View Full Version : Anyone on Lexapro?

09-11-09, 09:38
I am on Citalopram and struggling big time in the last couple of months. So much naxiety, dizzyness and total lack of concentration.

I was thinking of going on Lexapro. Has anyone had any experiences on this med. I also hear that it is best taken alongside Wellbutrin ?

I suffer from generalized anxiety, for the last 15 years on & off.
Had some good times when on Seroxat but its stopped working after a few years, a nightmare to come off.

My doctor wants me to go on Prozac but I don't think it is much good for anxiety.

Any info would be good at the moment

Thank you

09-11-09, 17:24
Hi Ash,

I took Lexapro for about 3 years and it was a miracle for me. My symptoms went away within 4 days of starting it. I know that meds are different for everyone but honestly this was my lifesaver.

Maybe you should just give it a try and see for yourself.

Take care
Natalie x

10-11-09, 00:01
Lexapro (escitalopram) is just a stronger version of citalopram - they're essentially the same drug. My doctor reckons that there's no point switching to Lexapro (it's called Cipralex here) if citalopram doesn't work - but you never know - there are people that claim it did help.
Wellbutrin (bupropion) is only prescribed in this country for smoking cessation - not as an AD.