View Full Version : Coxsickie virus

10-11-05, 09:11
Hi everyone

Im sure you will have read my previous posts about feeling rotten etc!

I have been having pain under my left breast which had now spread to the whole side and back of my chest and a little to the opposite side too.I have been feeling really nauseous and have sharp pains in the stomach area.
The Dr says she didnt know what it was but said it could be the coxsickie virus.Of course i looked it up and am now terrified im gonna get it in my heart.Does anyone know anything about it and what would the symptoms be?
I am really scared because she looked at my notes and saw that id had chest pain for months and she thought it was the same thing,when i told her it felt completely different she just frowned.
Im worried that she just fobbed me off when i could have something seriously wrong[V]
Can anyone help?
Hunny xx

10-11-05, 10:28
Hu Hunny,

Ive never heard of this before - when the doctor said it mite be this, did they menyion about any tests or how they treat it?

Tatty B xx

10-11-05, 11:37
Coxsickie virus, I looked this up and it dont seem to have nothing to do with chest pain. It also says you have to have clinical tests to show if you have it or not. So strange I think the doc you went to has it all wrong. I would go back but am sure its chest pains caused by anxiety as this is so comon. Take care and dont worry. Vernon

10-11-05, 11:44
Hi hunny, I found this on nhs direct they are reliable

Editorial Team


Coxsackie viruses originate from the gut (enteroviruses) .

They are a common cause of sore throats, especially in children.

Half those affected do not show any symptoms. Symptoms include sore throat, fever and aches.

Mild cases will pass between 7-10 days.

Treatment usually consists of rest, keeping up fluids and symptomatic treatment of the sore throat.

Antibiotics are ineffective and there is no vaccine.

More serious but rare infections by coxsackie virus include infections of the muscles, brain and heart.

Other variations include hand-foot-and-mouth disease, ulcers to the throat and mouth, muscle pains or eye problems.

Newborn babies need special care if they develop a serious case of coxsackie virus.

Severe symptoms need medical advice to rule out more serious varieties of the virus.

Hand washing is the best preventative measure.

What is coxsackie virus?

Coxsackie viruses are a common cause of sore throats, especially for children, often in spring and summer. Typical symptoms are a fever, and sore throat and tongue in some cases.

Coxsackie viruses are very common and form a set of viruses called enteroviruses originating in the human digestive tract. Other enterovirus strains include Polio and Hepatitis A.

Coxsackie viruses are very hardy - they are spread through saliva, for instance through coughing, or via faeces on unwashed hands and surfaces. They survive for several days outside the body, even in frozen outdoor conditions.

How common is it?

Although anyone is at risk of being infected by coxsackie viruses, children are more usually affected. Half of all children infected will not show any symptoms. Some have very mild symptoms or just feel hot. Others may suffer other complications, causing pain to the eyes, chest or abdomen.

In rare cases the viruses may cause: muscle infection known as myositis; meningitis where the fluid surrounding the brain becomes infected; or a brain infection known as encephalitis. Cardiac myositis (infection of the heart muscle) can be fatal to newborn babies.

What are the symptoms?

Most sufferers will have no symptoms at all. Those who feel symptoms usually feel mild 'flu like symptoms including fever, head and muscle aches and perhaps a rash. A mild sore throat is usual, and sometimes nausea or abdominal pain is present.

Some children develop a condition known as hand-foot-and-mouth disease, where small painful blisters appear in the mouth, on the tongue and inside of the cheeks, and on the palms and soles of the feet.

Others develop painful blisters and ulcers in the back of the throat known as herpangina. These can appear on the tonsils and soft palate - the soft fleshy part on the roof of the mouth.

Some suffer chest pain when breathing.

Other variations of the coxsackie virus include myositis, a muscle infection; meningitis, an infection of the membranes that cover the brain; and encephalitis, a brain infection. These can be dangerous, and fatal in some cases.

How long will the virus symptoms last?

The duration of the symptoms depends on the specific type of coxsackie virus.

In the majority of cases symptoms disappear after 7-10 days, with the first 3 or so days being the worst. In some cases the fever comes and goes - it appears for a day, only to reappear a few days later.

What conditions are related to coxsackie viruses?

Although coxsackie virus generally results in mild symptoms, there are more serious conditions related to it:

Coxsackie virus is the common cause of haemorrhagic conjunctivitis - infection affecting the whites of the eyes. With this condition eye pain begins suddenly, with blurry vision and watering, and intolerance of light. The whites of the eyes look red and swollen.

Bornholm disease also known as pleurodynia, is a variety of coxsackie virus infection. It results in muscle spasm pain in the chest muscles and upper a

10-11-05, 15:55
Hi to you both
Tatty..No she didnt mantion any tests or treatments except to say take some painkillers!?

Vernon..Thanks for taking the time to do that,was very kind of you

I feel very run down,exhausted,a little feverish(but not that noticeable,)yet!!My heart rate seems normal(ish).Does your heartrate increase when youre ill?
Im dreading each day now,in case this will be the day i peg it :(
Hunny xx

10-11-05, 19:00
Hi Hunny,
Sorry you are feeling a little 'off' at the moment.. You won't peg it, not yet anyway! Try not to go to bed being afraid of tomorrow, this was a pattern i had a while back, and i convinced myself i would be ill the next day, and guess what? Yep! Now, i try so hard to think, o.k. i felt rubbish today and still managed to do a little shopping/cooking/housework, and i still survived, so tomorrow i will make a little more effort. I even started keeping notes of my feelings/symptoms and would look back and think i was like this last monday morn. and i still managed to go shopping...that sort of thing. i'm sorry if none of this makes sense. take care mate. you wil be fine, it is a bad patch you are going through, you will survive and come out the other end. xxxxxxjean

10-11-05, 22:06
Just had a lot of pain in the same area again.Wasnt breathless but my heart was racing.Wonder if Meg has any ideas?

10-11-05, 23:56
Thats anxiety Hummie I am afraid, lots get that feeling that you are going to die but dont worry I first got these feelings about 40 years ago and am still here. So look all them years of worry for nothing? dont waste your life worrying Its not easy I know but I have just started to realise and look at all the years i worried for nothing? take care. Vernon

11-11-05, 08:26
Hi Vernon
You have been so supportive,thank you
Do you think if it was my heart i would be breathless or have other symtoms as well?
Thanks for your patience
Hunny xx

11-11-05, 10:21
You can always ask Doctor for a ECG test just to put your mind at rest. Lots of doctors surgeries have a portable at the surgery so the nurse can take it, but if they havnt where you go it only takes seconds to have one done. But with anxiety thinking ( and its seems so real) having heart probblems, cancer and making all symtoms into life threatening Illneses (espesialy when people look up symtoms on the net) are so comon. Dont look up symtoms and try and keep telling yourself you are well and healthy is the only cure realy. By the way are you young and do you work?. take care Vernon

11-11-05, 15:01
Hi Vernon
I am 30 and yes i work part time.Why?
Hunny x

11-11-05, 17:27
Well there you are lol to young for heart attack yet.

11-11-05, 19:05
LOL.Thought thats what you might say!
Was thinking more of a heart infection type of thing,but,thank you ,you are a gem
Hunny x