View Full Version : Going back to work

09-11-09, 15:02
Just a quick post.
Has anyone found that working has helped them to feel better regarding their anxiety? I am sure it has but I would love to read of other peoples experiences. I do realise though that when anxiety and depression are really bad then it can be very difficult to work.
I wrote another post about how my new puppy has been such a big help in getting me out and about, which is helping me as regards my anxiety & agoraphobia.
I go out now twice every day and at night with my dog and I am actually enjoying being out in the world again, and chatting with people, even if it is only walking the dog! Being out so much, is making me realise how bogged down I was getting in my own misery, stuck in the house, and how just plenty of fresh air and exercise really helps me feel that bit better.
I have decided now that I am going to go back to working again or voluntary work starting off as part time and then take it from there.
I can see how being at home - even though I work from home - is not good for anxiety or agoraphobia, as the situation just seems to feed it. Dark winters days stuck in a house, is enough to make even the happiest of people feel down, I am sure! It gets too gloomy I find.
Not working outside of the home, is also making me feel a bit useless to be honest and gives me far too much time to dwell on how I am feeling. I need to stop using the internet so much too!
I think I will always have anxiety and agoraphobia in my life but I just need to work around it. My medication is helping a lot too. I am sure I would not be like this without it.
I feel like I have missed out on life during the past couple of years and although I am no where near recovered, nor may never be, I am going to have a crack at being out in the world again despite the problems I have. There are people working out there, who have severe disabilities, so if they can work, then me with anxiety and agoraphobia surely can. There must be ways around it to be able to work.
I just want 2010 to be a much better, positive, happier year, and the same for us all on this forum too.

09-11-09, 15:52
If you feel fit enough to work then without a doubt I think it's better for you to be mixing with other people and makes you feel normal again. Yes, sometimes it can be stressful but it also strengthens you in the long run if you try to carry on as normal. I worked throughout my anxiety and depression and, although it was difficult at times, I managed to get through it with the help of occupation, anti-depressants and a copy of Dr. Claire Weekes book!!! If I were to stay at home I'd only have wallowed in my own misery. I came through the other side and would say to anyone if they can carry on working, with a bit of help if they need it, e.g. meds,, then they should.

09-11-09, 20:13
Thanks for your reply, Myra.
Your reply gives me hope that I will be ok when I return to work.:yesyes: