View Full Version : colds and hearing help..plz

10-11-09, 12:01
Can anyone help me with this one..I had a cold some 6 week ago..the cold lasted for 3,4 days..no probs there….Straight after next day or so i got a lovely chest infection..ok that lasted for about 4 weeks..that pretty much cleared up aswell.But whats happened when the chest infection was clearing up is that firstly my left ear become deaf,then a 2 weeks later I could feel it going in my right ear..my right ear has cleared slightly.but my left ear remains dealfish..i went to the Hospital late one night a week ago where a doc quickly looked down my ears said they looked ok ,gave me antibiotics for 5 days and some strong Sudafed stuff…Nothing seems to have cleared them..My sinuses where very congested but even that’s nearly cleared..its really got me down…and I don’t know what to do next..can anyone tell me if anyone else has eve had this..thanks for reading