View Full Version : Anxiety when walking/standing?!

10-11-09, 17:25
For the past few month I have started experiencing anxiety when walking or standing talking to people. I feel lightheaded and wobbly, start sweating profusely and think im going to fall or collapse. I havent. But it doesnt stop me. My leg muscles tighten and I feel like crying.

Im sure its anxiety because when im with my boyfriend and holding his hand (how cheesy does this sound) it never happens. But its starting to affect me and now i think about it constantly and have started to avoid supermarkets, town and hate work. I told my GP and he increased my citalopram to 30mg a day but I still feel the same.

Has anyone else felt like this before? Any advice.

10-11-09, 19:19
I feel kind of like that except I don't sweat. It makes it hard for me to go shopping or walking for very far. I think mine is a combination of anxiety and muscular problems with my low back and my really tight neck and shoulders. Pushing a shopping cart is hard for me and my arms get very tired. Also, when I am in stores and moving my head around a lot looking at all the products on the shelves I seem to feel off in the head and kinda weak. My legs also really tighten up. When I get to check out lines I sometimes feel really bad. Sometimes I feel like I can't hardly make it back to the car.

My problem may be nothing like yours. I can't really figure it out. If holding your boyfriends hand makes it all go away, then I would say that you are very anxious and him being there close really makes you feel comfortable. Don't feel embarassed about that at all.

Keep us posted on how you are doing.

margaret jones
10-11-09, 19:27
Dear Cher
Sorry you are having a bad time but it does sound like anxiety , i have suffered from the very same symptons as you describe and know how disabling they can be . Hope things improve for you soon

best wishes Margaret xx

10-11-09, 20:23

I get like this, especially when i'm feeling really anxious, the bright light in the supermarket make me feel dizzy, and making decisions is hard, and i think the worst bit for me is standing still in line, because then i think i focus more on my physical symptoms and how people are looking at me/if i look weird etc :/ and i just want to get outta there to somewhere relaxing!

12-11-09, 15:49
Hi there oh my god this is me!!! This is my worst fear is talking to people standing up as I go dizzy, feel like im going to pass out. I too have started avoiding going to shops that much and its bad in work...but I do try and force myself to do things. I am currently waiting on CBT referral. please get in touch if you need someone to talk to about it :hugs:

13-11-09, 15:29
When I first became ill with anxiety, moving seemed to trigger it. That was horrible, but eventually (after many weeks) it went away. I sometimes seem to feel dizzy for no real reason. All I can say is that this is how anxiety works. It does everything it can to get our attention.

16-11-09, 11:19
Hi there,
This is my 2nd time through the mill with anxiety and this is a new symptom for me this time, but it was the symptom that kicked things off this time and made me aware that I was ill again.
I get to the point where I feel like I can no longer put one foot in front of the other, and it takes real concentration to not fall over.
The reality though is that you're NOT going to fall over, just keep reminding yourself that your nervous system is jangled and because your nervous system affects your WHOLE body, you are going to get weird sensations.

All the best

21-03-17, 12:48
For the past few month I have started experiencing anxiety when walking or standing talking to people. I feel lightheaded and wobbly, start sweating profusely and think im going to fall or collapse. I havent. But it doesnt stop me. My leg muscles tighten and I feel like crying.

Im sure its anxiety because when im with my boyfriend and holding his hand (how cheesy does this sound) it never happens. But its starting to affect me and now i think about it constantly and have started to avoid supermarkets, town and hate work. I told my GP and he increased my citalopram to 30mg a day but I still feel the same.

Has anyone else felt like this before? Any advice.
Oh my god u mean I am no the only one that does this dizzeness trying to talk to someone wobbly and sweating my lord what is this

---------- Post added at 12:46 ---------- Previous post was at 12:44 ----------

Avoiding big high traffic areas is no life goodness I realize that your thyroid can do this to u

---------- Post added at 12:48 ---------- Previous post was at 12:46 ----------

I feel kind of like that except I don't sweat. It makes it hard for me to go shopping or walking for very far. I think mine is a combination of anxiety and muscular problems with my low back and my really tight neck and shoulders. Pushing a shopping cart is hard for me and my arms get very tired. Also, when I am in stores and moving my head around a lot looking at all the products on the shelves I seem to feel off in the head and kinda weak. My legs also really tighten up. When I get to check out lines I sometimes feel really bad. Sometimes I feel like I can't hardly make it back to the car.

My problem may be nothing like yours. I can't really figure it out. If holding your boyfriends hand makes it all go away, then I would say that you are very anxious and him being there close really makes you feel comfortable. Don't feel embarassed about that at all.

Keep us posted on how you are doing.

You will feel helpless at the check out line looking at one section toblong makes me feel off too

21-03-17, 21:16
yep sounds like what I get often. I feel like im walking on a boat, about to tip over. I was doing really well for a week, and then yesterday suddenly I went downhill again. Today at work, the whole time, I felt like I was going to tip over. I might have poor circulation because I get numbness in my quads, and an xray showed a compressed L5 disk on me.