View Full Version : This is for all of you.

08-11-09, 23:57
I wanted to do a positive thread.... something to give us all some faith in ourselves so I recorded all NMP members a song....

I apologise for the timing being out but i hope you like it..

Every one of us has a hero inside.. we need to focus on that and we can get through this horrible condition that we suffer.


Hugs Mand xx

09-11-09, 00:02
Hey Mandy

Is that you singing, how brave of you... fantastic and thank you what a nice gesture :hugs:

09-11-09, 00:05
thank you sharon.. im used to it.. sing all the time .. i just thought the words of that song were appropriate for us all

09-11-09, 04:53
thanks and keep up the gd singing hugs


Desprate Dan
09-11-09, 05:11
Awwwww Mand, Thankyou soooo much, i really enjoyed that and you have a lovelly voice. You know i have heard that song many times but until i listened to you singing it i never really listened to the words, It really is a lovelly song the words are so fitting, i actually thought it was about me, see i have very low self esteem and i dont really like myself so i have lost trust in others due to being in a bad relationship and had any bit of convidence taken from me, but i blame myself for letting it happen, maybe one day someone will love me for who i am, but just like the song i believe by biggest task is learning to love myself first...:blush:

Thanks Mand it was a lovelly...:hugs:


Veronica H
09-11-09, 08:06
:bighug1:Thanks Mandy. Like Dan I hadn't lstened to the words before. You have a very good voice. :yesyes:


09-11-09, 09:04
That was great. Thank you for the beautiful song - it's very appropriate. :)

09-11-09, 09:12
Great song Mand
you should share more of your songs they are very uplifting

Thanks from all of us xx

09-11-09, 16:10
Aww that was lovely Mand

Well done.

I love that song

09-11-09, 17:01
Very nice - enjoyed listening to it! X

10-11-09, 14:16
Awesome.Well done you!