View Full Version : Weight Gain and Citalopram

09-11-05, 18:46
I've been taking Citalopram for just over 2 months and over that time I have gained a stone in weight yet I haven't altered my diet and if anything I am more active than I was 2 months ago. Has anyone noticed they have put on weight with these pills? Is it normal?

Thanks for any help.


09-11-05, 21:21

I put on 2 stone when I was on Dothiepin and Prozac.

Never really lost it either.

I think it is one of those things I am afraid.


09-11-05, 22:13
Hi Tim,

I was on citalopram for 7 years and I put on loads of weight whilst on them. I have just come off of them so im hoping it will fall off as easy as it went on, i doubt it though, never works that way lol.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

12-11-05, 17:41
Hi All

Wondered if anyone had had good results with the Citalapram. I am not sure at the moment - have been on it for 10 weeks and still feel quite low and a level of anxiety most of the time.

Y Goble

13-11-05, 12:17
I've just started my second month of citalopram, so far I've had no problems with my weight thankfully.

I'm feeling much better within myself, I have the odd emotional day where I may cry but all in all I've seen a huge improvement compared to how I was at the start of October :)

Laura xxx

14-11-05, 19:43
Well the Citalapram has been great for my panic attacks, so much so this month hopefully I will be starting to come off them. I went and saw my locum doc last week and she confirmed that weight gain is normal, pity my normal GP hadn't told me that before I went on them!!

19-11-05, 09:25
i have put on loads of weight since being on zoloft [V] but when i weigh up the pro's & cons i think i am better off fatter & healthier mental wise [^]

PTSD sufferer 2 yrs
married mummy to 3 kids

19-11-05, 10:30
weight gain (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3045)
Lexapro and Weight Gain (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5508)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

23-11-05, 16:37
I lost weight while on citalopram and have now found that now im coming off them i seem to be really hungry.

30-08-08, 00:14
I lost weight while on citalopram and have now found that now im coming off them i seem to be really hungry.
hi i have jus been given citalopram 40mg by my doctor as im prone 2 weight gain am weary of taking them. i was on setraline then venlafaxine for a year and a half altogether and have gained2stone. How was u weight wise before you took citalopram?