View Full Version : Living in Fear....

09-11-09, 15:16
I am just miserable right now - I feel like I am just going through the motions in life....I am always afriad that my husband is going to want to divorce me or that I am going to get fired from my job....I feel paniced sometimes..like I can't get a grasp. Fortunately I am workign on medication and getting the right dose, so I know that eventually I will feel better...I look at some of my friends who don't seem to have a care in the world...does anyone else feel the same way???

09-11-09, 15:24
Oh yes!

I worry so much about losing my husband and family.
I worry about them when they aren't here and once they are all safely home I find I am still worried so I then find something else to focous my worry on.
I've just come off my meds and my aim in life now is to stay off them but it is hard.
I hope you soon feel better :hugs:

09-11-09, 15:29
I am just miserable right now - I feel like I am just going through the motions in life....I am always afriad that my husband is going to want to divorce me or that I am going to get fired from my job....I feel paniced sometimes..like I can't get a grasp. Fortunately I am workign on medication and getting the right dose, so I know that eventually I will feel better...I look at some of my friends who don't seem to have a care in the world...does anyone else feel the same way???

I constantly worry about losing my girlfriend and my family, yeah.

I always think of the WORST possible scenario all the time.

I was made redundant in June from my workplace of 5 years and that hit me hard. I now have a better job in all aspects (pay, people, enjoyment) and I continue to think I will be fired every day.

Every email I Send i analyse for 10 minutes before sending it to make sure I haven't offended anyone or spelt anything wrong.

When HR ask me if I have a minute for a chat, I sweat, get anxious and almost collapse with fear, even though they just want to know if I'm happy in the job and stuff.

It's not nice at all.

You aren't alone and hopefully this'll make you feel better that I suffer from this as well.