View Full Version : I know this sounds crazy

09-11-09, 14:27
and I wouldn't have looked into it so much if I wasn't always worrying and anxious every day but since December I am regularly having such horrible dreams about my health and people close to me being affected that they seem so real and put me in a serious state of shock that I believe they will happen.

I dreamt last week that my mother would smash my favourite Erdinger drink glass in the sink. Since then I looked in the cabinet every day to make sure it was ok.

Last night I noticed it wasn't there. I phoned my mother who was working abroad and asked her where it was. She said it smashed in the sink.

Immediately I hung up, broke down and came to the conclusion all the dreams I have been having are true because this one came true.

Is this normal ?

I posted y/day for the first time and this is my 2nd post because I have no-one I can talk to about this.

Is this just a coincidence ? Or are my dreams about me getting bad illnesses and people close to me dying going to happen if this did ?

I know I sound off my head. I don't know what the hell I am worrying about anymore because my mental health is just horrific and I have never felt so low about myself and my state of mind


Veronica H
09-11-09, 15:00
Hi Starscream

:bighug1:sorry you are suffering right now. You have kind of answered your own question as you said;

I wouldn't have looked into it so much if I wasn't always worrying and anxious every day

You need to get the anxiety treated, and for the moment accept that you cannot stop these kind of thoughts, but that is all they are. Your nerves have become sensitised. There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes;SELF HELP FOR YOUR NERVES ISBN 0-7225-3155-9.This is available from the NMP shop. Dr Weekes was a fellow sufferer who really understood this illness. She took the mystery out of it, and devised a simple programme for recovery. I can't recommend this enough. This will get better.


09-11-09, 15:12
It is a coincidence, nothing more and nothing less.
Many people on the forum will know exactly what you are going through and no you are not crazy.
For years I had a horrible dream that I had lost my husband, I don't mean that he had died but in this dream I was looking for him and I just couldn't find him. It became so bad that I was frightened to go to sleep in case I woke up and found I couldn't find him!
Even now when I get really depressed and the nightmares return they nearly always revolve around losing someone I love and yes they seem very real but no they aren't a climpse of the future, rather a climpse of my own deepest fears.
When I was a child I had the same awful dreams about my father dying and worried constantly what would happen when he did. He is very ill now and I still worry but this is 40 years down on. So yes we will have the agony of losing loved ones but just because we dream something doesn't mean it will happen soon or we are predicting it. We are simply worrying about something that we know may happen.

It is so easy to believe dreams when they come true but just think of all the dreams you have that don't come true!

Are you recieving treatment for anxiety at the moment?


09-11-09, 15:24
Are you recieving treatment for anxiety at the moment?


Thanks for the reply.

No, I am not on anything just now.

I am getting hypnotherapy with Ali Campbell at the end of this month though.

I have had dreams that seem real and then don't happen.

But the one I had with the glass smashing coming true just hammered me.

I've been biting my gums all weekend and my right gum is in such a mess it's so horrible. I've been getting rashes too since.

It's hard to live my life just now without small little dreams coming true.

I had horrible dreams where doctors tell me I have a new disease/illness each week and it seems so real when they sit me down in the office and say I have only 3 months to live.

I feel like I am dreaming the future.

How can I stop dreaming so horribly because I wake up at 4/5am at night and can't sleep again and my boss at work says to me he notices how bad my eyes and face look due to my lack of sleep and continuing stress.

09-11-09, 15:25
Hi Starscream

:bighug1:sorry you are suffering right now. You have kind of answered your own question as you said;

I wouldn't have looked into it so much if I wasn't always worrying and anxious every day

You need to get the anxiety treated, and for the moment accept that you cannot stop these kind of thoughts, but that is all they are. Your nerves have become sensitised. There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes;SELF HELP FOR YOUR NERVES ISBN 0-7225-3155-9.This is available from the NMP shop. Dr Weekes was a fellow sufferer who really understood this illness. She took the mystery out of it, and devised a simple programme for recovery. I can't recommend this enough. This will get better.



I will look into this book at Borders later on.

09-11-09, 15:55
I don't know how you can get a good nights sleep when you are so anxious without the help of supplements or medication from your GP.
The trouble with both is that what works for one person may not work for another.
I take Inositol and L tyrosine, and I do sleep better then I was a few weeks ago and I dream a lot less but it could just be that I am feeling better on a whole.

My own daughter had trouble sleeping while studying and found that Kalms worked, I have tried them and found they don't so it is hard to recommend something to you. You may just end up wasting your money.

Sometimes my dreams have been so real I have actually thought they happened or I have had a conversation in reality when in fact it was just a dream.
I can't tell you the number of times I found my husband sayin to me 'no, you must of dreamt that'.

I also have dreams that have come true but if we dream enough about things that could happen some of them are bound to come true.

Anxiety and depressin are horrible, vile things and they make us think in ways we wouldn't normally. I don't know how else to say this to you but dreams coming true are nothing but coincedences. For hundreds of years people have been trying to tell the future and they can't do it by dreaming or any other way.

Are you alone at the moment? You really should have someone with you just to help calm you.
You mentioned your mother? Is she there? Does she understand how you feel?
Maybe you need to talk to her so she can help put your mind at rest.
