View Full Version : Feel faint when laughing so worried

09-11-09, 11:48
For the past 4 years I have felt like I'm going to pass out after laughing. It's like when you blow a balloon up and go all dizzy and light headed.

I'm so worried as I have Fibromyalgia and Raynauds and I can't cope with another illness. I'm only 25 and I have two young children age 3 and 1.

I keep thinking I'm going to die.

09-11-09, 12:13
hi kay ,,your not going to die get that out of your head all i can think it could be is blod pressurs have the doctercheck it or it might be balance in inner ear

09-11-09, 12:39
Hi Kay,
I tend to lurk on here and not post, but i felt i had to reply. I think i get this too from your description, it's so frightening and i've never found anyone who knows what the hell I'm on about!
I also find i get it when i cough or anything like that. Do you find that your hearing feels strange aswell, full almost when it happens?
I've been putting it down to a change in inner ear pressure or something like that.
I'm also 25 and have other health problems, i know what you mean when you feel like you can't cope with anything else.
*big hug*x

09-11-09, 12:44

09-11-09, 14:29
Aw thank you both for your replies. :bighug1:

I'm a little less anxious now. Sometimes my mind just takes over and I think the worst.

My hearing does feel a little strange almost like I'm in a tunnel but only when it happens.