View Full Version : Very scared - upper back pain when taking deep breaths

10-11-09, 11:39
Hello everyone, well I'm in a panicked state. Earlier this evening, I was lying down and I took a deep breath and I felt a stabbing pain in the upper right side of my back. I kind of freaked and soon after I took another deep breath and it happenned again - infact it happened several times. When I got up I massaged the area and the pain seemed to go but now I'm consciously making myself take these deep breaths to see whether I'm going to get the pain again. In the last few months this has happened on and off where I've also had the same pain on breathing underneath my ribs and I'm so scared that this could be something very serious like lung cancer (yes, I am a smoker so all the more freaked out) I am so terrified of this disease that any small pain in my chest area causes me a great deal of concern.
Not sure if this is connected but I was burping quite abit after dinner (as I have reflux) so could this be trapped wind?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Has anyone else had this type of pain with breathing?
Thank you.

10-11-09, 15:08
im 30wks preg an am havin pain in my upper back like between my shoulder blades so just to say its not lung cancer hunni no way uv either strained it or its due to acid reflux as i suffer frm that an last few days this ache as benn terrible it does snag a lil wen i try an take a big breathe but im puttin it dwn to reflux as i dnt not smoke ,u havin any trouble breathing? i doubt thid has anythnk to do with yr lungs so pleased dnt worry try an stay calm easy i knw with health anxiety try and see ur doc if it doesnt improve but i sayins its reflux or strained muscles as i get alot of neckache too which is proberely frm bein tense all the time hope this helps u a lil love C .xxxx

12-11-09, 10:33
im 30wks preg an am havin pain in my upper back like between my shoulder blades so just to say its not lung cancer hunni no way uv either strained it or its due to acid reflux as i suffer frm that an last few days this ache as benn terrible it does snag a lil wen i try an take a big breathe but im puttin it dwn to reflux as i dnt not smoke ,u havin any trouble breathing? i doubt thid has anythnk to do with yr lungs so pleased dnt worry try an stay calm easy i knw with health anxiety try and see ur doc if it doesnt improve but i sayins its reflux or strained muscles as i get alot of neckache too which is proberely frm bein tense all the time hope this helps u a lil love C .xxxx

Thank you C. I find that I can't take very deep breaths. I don't know if this is because I pretty much think about my breathing all day - especially if I get one of those upper back spasms at the same time, I keep trying to breathe even more. I can't even take a 'deep' yawn. I do have days though that I am absolutely fine - breathe normally and no pain but when this happens to me I am completely freaked out. Too scared to see my doc as well incase he diagnoses a lung disease.

Can overbreathing sometimes cause those pains? Wonder if anyone in this forum can shed some light on this.


12-11-09, 12:59

I have had this before many times when I was very anxious and my chest was so tight that it started hurting when I was breathing.

If it helps, pain is not a usual symptom of lung cancer.
