View Full Version : getting worse...

10-11-05, 07:19
Hello all...Once again....
So I'm still fearing the seizure thing...I feel so strange these days. My back always hurts, my head is so fuzzy...Today I felt very sick...I couldn't describe it...I just felt ill...My body hurt, my eyes are always squinted because I'm so senstive to light...My head feels like there is pressure...my ears pop...my stomach hurts, I feel overly exhausted, but my body feels so much energy....my mind races, yet I'm so confused that I cannot make sense of it all...I am beginning to think it isn't anxiety I suffer form and something else.... my face gets tingly and kind of numb...my whole body gets extremely hot and I find it hard to focus...I know I'm going on and on...but there are so many things going on I cannot possibly name them all...I don't know what to do anymore...I feel weak, and scared....And alone...Despite what everyone on here says...I feel like I'm a different case...maybe I am not suffering form anxiety...maybe I'm ill....I don't know...it all sounds like anxiety...and I just don't know what to do anymore....I can't figure it out anymore...Help...Please...anyone get this way? ifs o please tell me exactly how you feel...I need details lol....thank you for your time...sorry for being all over the place with this...


10-11-05, 09:15
Hi Shannon
I know exactly what you are saying.I too have read stories on here and had loads of input from some great people,but still think,yes they have anxiety but i have something very different and worse.
I have had ALL of the symptoms you describe.Have you seen a Dr?They may be able to refer you for treatment or give you some advice on how to tackle it so that you can cope day to day.
Pm me if you want to chat
Hunny xx

10-11-05, 10:54
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Despite what everyone on here says...I feel like I'm a different case...maybe I am not suffering form anxiety...maybe I'm ill....I don't know...it all sounds like anxiety...

<div align="right">Originally posted by Shay1213 - 10 November 2005 : 07:19:43</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Shannon hun this is how we all feel - absolutely!!!!!!!!!

What things have you tried so far??

Love Piglet:)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

10-11-05, 13:13
Hi Shannon

I know what you mean, I go through the same feelings. I think I've got MS or a brain tumour and it can't possibly be anxiety. I think it's a natural feeling to continually try and find a logical reason for all these symptoms which come and go but are always there in the back of your mind.

I think it's because anxiety has such a variety of symptoms, and this then confuses us or scares us, and we try and look at other options. The great thing about reading the forums on this site is that someone somewhere always has felt as you have. Try and let this reassure you that it is anxiety you are suffering from.

Take care

10-11-05, 16:46
I know exactly what you mean, I too have all those symptoms and more sometimes, like today i am also dizzy and although my sinuses are bothering me , its because i have a " brain tumour" or a tumour behind my eye. Its awful to feel this way. I am new here and in need of support to. I just go from feeling that my pains are something nasty, ranging from a myeloma to brain tumour to any kind of cancer you can think about, and the worse thing is, im a nurse and that little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing to us anxiety sufferers who just cannot reason with ourselves.I too read all the posts on here and think that everyone else but me has anxiety, im the one who has something serious wrong with me, as if anxiety with hypochondria isnt SERIOUS enough

I just want my life back

10-11-05, 17:25
With anxiety there are multiple symptoms and we try to figure out what it may be that makes us feel so bad and we hold onto anything like you have grasped onto seizures just as some sort of possible explanation - which is highly unlikely as it doesn't work like that..

It is true though that anxious people may also have a real illness so its recommended to see your doctor and have a check up initially but if its all clear physically then you need to focus on self help for the anxiety and put energy into trying to improve that.

Too many different symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5461)


First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

10-11-05, 18:37
Hi Shannon hun,
Sorry to hear that you are having a hard time!!!
I think that it is the hardest part of anxiety/panic to realize that you don't have some illness that you can go to the doc and get some pill or something that will make all the symptoms go away.
When I first started having panic and I went to the doc and was diagnosed, my first thought was, "ok doc, then fix it". But I have realized that this is not something that can be fixed overnight. I have to work on my thought process. The way that I react to things. That is what has really helped me. It's a long road and we all have setbacks and even days when we think that we won't make it thru but that is just another trick that our minds play on us.
As far as details - ok - here is your make you laugh mental picture of the day :)
Here I am - half naked(that would scare anyone if they were to look in the window) cuz I am having a hot flash literally running around the house, washing walls and sweeping, anything to keep myself occupied trying to get my mind off the panic (or out run it - not real sure which one) and then frantically checking my heart rate cuz I swear that I am having a heart attack. Well of course this makes me even hotter. So I end up with my whole body shoved up against the open freezer door trying to cool myself down when my hubby walks out and says 'what are you doing'. I'm by that time a hysterical crying, sweaty mess and I feel like I should be in the loony bin. This scene happened alot, probably 2 or 3 times in a week. Until finally one day I said to myself, that's it. I'm not going to run around anymore. If I have a heart attack then I have a heart attack and I just sat back and kind of let the panic 'wash over me'. and then as quick as it came, it was gone. I don't know why but it seemed to make it go away quicker.
I still have panic every now and again but it is no where close to as bad as it was back then. I just have decided that whatever is going to happen will happen regardless of whether or not I am running around trying to stop it or not. I was at the point that the what if's were driving me mad. So when I would have a what if pop in I would literally say 'ok so what if I pass out - can I really stop it (of course the answer was always no). So what if people think I'm crazy- that was one of the biggys for me.
I know that it isn't a cure but it really did help me and now I am at a point in my life that 4 years ago I never thought I would be. I'm driving again, have a job, can go shopping , all without panic. I still have the 'foggy' days every now and again but I am getting better and will continue to.
You will too Shannon. I know you will. Oh and by the way,I want you to know that I luv ya and am always here for you!!!!


If the world didn't suck... we'd all fall off :)

11-11-05, 02:17
Thank you all for your responses...I just cannot believe anxiety can be so F'd up...I mean seriously...I never knew something like this could exist, and it'd be just all in your head...I have these chest pains alot lately, even when I'm not feeling very anxious, its between my breasts, on the left and right side...mostly on the left...But close to the center..if that makes sense...Is that normal? what is that exactly? Ihave had my heart checked...echo, ekg , stress test and a holter montior...apparently they found nothing...but what is this pain? Anyone know? and Does anyone else ever fear havinga seizure? I'm so anxious all the time about these things...I just don't know what to do. I don't want to see a psych or take meds....Whats the best way to beat this?


11-11-05, 02:30
Hi there,

I hope you feel better soon, panic symptoms are so real, it's hard to work out what's actually real and what isn't

Take care


"Life's a roller-coaster and I am not strapped in"

11-11-05, 08:31
Hi again

My anxiety has changed symptom wise a lot over the time ive had anxiety
I used to spend days in bed because i was SURE i was going to have a seizure,i used to avoid things that i thought would cause them too.I had this internal shaking which would then become visible and i used to try really hard to control it.
This is truly anxiety,i know that you will find it hard to believe,but it is,and please remember there are people here who undersatnd,you are not on your own.
Hunny xx

11-11-05, 08:55
Thank you Hunny...So many things go on in my head it just really scares the hell out of me....Did your ears ever pop? almost like you went under water? or were on an air plane? for no apparent reason this happens....Like pressure in my head, I don't understand it....I just cannot take this anxiety its so messed up....


11-11-05, 09:30
Typed a reply then got cut off there,arrghh!!lol
Yes,my ears popped,still do,i get ringing and buzzing in them too and feel really dizzy,cant hear properly.
The important thing to remember is that your symptoms wont harm you,i know its hard but try to think along those lines instead of wondering why you have them.
Hunny xx

11-11-05, 09:35
Hunny, I really appreciate all of your help...I've just been experiencing newer symptoms...I thought Ihad this slightly beaten, and now these just keep coming on and on...the newer they are the worse they get. Now my eyes are pouffy and sore, the way eyes feel after crying, only i haven't been crying, and my eyes hurtm feeling sore, and i seep purple spots...Its quite scary... I wonder..are there any tests I could get done to assure myself I am fine as far as my head goes?


11-11-05, 09:42
Have you seen a Dr?They will suggest the relevant tests and hopefully put your mind at ease
Hunny x

11-11-05, 22:58
I have, but I'm not certain my doc will give me these tests...I think she's beginning to feel that I should go to a psych doc. My next appointment with her is on thursday the 17th. But my symptoms aren't going away...I'm really scared...I feel like I'm on a bad road to crazy hell...I just can't seem to snap out of it...its beginning to affect me during the day. It used to be only night...Has anyone had this happen tot hem? does anyone have anything they reccomend to help me beat this crap?


28-11-05, 19:41
I was feeling very similar to this yesterday - I was certain that I was going to have a seizure. I also have an issue with my ears popping, my back hurting, my head feeling fuzzy, my body getting hot, my face getting numb...
It's hard to believe it's all due to anxiety and I am convinced that I have something medically wrong with me.
I might not understand your symptoms completely, but I understand your worry over the symptoms.