View Full Version : Recommend a book

10-11-09, 09:41
Can anyone recommend a book aimed at self helf for someone who has suffered long term GAD?

10-11-09, 14:38

I have read 3 books, cover to cover in my life:

Duncan Bannatyne autobiography: Taught me I will never have the financial b***s to take those risks

39 days of Gazza, Paul Gasgcoigne's time as manager of Kettering Town: Taught me not to drink and try and manage a football team at the same time

Claire Weekes, Hope and help for your Nerves: Taught me to accept, deal with, and eventually control anxiety to near normal levels.

Unless you are a fan of Dragons Den, or Kettering Town, I recommend Claire Weekes as this years xmas stocking filler ;)

10-11-09, 21:45
Unlimited power by Anthony Robbins. Not geared toward anxiety but it is all about controlling your brain.

10-11-09, 22:26
Overcoming Anxiety. Can't remember who it's by but all the docs recommend it. I work in a bookshop, I should know about these things lol! :P

Take care,


11-11-09, 03:24
The Anxiety Release Method by Joe Barry. Look it up on the net, it will change your life!:yesyes:

11-11-09, 05:46
Hi there

Over coming anxiety is by Helen Kennerley published by Robinson. You can get this from play.com at discounted prices or order via WH Smith.

It explains anxiety and reactions to it when suffering and uses CBT to aid recovery with self help sections to complete.

Good luck, I've been using this and overcoming depression also published by Robinson written by Pual Gilbert.


11-11-09, 10:11
As already mentioned - Claire Weeks: there are 2 books that i own
1. Self-Help for your nerves
2. Essential help for your nerves
Both these books can be bought from NMP shop (see top left)
Of the two i would rcommend the Essential help.
The first has no index so you have to go thro the whole book to find the help you need (BUT it is well worth the read)
the second has a very good index you can generally find yoru prob and some comfort pretty quickly ( my copy is double its size with 'post iit' notes marking essential pages:blush:))
The book by Helen Kennerly is also extremly helpful.
Best wishes

11-11-09, 10:22
I also would recomend claire weekes, i have had them for years now, and will still look at them now when i need some reassurance, or to re look at something . cant recomend them highly enough,,

P x

11-11-09, 10:35
Overcoming Anxiety is by Helen Kinnerley

but Claire Weekes books are the ones I swear by, and I have read many many

PS: Jaco...... After reading Gazza's 39 days, I'd need to read Claire Weekes again !

11-11-09, 10:46
I have to say I have read the Claire Weekes books and am not a huge fan.

Though I am currently reading Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Dummies and it is amazing!! It is really about retraining your thoughts and really is a goal setting positive thinking book to get you better which is what i find helpful as i already know all the facts about anxiety and panic but want to get better and that is what this book helps towards :) x

11-11-09, 11:58
helen kenerly is VERY good IF you can discipline yourself to do the work - ie the charts and marking your feelings / sensations on scale of 10
I do not have the patience to "keep up the good work"