View Full Version : Do I get side effects from Salbutamol ??

10-11-09, 18:17

In the summer I went to the docs and he gave me an Inhaler because I was wheezing a lot after exercising and my tight chest was probably brought on by me worrying a lot and stuff.

Anyway I had a new dosage on Monday and since using it my tongue is absolutely dry and I can't taste anything.

I bite my gums a lot when I am worried or nervous and they are ripped to pieces.

I know I shouldn't go on Google but it says I could have Oral Cancer or other bad things.

Is it likely to be the inhaler side effect ? Can I get a new dose from the Docs ?

I've had about 3 colds in a month too, for a maximum of two days. Don't know why I can't shake it off and I keep thinking it's all related and Googling things don't help.

Please can someone let me know if I'm going to be okay if I go to the docs ?

10-11-09, 18:24
It's better for you if you take a drink of water or juice immediately after using your inhalor as it does tend to make your mouth dry and can even make your throat hoarse. Sometimes we tend to take lots of bugs and colds when our resistance is low and that's probably why you have had lots of colds. Why don't you try some vitamin c tablets, or echinacea tablets from the health shop. Please try not to worry about your mouth.

10-11-09, 18:27
It's better for you if you take a drink of water or juice immediately after using your inhalor as it does tend to make your mouth dry and can even make your throat hoarse. Sometimes we tend to take lots of bugs and colds when our resistance is low and that's probably why you have had lots of colds. Why don't you try some vitamin c tablets, or echinacea tablets from the health shop. Please try not to worry about your mouth.



I am taking Vitamin C right now as I type. And the Echinacea stuff too !

10-11-09, 20:39
Just went and googled Dry Tongue Causes and it came up with some absolutely horrific reasons and I am now really really scared. :(

I can't help googling things and I shouldn't and now I am absolutely in bits at the fact that I could be on deaths door

Is this definetely likely to be the inhaler ? Is this a strong possibility ?

It hasn't happened before and I used it last night and this morning when I was all blocked up and stuffy and it hasn't went away even tho I have been drinking water, chewing gum and sucking on ice mints.

I hate this. I'm not going to be able to deal with this at all.

Please can someone help me with this ?

11-11-09, 09:18
Are you on ADs? when I started them I had dry mouth all the time.

11-11-09, 13:35
Well Salbutamol can give you a dry mouth, along with some other rare side effects, i'd say it's just a side effect to the inhaler, if you are that concerned speak with the pharmacist or your GP.

21-11-09, 17:43
I use a Salbutamol Inhaler with no ill effects like dry mouth if I use it sparingly, I had to take one four times a day for two weeks after a bout of pneumonia which caused my mouth to dry up.

Also an inhaler is for dilating the airways and won't help you if your just stuffed up, I'd lay off of the inhaler and take it only when your feeling tight chested and breathless, I'm sure that the dry mouth will cease if you don't use it as often.

Also as part of the fight or flight response high levels of stress and anxiety will make you produce less saliva.