View Full Version : Sinus Infection???

10-11-09, 06:34
Hi Guys,

I suffer from mild health aniexty and the past week I have had a headache non stop, maybe a week and half. I looked up symtoms of a sinus infection and I have alll the symtoms so Im thinking this is deff what it is and Im excited to go to the doctor tommorrow to get some medicine. I read tho online (like an idiot) being left untreated can make things allllllot worse. It had been a week and now my neck is killing me. WHich could very well be from the gym or sleeping, but now Im afraid I have left the infection untreated and something worse has devopled. Any true reassurance?? Is a week too long to have waited, and personal experience with sinus infections. My head feels like it going to pop out ,my eyes are killing me, lights bother me, the bridge of my nose is throbbing with pressure. Ugh im miserable. Please help me out. love u all xxo

10-11-09, 07:52
no a weeks not too long to have waited... some people have it for years... my mother had a sinus operation after suffering for years and years with it.

Sinus infections cause severe pain in the face, especially when bending forwards .. sort of in your cheekbones.

I have suffered from sinuses on many occassions and have yet to take antibiotics for it and its always gone away on its own.

Best see if you need some meds but I really wouldnt worry... its only in extreme cases you need ops and other serious treatment.

You will be fine x