View Full Version : Huge set back:-(

09-11-09, 09:43
Hello evryone been on 10mgs citalopram for 2 months now, i dont no why but didnt sleep at all well last night and this morning woke up in a complete state. feel so anxious keep retching and cant eat i hate this so much. Docs again tom i dont know what to do. Anyone else felt like this xx

09-11-09, 10:25
it may not be the medication, you may have this virus going round my daughter was throwing up this morning but love her still gone to school. Hope you are feeling a little better now x

09-11-09, 11:40
I have not been on citalopram but I do know that anxiety can make me retch constantly. Maybe you just need to increase your dose to get the anxiety back under control and I am sure the doctor will be able to tell you tomorrow.
In the mean time is there some you can spend time with just to help you through today. I know it isn't easy and tomorrow must seem a long way off but having someone around and talking to people can help. :hugs:

09-11-09, 13:31
I agree with erin31, if you can have someone with you to help while you're not feeling well that would definitely help. You will have good and bad days still, I have been on citalopram for 2 months now and still have a few side effects every now and then.

I hope you feel better soon!

09-11-09, 14:13
Hello thanks for all your messages my 3 yr old is at nursury so trying to relax,still feel really bad and cant eat. I am hoping the doctor will prescribe me something till i move up to 20mgs she allready gave me diazpam 2mgs a while ago . So scared to ask for some more as i know will not prescribe more to me. Has anyone been prescribed anything else as a temp measure, i did try beta blockers but they dont help. Many thanks in advance xx

09-11-09, 14:54
Hi Tina.
I have also use diazepam as a temporary measure and still fall back on it in really bad times. I always make sure I have some just in case although I find I can usually manage without it.
I'm not sure why she won't prescribe you any more if it helped you?
Can you speak to her on the phone today and ask? I know you have an appointment tomorrow but sometime we need help and advice sooner rather then later.

09-11-09, 15:01
Hello i have tried ringing but shes not the duty doctor and i need to speak to her really. When i feel like this i guess i just panic. When i feel to anxious and to eat i worry so much as i am slim anyway the pounds drop off. Oh well im hoping this improves tomorrow. Hopefully my doctor will be understanding xx

09-11-09, 22:39
Please let us know how you get on tomorrow Tina :hugs:

10-11-09, 16:48
hey everyone just an update doctors was really good, she said its just a setback. Anyway has given me some diazpam until citalopram starts kicking in thanks for all your messages. I hope to be eating again x

10-11-09, 18:02
I'm glad it went well, was the 10mg working before the last set back?

10-11-09, 18:35
Hey well i felt better after the side effects had gone then 3 days ago i got a tummy ache and it set it all off again, sounds silly i know but ive been moved up to 20mg now. 10mgs wernt strong enough for me. I just think sometimes i will never stop feeling like this On the mend soon i hope. xx

10-11-09, 20:03
hi Tina
sorry to hear you've had some difficult days...believe me i have had my fair share of those!
i am currently on day 70 of Citalopram [initially 20mg but last 2 wks 30mg]. my last 'blip' was exactly 3 weeks ago - at the lead up to my period, which other ladies have agreed that this causes setbacks too.
i honestly never truly believed i would get to the other side, but am tentatively positive about my outlook now.
yes there are moments of panic, and feeling disengaged from everyone/everything [and memory loss which worries me too!] BUT i do feel a bit more like myself!
this only started to happen properly after about 8 wks and NOT what the leaflet/my GP said. [they stated that 1-3wks i should see an improvement...yeah right!!
anyway please try and persevere.
this fab site gave me hope and assured me to continue and i am glad i did.
take care x

10-11-09, 22:38
:yesyes: Good to hear. You sound a lot more positive today.