram but have only been on it for just over 3 months so can't really blame that.

Does any one else have this same fear? Does any one else feel like they are going mad some times?

Thank in advance for any advice. I am really worried :(

08-11-09, 10:13

No I don't think you are going mad - if that was the case there would be a whole queue of us with you!! I think when you are anxious your mind becomes preoccupied with it all and that's why sometimes you just don't take everything in. I've done this myself many times. It's a bit like walking from one room to another to get something and then thinking "what did I come in here for?". Similar thing. So please don't worry.:hugs:
Myra x

08-11-09, 10:23
Thank you for replying.

I guess that is the case with anxiety that it is so hard to take things in. I am making myself worse I think because the last few days I have been constantly worrying about it now! x

08-11-09, 10:48
Hi Cassy
I read your post and i am so sorry but i have felt the same problem i also thought i was going mad, i have been told by my GP because of my anxiety and panics i am not thinking rationally. I have been recently percribed Citalopram 20mg but i have not touched them yet. I feel better knowing i am not the only one who thought i had something wrong.

08-11-09, 11:23
Hi Cassy

The fact you are scared of going mad proves you are not
anxiety has a way of affecting your memory because it foggs your concentration levels.. but that is NOT madness its anxiety

Best wishes x

08-11-09, 12:38
Thank you for replying. I feel a little better knowing other people have this problem too. It's just almost impossible not to think the worst!

My Mum says that its people who think they are totally ok and ignore that are the ones that have some serious problems so I guess that is true. It's just hard to think that way x

08-11-09, 13:03
Yeah PanicOver is right, the fact that you fear it means you are deffo not going crazy.

The things you list as forgetting i think everyone does from time to time, don't get me wrong i was the same, freaking out about not remembering a password i've used for years.

It is all anxiety related :)