View Full Version : tearing feeling just below belly button,just under skin

09-11-09, 09:41
pls advise....and yes, i will go to the doc about this again...i went to him a few months ago but he said it was nothing......

i have this slight tearing feeling just below my belly button, just under the skin..i keep feeling there with my hands and cant feel anything.....it comes and gos on and off for months now....

im now 6 weeks pregnant and terrified this is something bad and the doc will take away my baby.....

pls advise if you have heard of this before...im so scared-crying lots.:scared11:

09-11-09, 11:24

Im sure its nothing serious, if it was it'd be doing alot more than just hurting.
Go to the doctor just to set your mind at rest or call your midwife they wont
take away your baby because the tearing just could be your uterus stretching
a little im not sure but it sounds like nothing, sorry i cant help with this but im
sure u'll be fine, my friend is 13 years old and shes heavily pregnant her birth
date is only 20 something days away and before she was pregnant she had the
tiniest figure ever, honestly its nothing dont worry your body is an amazing thing
but if your worrying then tell someone about this x