View Full Version : Would you Consider quitting Alcohol?

08-11-09, 17:00
Everytime I drink I get very anxious and/or depressed the next day. Not necessarily after having drank a lot. I don't drink often, maybe about once a week, but I'm wondering whether to give it up entirely so that I don't get the lows. It's just going to be really difficult to explain to other people.

Has anyone else decided to do this? What did you tell people when they asked why you weren't drinking?

I've quit alcohol before for a few months at a time because it was making me feel depressed the next day but everyone was constantly offering me drinks then asking me why I didn't want one, you can only say you're on antibiotics for so long! I don't want to tell people I'm doing it because of anxiety/depression.


08-11-09, 17:10
Hi. I dont drink a lot, perhaps a few glasses of wine at the weekend, but I would give it up in a moment if it was making me depressed. In fact I havent had a drink for weeks now and dont miss it at all. Just tell everyone that you have given up drink because it doesnt agree with you. You dont have to expain why.

08-11-09, 17:37
I would drink very rarely, when I did go out a few glasses would go straight to my head, it did make me relax initially but then the next day you feel worse. I haven't drunk anything now stick with hot chocolate to reduce my intake of caffine, and in pubs I will drink hot choc or orange juice with ice.

I wouldn't say it has improved things but I know I'm doing everything to help myself..Humly is right you don't have to tell anyone:yesyes:

08-11-09, 17:43
There are so many non-alcoholic drinks you can have. If alcohol makes you depressed I'd certainly stick to them. And it can be fun watching other people getting pissed and making a fool of themselves lol!

08-11-09, 21:10

I gave up alcohol all together as even a glass of wine gives me palps and/or tight chest feeling.

That said I feel no different for not drinking. I am sure the health benefits will be worth it.

Alcohol used to make me feel good. If it makes you feel bad why take it???


08-11-09, 22:22
Thank you, everybody. I think I might give it a try.

08-11-09, 22:44
You don't need to give excuses to people.

Just say you are on a health kick and cutting down on alcohol.