View Full Version : polycystic ovaries (woman plz)

09-11-09, 16:23
hi everyone i dont seem to post alot now but today i need some advice woman prop better,

i really dont know much about polycystic ovaries atall

today my 14 year old daughter has been told she has polycystic ovaries after having no periods for 7 month and doc done blood work.

i dont really know much about it and dont want to google. she has the docs on wed.

all im looking for is if anyone has or know someone with this and what to expect

i know she wont be able to have kids as it makes infertile and periods can be one in a blue moon.

thts about all i know i would love some advice or information.


09-11-09, 16:35
Hello... sorry to hear your daughter is having a hard time... I would recommend you ask for your daughter to have an ultrasound scan to confirm that diagnosis.. i would be surprised if this could be diagnosed by blood works alone.

I thought I had this condition many years ago and had an ultrasound scan that ruled this out.

I don't personally know a great deal about this illness but one of my very closest friends suffers from this quite badly and has some trouble with weight issues and slight facial hair (not noticeable on first glance though).

I dont think kids are always out of the question and dont forget that by the time your daughter is looking to have kids medicine in that area would have moved on immensely.. there is every reason to think that one day she will be able to conceive kids even if it is with some help.

I think the important thing for your daughter is to get a firm diagnosis (if you havent already) and to remember that this condition is very common and will, by the time she is an adult, be more than likely far more treatable.

I hope things work out well for both of you.

Love Mand x

09-11-09, 16:36
I was told I had polycystic ovary syndrome but I dont have the cysts!!!!!I really dont know that much about it,but there are quite a few people here who have it and can probably answer your questions.I know alot of women have gone on to have children.There is help with fertility and certain diets help to.

I have facial and body hair,weight gain,spots at certain times of the month.:hugs:

09-11-09, 16:39
tks for ur reply my daughter has to go up to the hospital to c a doctor who deals with womans trouble.

my daughter is overweight aswell not noticed much about hair though,

she keeps saying she doesnt want kids but i know she will change her mind. and hopefully times would have moved on and she could concieve natrually.

my sis knows someone who has it and she needed ivf i know it might not come to that but i worry about her.

the doc seems pretty confitent it is polycystic ovaries with doing the blood test.

i was hoping there were some people on here who could help just didnt know where to post the message.

09-11-09, 16:44
i forgot to say that the boold test showed she had to many male hormones in her body i dont know if that has anything to do with it

09-11-09, 17:05
Yeah that will have something to do with.... thats what causes the cysts i think... dont worry though.. it is very common... im sure she will be just fine with the right medical care.

Just keep her confidence... lots of praise.. lots of flattery.. would be a shame for a young girl to have low self esteem because of this condition.

all the best

09-11-09, 17:10
tks for ur reply she has a good head on her shoulders and she will deal with it well as i havent told her yet waiting for her to come on from school.

im sure ill find out more on wed when we see the docs.

tks for ur help

09-11-09, 17:14
let us know how she gets on x

09-11-09, 17:16
i will do i keep yous updated :hugs: thank you

09-11-09, 19:09

I have had polycystic ovaries since i was 19 and am now 37.

I conceived naturally and have a daughter of 10

I had to have an ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis because you cannot be sure from the blood test alone.

Anything u need to know pm me and i will help if i can

love mandie x

10-11-09, 09:16

iv also got polycystic ovarie syndrome, they are lots of diffrent symptoms some ppl have some other people have none, mine on weight gain and lack of periods sometimes not one for 12 months, also when checked whilst taking a fertility drug i wasnt ovulating

this is a brillant website http://www.verity-pcos.org.uk/

also they is some good book pcos and your fertility-- by colette harris and theresa cheung is a good one

she should be able to have children without much of a problem as a fertility drug called clomid is brillant with pcos

if you would like any other info pm me


10-11-09, 10:35
tks for ur reply i had a talk with her when she came in from school last night didnt want to say to much untill we see the doc tomorrow.

as for having kids i hope that she can but i know it might not be easy and will need help she is admint that she doesnt want any anyway but at 14 she is to young to decide that the now.

i wonder if this runs in the family noone on my side has it but she was concieved after a few weeks of knowing her dad and he left and she has never seen him so i dont know much about there family history.

the webisite u gave me is great having a read through it.

when i spoke to the doc yesterday she was getting refereed to a gynaecologist that i dont know why yet also she has to many male hormones.

i think she will have akward periods aswell.

the doc also says she isnt proudcing eggs i dont know what that means either i dont know much about all that.

10-11-09, 10:43

they is some research with says pcos is passed down from the dad, as for having male hormones thats normal with pcos thats how they do a blood test to diagnose it.

if your daughter is worried about not having periods she can go on the pill which helps with some of the symptoms like excess hair, acne, weight gain or painfull periods, also losing weight if your over weight can also reduce some of the symptoms as well, i found when i lost a couple of stone my periods did turn back regular for 6 months


10-11-09, 10:46
tks i dont think she is bothered about having periods think she is glad she doesnt have them, as for weight she is 10 stone and is about 5ft 7 so i dont know if she is over weight she does look heavy but might not be bad.

i dont know about the pill as it has alot of side effects and isnt good for u long term.

10-11-09, 21:21

Just coz u have polycystic ovaries, it dont mean u cant conceive natuarlly. I did. You can still get your periods but not ovulate every month.

There is lots of things u can do to help the symtpoms. This is such a common condition

love mandie x

its all good
11-11-09, 15:17
Hi mum of 3, I was told I had polycystic ovary syndrome when I was 17 as up untill then I had not started my periods, it didn't show up on a belly scan so i had the internal probe thingy and it showed that i had pcos. When i found out i had it i did a lot of research as my consultant recommended i did this. Theres a website called soulsysters.net that has some useful info on it. I think the most important thing to remember is that pcos takes a diff form in every person. My symptoms r lack of periods and i have to have a medication induced bleed 1 a year. I also suffer with the weight aspect as apparently pcos can affect the insulin levels in the body, i have been looking into this recently and there are special diets pcos sufferers can follow to manage their weight. Having pcos can make it harder for some suffers to lose weight but when i lost a couple of stone a few years ago i had a bleed everymonth. My consultant said they would probably regulate if i lost weight but i didnt think they wud but they did and i was surprised. Although as i said its harder to keep it off so i wud recommend that if weight gain is a symptom of ur daughter's pcos then take up the dietician offer that the consultant can arrange. The excess hair thing, touch wood this is not 1 of my symptoms but this is caused my the excess of male hormones in the body, I won't lie and say i have found this condition easy as I have suffered but the symptoms if your daughter gets any are manageable. The fertility thing was a big issue for me because obvs i want to have kids when i am older, i'm 24 now so maybe in a few years i want to start my own family but loads of sufferers have had kids, ok maybe with a little help but i am optimistic. Victoria beckham has pcos and she has kids, again shes a perfect example as to how the condition effects diff people, shes got kids, she isin't overweight, but she suffers with acne which can be a pcos side effect. Suppose what i am trying to say is that ur daughter is not alone with this condition and other then irregular periods she may or may not suffer with any other symptoms. I did have a lengthy convo with my doc about this as i was daunted by the way the consultant had put things and she reassured me. I hope all goes well today at the hospital for ur daughter and if u need to know anything else and i can help u i will just pm me, best wishes to u and ur daughter, kayliegh x

11-11-09, 18:21
hi tks for all ur replys got back for the doctor today she wasnt to concerned said amy had male hormones but at the low end she still thinks it is pocs but she says amy is to young the now and when she is older they can deal with it they dont know about kids yet the doc says she might be fine to concive when she is older,

she has also been told she has to lose some weight to c if that helps it doc doesnt know if her periods will return or when so far she hasnt had any since feb.

im still not any futher forward infact still dont have a clue lol

but tks for ur advice

11-11-09, 19:04
Hi I have polycystic ovaries. I was unable to conceive naturally. I was put on clomid a fertility drug that stimulates the ovaries to produce many eggs. You will only ovulate when the eggs reach a particular size. I think it is about 22mm. With polycystic ovaries the eggs will rarely reach maturity. Everything has to be right. The lining of the womb has to be at the right thickness for the mature and now hopefully fertilised egg. Clomid was not selective enough and I just produced multiple immature eggs. It can work for some people. I eventually had IVF after eight and a half years of trying other treatments and disappointment and heartache. However women with polycystic ovaries are at risk of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. This occurs within an IVF or IUI cycle. The womans ovaries are stimulated with injected hormones. You are monitored at the clinic. However from getting no response some women like myself produce multiple eggs. These could all potentially ovulate. This produces fluid that can be potentially life threatening.It can travel to the lungs and chest making breathing difficult. The abdomen distends and nausea and sickness are present. This happened to me but I was admitted to hospital for rest and IV fluids. I eventually managed to have my son after IVF treatment at St Barts hospital. When the time comes I suggest that your daughter gets a proper diagnosis of her infertility? and goes to a teaching hospital for treatment. I hope all goes well for you.

11-11-09, 19:43
tks for ur reply im sorry u went through so much to have ur little boy i know ivf can be hard, she didnt say to much about amy conciving she said something about her posc is at the bottom end and she might still ovoulate but because her age its no concern maybe when she is older and ready for kids we might find out.

to be honest the doc didnt seem to concered about it all togther she says there is diff levels of it and amy is at the low end but still doesnt help me out.

11-11-09, 21:09
If you can keep an eye on how regular your daughters periods are. If the gaps are too big it can cause unhealthy build up of the womb lining and pain and heavy bleeding. I was put on the pill at fifteen 'to regulate my periods' but I'm no great fan of it because I just think that it masks problems for later. Encourage your daughter to eat healthily and exercise and she will probably be alright. It is good to have the pcos diagnosis now. It took years for me.

11-11-09, 23:22
I have PCOS too. I found a low GI diet really worked, I lost weight and had regular periods. Unfortunately, I have rather lost my way on the diet due to other things. I was put on the pill to regulate my periods too.....never worked!! The verity website is great and as your daughter gets older she might find it really useful.

12-11-09, 14:04
tks for ur replys she hasnt had a period for 8 months long time the doc did ask amy if she wanted the pill but she said no,

she still takes cramps but no bleeding, i did the ask the doc about health risk when not having a period but she said she will be fine the now.

i have to hand in a unrine sample so she can check her hormones through that.

12-11-09, 14:42
hi i have pcos also, was diagnosed when i was 17 after went to the docs with very irregular periods, tryed to concieve with a previous boyfriend for 4 years and was placed on a waiting list for ivf, we broke up so i was put on the dianette contraceptive pill as i suffered from the bad skin side effect (roaccutane was brilliant for that) then got with my current boyfriend and decided to try and was pregnant within 2 months of comin off my pill, am convinced it was being on the pill in the 1st place as it regulates you so when you come off it i think it sticks a bit, but it doesn't really affect you to much if you have a good diet and excersice and if she does develop the excess hair theres always laser hair removal. only bad side is you can have very painfull periods but then again you can have that without pcos. o yeah i remember having the cramps with no period its like your body wants to have a period theres just no bleeding. i think what happens is when the follicle normally matures to be released the cysts somehow interfere and therefore no egg is released, but this does not happen every time and she is still young so her body still has time to settle to its own routine, i remember having periods every 4 months then eventually every 3 months, you still have a cycle its just not an every month cycle. hope this helps anyway.

12-11-09, 15:02
tks for ur reply she started her periods at 11 they were always strange but i just though it was her age she would take 1 month and miss the next month then miss 2 months then they stopped all together, the doc weighed her she isnt that over weight either.

she doesnt have excess hair yet nor bad spots but she is very moody i dont know if that is anything to do with it.

i dont know if the best thing is the pill though she doesnt want it.

12-11-09, 18:13
To gossip girl: in a normal cycle a human egg must be between 16mm and 22mm in order to ovulate. Woman don't always ovulate every month but might still have period. Sometimes we ovulate two eggs at a time. In pcos womens eggs just don't get to any respectable size to ovulate. They wont fertilise unless they are this size. The fluid filled cysts in the ovaries do not always contain an egg. Pcos is usually diagnosed by ultrasound and blood tests which identify these cysts. Women are born with all their eggs at birth. We don't 'grow' eggs as men are able to produce sperm. As we grow older our eggs deteriorate in both quality and quantity. A womans fertility falls sharply after the age of thirty five. Women over the age of thirty five are more likely to have difficulties in conceiving if this has not happened after six months of trying. From my own experience I would see an early diagnosis of pcos/ and infertility. The pill does not usually 'regulate' periods after it has been stopped. In my case my body just reverted to its old ways. It is usually more difficult become pregnant after stopping the pill. I was prescribed norethisterone which I took before fertility treatment started. Taking this for two weeks and then stopping would bring on a withdrawal bleed.

12-11-09, 18:57
o yes i know women are born with our eggs but there not all mature are they? anyway i was told something along those lines it was quite a few years ago now so couldn't be 100% i had loads of tests done myself as i was refered to a fertility clinic, has the blood test done quite a few time although i dont know why they bother because your always sent for a scan to confirm, also had something else cant remember what it was called but they fill you with a dye and you can see everything on a screen, think that was to see if tubes were blocked though which thankfully they weren't.

mumof31978 i didnt get excess hair on my body just noticed i had to shave my legs more than my friends and i didn't get bad skin till later teens, just something to look out for as if you get it they try you on every single antibiotic but they dont work as the acne is difficult to shift thats why i was refered to a dermotologist who put me on the roacutane which was brill took longer to work than it should have and was told acne will prob return but no sign yet fingers crossed, people all vary in symptoms and severity, doctors were quite abrupt with me saying i wouldnt concieve natrually i was in tears even though i was young but they were obviously wrong, as for the pill if she's only 14 she shouldn't need to be on the pill anyway but she can make her mind up when she's a bit older, i would watch for the moods though i was terrible as a teenager (around 14 15) but that might not be related just remember she might say she doesn't want kids n everything but it might be affecting her really she might not fully understand or think its worse than it is so just put her on to the websites people have suggested and i wouldnt push it to much with her, it might make her worse, well it did with me anyway, she'l be fine, i took comfort in knowing people like victoria beckam has it and she's an icon to some young girls quite a few celebs do acyually just cant think off hand. anyway sorry for rambling on i'l finish now xx

12-11-09, 19:25
tks for ur relys u are really helping me and ur not rambling on, the thing is she is just 14 a child and thats prop why the doc is leaving it the now untill she is older to decide, she has been saying she doesnt want kids since she was young but alot can change, i was also not sure of putting her on the pill as it can make her sexual active.

i just feel for her knowing that if one day she did want kids it will be harder than it should be dont know were she gets it from im a very fertile person.

shoulnt they be offering her a scan though?

15-11-09, 20:02
yeah they normally do a scan to confirm it, ask the doctor next time she has to go and just see what they say, actually mayby they only do the scan if your wanting kids soon and need to be refered to a fertility clinic, just ask anyway xx

15-11-09, 21:06
To mumof31978. Allowing your daughter to be put on the pill will not 'make her sexually active' There is nothing in it as far as I know that would make her seek out sexual relationships? If the idea is there then maybe she would seek out sexual relationships but then again she might not? I went on the pill at fourteen. I did not have sex until a lot later. I am personally not in favour of going on the pill at such a young age as I put on lots of weight and had horrible stretch marks and ended up hating myself. I would suggest norethisterone to regulate her periods. She is too young to have the responsibility that being on the pill might bring.