View Full Version : Tracking after injection

09-11-09, 19:24
I had the swine flu vaccine on Thursday, my arm was stiff, sore and swollen over the weekend, today it is so much better, I can move it and it just feels abit sore, even the swelling is alot better.

Tonight after my shower I noticed what looked like a scratch across my arm, with a few burst blood vessells in it. It alarmed me coz the nurse said look out for a red band around the arm:mad:

I rang the out of hours and the nurse said to watch it, if it grows in length to ring back, she didn't really explain what it meant. She just said I would require treatment, antibiotics?

Can anyone reassure me, I am worried sick, she called it tracking??

The mark is below the muscle it was injected into, quite abit lower down from the injection site.