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View Full Version : Tingling in legs

09-11-09, 17:45
Hi, I hope I am ok to ask again about the tingling in my legs - to be honest I find it much better than googling a symptom asking on here!

So, many of my symptoms have improved and the anxiety has certainly worn away to a degree over the last few days. I have one sensation though that seems to linger on and is worrying me, so I hope you folks can reassure me.

I have a tingling sensation in my legs, more in the lower legs and more on the left. It started with just the back of my legs but is now sort of all over from the knee down. My concerns are that 1, this could be a sign of leakemia or something or 2, it confirms my brain tumour fears. I know anxiety causes pins and needles and tingling through lack of oxygen etc. but, the thing is that this happens even when I am not anxious and doesn't seem to go away.

It would be great to put this worry to rest and hopefully move on a little, although I am seeing the neurologist in Wednesday and that is VERY scary - I've never seen a specialist before.

09-11-09, 17:55
Now I am starting to think it feels like sunburt skin which i've seen people talk about on here and relate to leukemia. I'm getting myself into a right upset, worrying mess again. Why does it never end

09-11-09, 18:06
its not ,its anxiety ,the more you worry about these symtoms the orse you will feel why dont you have a cool shower mark see if it helps i dont think there is aything wrong with your legs ,,

09-11-09, 18:34
I know, its ridiculous that my mind is now partially over the whole brain tumour thing (its still lingering somewhere though no doubt) and now it decides to concentrate on something else. I just really want it all to stop so I can have my-old-self back again - I hate this health anxiety so much as it's ruining my life now.

I do promise though that, even when I am feeling better, I will be back on here helping others get through their worries because I need to give something back after all the help I have received.

09-11-09, 19:35
you see you believe in yourself you know you will get better that's great thinking ,,you know you wont have cancer don't you but that little voice in your head is telling you have tell it to shut up ,, was a palliative care nurse that's nursing patents with terminal cancer ,,do you know,they were the bravest people i have ever known ,,so be strong and fight this you can o it,,,,when you see a young child with cancer and you see here strength its amazing no fear ,,even at 14 and 15 years ,but now i have anxiety i know what we go through is very bad ,xx