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View Full Version : Hi me again

08-11-09, 10:32
It's me again i joined yesterday but was very scared and upset to mention all that is happening to me here goes i am sozz if this is to much information.
7 weeks ago i had a traumatic miscarriage nearly died had to have blood transfusion with that i ended up with an external hemorroid, tooth infection in 3 teeth, oral thrush and vaginal thrush becasue of to many antibiotics. Now panic attacks from penicillin i was perscribed had an ECG at the hospital and they said it was nothing serious so i am panicky and depressed just wish someone had majic wand to make it all dissapear. I am trying hard to hold things together now thinking ok i am not well things will get sorted but i am very impatient just physically nd mentally exhausted. Was perscribed another antibiotic for tooth infection cant take it to scared that something will happen again and got myself very panicky yesterday. So far ok been doing things to occupy my mind but now just very drained and tired from worrying to the time i go to bed and all night then same thing all over again. Doctors have told me i am very run down my hormones all over the place just wish this was not happening to me. I know if i can get through today i can go back to my dentist tomorrow and get something done as i wont take the antibiotics i have been given i am in a vicious circle now with adding more aggrevation to my other on going health problems this panic attacks been everyday for 10 days an it is awful. I am really sorry for this but i have alwalys been a strong person but this has gotten the better of me at the moment, i have not had chance to get over my miscarriage or the fact of the seriousness of it with all these others things going on my tears have dried up and i feel drained now. :shrug:

08-11-09, 10:34
Hi boobs1967

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes