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11-11-09, 01:39
Hello everyone

I'm just wondering if anyone feeds the birds in their garden? I've got a couple of bird tables and some hanging feeders with nuts and seeds.

When I was housebound (agoraphobia) I found that making myself go outside and fill my bird feeders up made me face up to going outside. I found going into the garden like this a great way to start and it was good for getting my confidence back.

I'm just wondering if anyone else has a similar experience or finds bird watching a good way to relax and forget about anxiety for a while?:D

Lex xx

11-11-09, 04:36
I'm always feeding the birds. I love watching them. Very relaxing and a good hobby. We have a family of sparrows who visit the feeders. It's like having a wild aviary. We gets loads in the garden. One favourite is the wood pigeon. I hung half a coconut from a branch. He tilts himself upside down to reach in. I've no idea how he swallows! We also get less common birds like nuthatches, jays, goldfinches, goldcrests, wrens, coal tits and even a rook etc. I get a variety of sunflowers, bird seed, nuts etc. to attract as many types of bird as possible. It's great fun watching them.:hugs:

magpie girl
11-11-09, 13:25
i keep all the parrot food my birds waste into feeders and make fat balls for the wild birds.We have a wild pair of collar doves who visit everyday to see what goodies i have put out:D:D:D

11-11-09, 19:25
Hi Bill

It's good to know that other people here are feeding our feathered friends. I love watching them feeding but they tend to eat me out of house and home..lol. There's a cheeky little robin whos my fav at the moment and I also get sparrows, greenfinches and goldfinches. I'm very envious of your goldcrests. How fantastic! What do they like to eat?...I get so carried away watching mine that quite a few mornings I've burnt my breakfast! :hugs:

Hi Magpiegirl

I make my own fat balls too. I throw in nuts and sunflower seeds and even boiled rice. The birds seem to like it especially the starlings who demolish it in five seconds flat!....What other birds do you get apart from the wood pigeons? :hugs:

12-11-09, 03:49
I think the goldcrests just like ordinary bird seed as I've only ever seen them on the seed I give to the family of sparrows. Each type of bird seems to have a different personality. I call the jackdaws the hooligans because they always make a row! The wood pigeons clumsy because they always sit on the edges of containers and break things! The sparrows the not so clever ones as they take ages to figure out where the food is! The bluetits the intelligent ones! The jays the quiet lonely reserved ones! The collared doves romantic because they always sit in pairs and are happy feeding together.

We also get mice, hedgehogs and even frogs and toads when we've no pond. I once found a toad in the garden and was worried the cat would catch it so I took it to a house where they had a sign saying "toads pad" presuming they had a garden pond. The wife came to the door and told me "toad" was her nickname for her hubby!:D Poor fella!

I've seen herons and a few miles away is a heronry. There are also kingfishers not from us and I've sat watching them.

One other favourite sight was from the bedroom window one summer. I looked down and saw something hovering with a loud hum. I rushed downstairs to discover it was a large hummingbird Moth! They seem to be getting more common due to hotter summers but that was a while ago when we had a hot summer!

We have a window at the back of the garage and it's covered in ivy. One summer I noticed blackbirds had made their nest and we watched them grow until they fledged and saw them being fed by the parents around the garden. We also had a robins nest one year but I was devastated when I found the baby robin on the lawn after the cat caught him. Won't say what I thought!:mad: Around the corner they had a bird box and bluetits raised their young in it. When I took the dog out I saw them all in the nearby trees. Loads of young all twittering away! There are also bats which I love watching in the summer evenings.

Some birds seem to disappear for a while like the jays and nuthatches but I've no idea where they go.

All I can say is keep feeding them frequently with a mixture of sunflowers, seeds and nuts because they all like different things.:hugs:

12-11-09, 09:41
Hi Lex,
I feed the birds and enjoy watching them. We have some collered doves and a pair of very naughty wood pigeons that keep canoodling on the gazebo! The robins are so cute and the magpies seem to take great delight in annoying our dog. My daughter is frightened of a heron the visits now and again, it's huge! We also had some kind of bird of prey a couple of years ago, it was greyish coloured with a hook beak, it sat on the fence and unnerved us by staring us out!
My mum used to tell us when we were little that the birds were santas ears and would sit and listen if we were good and go back and report to him. I told this to my kids and now the granchildren know of 'santas birdies' sitting on the fence listening!
Take care,
Carol x

12-11-09, 15:28
Hi Bill

It's lovely to hear about the birds in your garden. Do you live in the countryside? Hope you dont mind me asking.

I live in the heart of the city and it never ceases to amaze me the variety of birds and wildlife I get in my garden. I think it may be due to the fact that I live near a canal. I've heard them described before as living waterways. I've had a huge flock of goldfinches today. They are so bossy when they come to feed and like to push the sparrows off the feeders.

The longtailed tits came today too with a gang of blue tits. I love the way the blue tits take a seed and fly to the top of the tree to eat it out of the way of the goldfinch rabble!

This spring just gone, I decided to put a nesting box in the tree. I didnt have any luck though. Maybe next spring some birds might move in.

I watch alot of nature programs on the tv and I remember hearing Bill Oddie say how therapeutic watching wildlife is. I try to get out to as many places as I can to birdwatch but because of my aggoraphobia I hae to wait til someone can come with me. I cant wait for the day that I can take off on my own.....onwards and upwards as thet say!:hugs:

Hi Carol.....the bird of prey you described could have been a sparrowhawk. At the weekend I noticed a pile of feathers under the tree in the garden. When I went outside to see, I realised that a sparrowhawk must have taken one of the smaller birds for its dinner!....Glad I didnt see it happen though!......I love the story about santas ears. I will have to remember it and tell my nieces!! :hugs:

13-11-09, 03:10
You can ask me anything you like!:hugs:

We live on the edge of town with woods and fields just around the corner. We're very lucky I know.

I let the dog out this evening and something brown moved in front of him in the wet. I thought at first the wind had blown a brown leaf but when he sniffed at it I realised it was a frog or toad. It was a very smooth light brown colour so I think it was a frog but I'm not sure about the colour!

One evening last summer I was in the middle of the garden when a flock of long tailed tits arrived with other blue, coal and great tits. They went into the trees all chirping away and I felt surrounded by them. It was lovely.

My father put a nest box on the side of the house just as a nearby neighbour has. Both of them had blue tit families.

In the forest nearby you can also see bat boxes. They have grooves at the base where the bats can crawl up. I love watching bats.

We also get lots of badgers and foxes around here. More than once I've seen a family of foxes with cubs crossing roads.

We were staying on a farm once where they had a badger sett. Standing nearby in the dusk, they came out, stopped and stared just a few feet away before walking up to plum trees and then you could hear them munching them!

Another time I was walking through woods and a tawny owl flew straight across me and later I suddenly realised there was an adder curled up in front of me. They're a danger around here, especially to the dog who actually stepped right over one once! Nowadays because of his age, he tends to step on your feet rather than around them. Sure he does it deliberately! lol

I'd go with you to watch the birds! I love watching them. I was really sad when Bill Oddie left Autumnwatch. I hear he's feeling much better now and working on other projects but I still miss him! I loved his sense of humour!

The weather's so wet and it gets dark so early I've not really been able to put much out at mo for them but they'll be back!:hugs:

No swan....but still good! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmfRLhjz0RA&feature=PlayList&p=C672F0DF7506B32F&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=30

13-11-09, 22:24
Hi Bill

I thought maybe you lived near a woods to have such a nice variety of birds coming to your garden. I thought maybe there was a river or lake too not too far away as where there is water, there's usually alot of birds!

I hope your dog didnt get too much of a fright when he/she bumped into a frog! I'd love to have them in my garden so maybe I should get round to putting a pond in.

I've had the odd hedgehog coming to eat left over cat food. One year I had to take a baby one to an animal rescue centre. The poor thing was walking round in tiny circles. Apparently he had come out of hibernation too early and was dehydrated.

I love bats too. I stayed in the Lake District a few years ago and spent many a night just watching them darting and swooping for insects.

Today I went shopping and bought some peanuts for one of my feeders. I was a bit anxious before hand as I've panicked at this shopping centre before but when I got there I was ok. When I got back and filled the feeder up the birds had to hang on for dear life because of the wind!

I've just finished watching Autumnwatch and I have to say, I miss Bill Oddie too. Hopefully he'll be back on tv soon.

Thanks for the link. I really enjoyed listening to the song and watching the sparrow.......you can come bird watching with me anytime!!:hugs:

Lex xxx

13-11-09, 22:43

I have a nut feeder and love to watch the birds!!!!

I also have a birdbath and we often joke they are lining up with their little towels lol

Great fun:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

15-11-09, 05:11
Just to say this weather is better for ducks than our usual visitors! It's been so wet I haven't been able to re-fill their feed. The wind was so strong last night that we've lost our tv reception. What a good thing I've got time to sort it before the last Autumnwatch!:hugs:

15-11-09, 12:44
Lol...hope you manage to sort your tv. You can't miss Autumnwatch! The weathers been terrible here too....the birds dont seem to mind though....Lex :hugs:

magpie girl
15-11-09, 16:49
well today ive been out to the lake near were i live to feed the ducks,geese,swans,coots and moore hens.The poor things were starving today.If any one has cereal thats not getting eaten please put it out for the birds,this weather is really taking its tole on the wildlife.I made 20 fat balls using palm oil and hung aload from trees in my area,its a good job my parrots dont mind sharing :D:D:D

15-11-09, 17:44
hi Magpie...i live near to a canal and often take bread and seed to the ducks, geese and swans.

How do you make fat balls from palm oil? I havent heard of that before. I use lard for mine:)....take care, Lex xx:hugs:

15-11-09, 22:13
Can I please have the recipe magpie:D

Last fatty thing I put on tree was ignored and melted in summer lol

Kaz x x x x:hugs:

15-11-09, 22:29
Hi Kaz....mine always melt in the summer and go green..lol xx

16-11-09, 02:28
I did try fatballs but for some reason the birds ignored them and the only thing they did attract was the dog who kept sniffing the air trying to reach them! They eventually went rock hard so I had to chuck them. Mind you, the dog's always sniffing around for anything the birds drop. Have you noticed that when a sparrow picks out food it scatters them whereas the blue tits select one and are very neat!? You can tell where the sparrows feed because the grass is growing nicely!:whistles:

magpie girl
16-11-09, 17:28
palm nuts are what african greys eat in the wild,and palm oil is abstracted from the nuts.You can buy it from asda in a jar and its bright orange with little white balls in it !!!!!!,I melt it down just like lard or just mix it up in a bowl,i add nuts seeds corn,bacon rind cereal crackers anything you can break down.Then i just grab a handful and make it like a dumpling. In the winter i keep all the tubes from the cling film and foil roll them in honey then roll them in seeds and nuts and put in the fridge to harden then poke holes in the top for string:D:D:D:D I also put honey and seed in old yogurt pots once they harden just cut the pot off simples:yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:

16-11-09, 22:40
Hi Bill...yes I noticed how nice and neat the blue tits are. The goldfinches are messy too. They drop seed everywhere. Quite a few greenfinches came today and sat on the feeders for ages until the big ginger cat down the road appeared and started licking his lips...lol

Just wanted to say that I also use bird watching as a distraction technique. Say for instance I'm a passenger in a car on the motorway, I will spend time counting and identifying as many birds as possible. Seems to work and stops me panicking! :hugs:

Hi magpie....I'm definately gonna try that fat ball recipe. I will get some of that palm oil when I'm next in Asda and give it a whirl. I will let you know how I get on....thanks for that :yesyes:

16-11-09, 23:19
Cheers will give it a go:hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

17-11-09, 02:49
I reckon our dog would love that recipe too and I'll never get him away from them!!!:woof

When I'm out at night, I'm always on the lookout for the rabbits on the verge, for deer, badgers or foxes. It makes the journey rather enjoyable because you're always hoping to see some wildlife! We also get alot of kestrels and lapwings around here but this autumn we kept hearing a young buzzard calling which was unusual. You often see the adults circling but don't often see the young. Watching herons fly over is also one of those rarer sights. One morning I saw a heron sitting on a rooftop. They have a pond in their garden so you can guess what he was after!!! Another time I was next door and they showed me this big hole under their fence. What had happened was a fox had crawled down a gap to get in their garden but found himself trapped so he dug a hole to get out the other end! Nice hole to fill in!:lac:

One of the funniest things I saw the other day which wasn't so funny for our neighbour was when I saw their cat attempt to climb up their Ford KA bonnet because she likes laying on the roof. This time she misjudged it and couldn't get a grip so with claws out she slid down again leaving her calling card behind her :oopsie: and gave up. I told next door and they said to me they wondered where the scratches in their paintwork had come from!:ohmy: She doesn't jump on my car thank goodness!:whistles:

You reminded me of this vid with what I think is a beautiful piece of music. I can picture you counting those birds!!!


17-11-09, 19:00
Hi Bill

Yes I know what you mean. I think any journey any where by foot or car is made much more enjoyable by the sight of some wildlife!

I always seems to see kestrels hovering at the edge of the motorway and one early morning I saw a barn owl which made my day. :yesyes:

I went birdwatching not so long ago and saw a stoat rear up on its back legs, have a quick look round and then dart off into the grass. Cant tell you what a thrill that was!

To be honest I'm just as happy seeing a spiders web twinkling in the morning dew against a brilliant blue sky.....its the small things in life that can make all the difference!

.....I really enjoyed the vid and the lovely music. Thank you so much. :hugs:

19-11-09, 04:47
Thought you might like this...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6Gd8zR-3xI&feature=related :hugs:

23-11-09, 15:51
Hi Bill

Love the vid:hugs:......it actually reminds me of the time I went to fly birds of prey. I loved every minute of flying these beautiful birds until I had a PA in the middle of it! I went off to the ladies to pull myself together and then returned and carried on. I was having too much fun to let a little old PA spoil my fun!! ....sometimes you've just got to get back on the horse and carry on :D.....Lex xxx:hugs:

24-11-09, 04:01
The closest I've been to a flock(?) of birds of prey were red kites in Wales. Never seen so many in one field before! Took a video of them.:hugs:

Didn't know you preferred a horse to a car!?:shrug::D Good for the garden too!...but not for the neighbours! (phew!:foot::whistles:)

24-11-09, 16:36
I think I would prefer a horse to a car!! Cant see me panicking on a horse for some reason although I've panicked loads in a car :D

It would be lovely to see some red kites. I've been to plenty of places in north wales. Snowdonia is lovely and very good for bird watching . :hugs:

24-11-09, 21:00
If the horse took off, I think you'd panic....me too!:scared15::D

Wales is a lovely country and so are the people I've met from there. We saw our first wild dolphins there as well as the seals. I've climbed Snowdon as well as Ben Nevis and the Cumbrian mtns. Being on top of a mountain you feel completely free of everything that confines you at home and in your life. As the old expression goes, "free as a bird"! Just wish I was as fit as I was 15 years ago!:shrug::hugs:

24-11-09, 22:02
I live in N Wales. Until a year ago, we had horses. I much prefer them to cars. Nowadays I'm restricted to the birds, squirrels, hedgehogs, fox, newts and fish in my back garden.

24-11-09, 22:06
Yes I think I would panic if the horse took off....it would be like being in some sort of Harry Potter film. I might enjoy it when I calmed down:D:D

Oh I love walking. I've been out a few times with my Dad who's in a rambling club. He's in his 60's and I'm in my 40's and he puts me to shame....and he's got arthritis in both knees!

Cumbria is probabaly my favourite place to visit in the UK. Lots of great walks and fabulous scenery especially in the autumn which is my favourite season. :hugs:...oh and its brilliant for bat watching!!

24-11-09, 22:09
I've been behind a bolting horse in harness. Quite terrifying!

24-11-09, 22:17
Oh dear maddie....maybe I should give the horses a miss!

24-11-09, 22:54
Horses are wonderful animals. I wouldn't have missed the time I had with ours. The horse that bolted wasn't mine. I had taken my daughter and her friend on holiday in a horse-drawn romany caravan. A huge lorry blew its air brakes and terrified the horse. Luckily the girls had been walking beside the van, so weren't in it with me as the horse reared then galloped away. We were going downhill at first so the shafts and weight of the van pushed the horse on. I was braced in the doorway pulling on the reins to try to keep us going straight so the van didn't topple over. We eventually ran into a farm yard, where the horse stopped with van and me behind it, much to the surprise of the farmer's wife at her kitchen window. :) I was badly bruised and took the girls to a hotel for 2 days to recover.

None of our horses ever caused me any injury. A friend's gave me a broken toe and my daughter has had a broken thumb and collarbone riding other people's horses. All worth it, though. The bond between a man and dog is nothing to the rapport between a horse and its owner if they are well matched.

25-11-09, 01:38
Sounds like a very scarey situation Maddie....I'm glad you and the girls weren't seriously injured. :scared15:

I have always wanted to go horse riding and I'm sorry that I didnt take it up when I was younger. I've promised myself that when I'm fighting fit I will have some lessons. It's important I think to have a goal to work towards and gives me something to aim for. :)

25-11-09, 03:07

Ever considered becoming an actress? You'd be good in westerns such as stagecoach!!!:D Can just imagine you with your reins in one hand and a whip in the other!:whiplash:

Joking apart, it must have been pretty terrifying for you!:scared15: Glad they were in safe hands!:bighug1:


If you ever take up horse riding, be prepared for having your legs open wide:blush: because boy, do those inner thigh muscles ache afterwards if you're not used to sitting on a horse!!! They told me to get my horse to gallop but it was just too painful to clench but I sure wanted it to gallop because it was hell bouncing up and down while it trotted! I think I've been bowlegged ever since! I think horses are designed for women! No wonder more women take up horseriding. I'm Sure they must enjoy bouncing up and down on a horse more then men!:blush:

25-11-09, 21:23
I think I'd look quite fetching with bandy legs :roflmao:

Lex xx:bighug1:

26-11-09, 03:07
Most excellent.. Since we have horses and we feed them near our home at their run-in the birds swarm in for the left over grain..they also like the hay for building material. I find it very interesting and very mentally soothing.During the day the magpies and sparrows come ,the hawks and other species at night the owls and other birds come and go eating rodents and bugs etc.. wonderful thing to do .. very special. I even put out extra seed for them as well .We also have large containers of water for the dog and horses and the birds bathe there regular..

26-11-09, 03:21
It was in the fall (as you would call it) that I went to America and went riding in Pensylvania. The trees were absolutely gorgeous! I can always remember how one day it felt like spring and the next day it snowed. It was a wonderful experience. I must admit though that I didn't get much time to see the wildlife except for some rather large pigs on a farm but I can always remember all the grain silos, and covered wooden bridges which you don't see over here. I much preferred the countryside although New York was quite an experience in itself! I walked around central Park and took some pictures of the lovely coloured trees there. Something we don't often get that you see lots of in the north is snow! Makes Christmas feel like Christmas. You have a beautiful scenic country away from the big cities and I'd loved to have seen more of it! :winks:

26-11-09, 03:36
You should come to Colorado.. If you love wildlife its got so many different types I never mentioned here. I grew up in Louisiana which is known for its wildllife and there are many species there but here in Colorado I have seen things up close and personal that I never thought I would..

26-11-09, 04:24
The impression I get of Louisiana is that it's hot, humid, full of snakes with a risk of hurricanes....or is that just how they always portray things on TV? Wasn't the film Showboat based around there? Loved the film!

I like what I've seen of Colorado. It always reminds me of westerns! I wish they made them like they used to when John Wayne and James Stewart were around. I never tire of watching them.

It's Such a "big country" like the film says! with such a diversity of seasons, scenery, wildlife etc. There must be so many interesting places to visit and things to see. I rather envy you!:winks:

26-11-09, 23:06
There's no better place for me than your local patch for watching wildlife.

Yes it's wonderful to visit other far off places but what they offer tends to be experienced in a few weeks.

On the other hand a local patch can be visited through the seasons so that its possible to see the changes, like migrant birds visiting for the winter months.

Of course it's always nice to experience both. :)

27-11-09, 00:16
Louisiana is hot and humid and full of snakes.. and risk hurricanes.. but isn't much of England and the UK full of smog lol.. Louisiana is my home..Its great.. you are never a mile away from fresh water.The fish are huge and plentiful.You never starve because you can always fish or hunt..The weather gets hot but the systematic thunder storms are a refreshing pleasure to experience. They come in like clockwork in the afternoons..

As a child I grew up with my own boat ,fished hunted and also hunted alligator.. Thats before they were endangered species.. Their tale meat is fabulous its like lobster and then you can sell anything on a gator to someone..Everything is usable.. We have great culture, great food and great times.. The people are so friendly and kind ..You wonder if you are in a movie.. Everybody cares about everybody and sticks together. The bayous are of beauty that cannot be described.. Its like primordial and like time stood still..

There is nothing like being on the bayou in the early morning or late evening and the water being like glass and you in a small boat with one little paddle swirling it in the water. You throw a lure out and a huge bass snatches it and causes a commotion but you know you will win and eat good that night..

There are special times when the trees turn every color of the rainbow and since most of the hard woods were raped years ago out of the forest there is a special smell of lodge poll pines in the air. The hills are red with clay and of petrified wood that has been there millions of years so plentiful that you can stop at any road cut and find it laying around .. for the taking..

There were over 800 tribes of indians that called it home at one time..some peaceful and good others the most sadistic histories you have ever read but quite interesting. You can find traces of them in any field there. The game is abundant.. many many species .. Louisiana is called Sportsman's Paradise.. If you like birds you would faint from the species that are native there. Some bigger than you that come flying over the water ways and sit in the trees watching you fish and hoping you will let that one get away..Then you have our blue crabs.. so much better than the crap they call snow crabs or king crabs ;

You haven't lived until you have some of those or gone out and caught your own..Then there are the crawfish.. all of mini lobsters ,succulent and wonderful served with boiled potatoes and corn on the cob and seasoning that would entice the most standoffish person to eating it. .All wonderful. Then you have the jumbo shrimp.No other shrimp in the world has that flavor. its awesome.. You have all the seafood you could ever enjoy and the coast lines are magnificent..Im going to start sharing the photos of my home Louisiana with you and you will change your mind. As for the snakes ..We have some of the most poison aggressive snakes in the world but at least you know where you stand with them..

They are there, they are there to get you and you know they are coming ..there is no guessing.. I grew up fishing next to them and having them drop out of the trees right in your boat.You take a paddle and then fling them out again and its over or you take your 22 and shoot them..end of story.. Yes they are common but people are aware of them and they avoid them ,some idiots love playing with them but I would rather not.. The snakes here in Colorado you never know if they are around and you never hear them coming .They are sneaky and will grab you when you least expect it.. They suck..

I would much rather be in Louisiana and know there were snakes near by and know that you can watch for them and wear they will be.. I know that territory..Its really not by choice I am here but in a way I suppose it was.. Its a long story .. There is one thing you talk about .. Colorado.. oh the westerns..

Ok let me ask you this question .. You like a steady diet of watching nothing but westerns, movies ,television and etc? Well Im not a cowboy but this place hasn't changed any in over 100 years..Its pretty much the way it was when there were cowboys here and well it still is cowboys here that ride their horses and also herd cows and etc..Its also legal to wear a six shooter in town in plain view without a permit..but if you aren't a cowboy do you want to be in a constant western?

Yeah scenery is great.,the game is great , the birds are great but you better cover yourself for six months of winter a year ten feet of snow and temps of 40 below zero.. and hope your six shooter doesn't fall off. Colorado/Louisiana? Would take Louisiana anytime but there are other awesome wonderful indescribable states here that are worth nothing maybe one day I will ..Take care.. Michael

The impression I get of Louisiana is that it's hot, humid, full of snakes with a risk of hurricanes....or is that just how they always portray things on TV? Wasn't the film Showboat based around there? Loved the film!

I like what I've seen of Colorado. It always reminds me of westerns! I wish they made them like they used to when John Wayne and James Stewart were around. I never tire of watching them.

It's Such a "big country" like the film says! with such a diversity of seasons, scenery, wildlife etc. There must be so many interesting places to visit and things to see. I rather envy you!:winks:

27-11-09, 05:14
That made Really interesting reading. I find it great to be able to hear from people who actually live in a region because you learn so much more than the impression you get on Tv.

It's a totally different lifestyle to what we're used to here and you encounter so many things that you're just used to that I think would freak alot of people here. For instance the snakes in the boat! You'd never encounter anything like that here! You very rarely see snakes and never alligators! and I don't think we have anything as dangerous as you see at close quarters.

When I was saying about westerns, you see them so often but never get to see what it's Really like to live there so I think it's great to read what you've said because it offers a wonderful insight into reality and what living there means...so I'm grateful to you for sharing.

Even with the weather- you experience such extremes of temperature and a whole range of sevre weather that we never get here. We get a few tornados but they're absolutely nothing compared to the severe ones you get. We once had what we call our hurricane but to experience constant winds of over 100mph I can only imagine. Our climate is so tame in comparison. I'd love to see the amount of snow you get because even a few inches here we struggle with because we're just not used to it. I doubt very much I could stand that cold though! I don't know how you cope with it!

I can imagine they're really interesting places to visit but I don't think I could cope without someone like you to guide me because it sounds so different from here. I guess you're just used to it but to us I think it would feel like another world! I do find it very interesting to learn more about other parts of the world though so Thank you. It's a great insight!:winks:

27-11-09, 05:57
You are very kind to say the things that you have Bill. There are good things about living in Louisiana and bad things.. there are good things about living in Colorado and bad things..

Louisiana. Mosquitoes .. Frequent diseases they breed..
Hurricanes.. Terrible wind and storms that do so much damage.
Humidity .. Face it .its hot and we didn't A/C until I was married
Floods.. Sometimes in the wrong place at the wrong time..
Some People..You have to wonder what planet they are on?
Some places ..Like the hillbillies you wonder how they survive
Some places..Poverty so bad .its very sad..
Politicians ..Most are and always have been Crooked..
These are a few negative things since I have told you many of t nice things about there. Im sure there are more but can't think
just now..

Colorado . Weather.. It gets so cold machinery won't work
People ...Rural people are somewhat well anti social..They don't
want to be bothered and don't want to bother you
therefore no one speaks to anyone they just wave lol
Where I live; Self sufficient,no big time restaurants, everything closes early ..If you need anything important they
have to order it for you .And I can do that myself
on the internet..

The past time here is atv riding,shooting ,riding horses,
drinking in the local bars, painting ,art, what have you
The rodeo comes around every year is a big thing..
The farm auctions , or going to town once a week to
buy supplies.. You can go snow skiing down the road
You can hunt in season legally on your property
legally and also there are little festivals here and

One thing about living in this valley is there are no
hurricanes.. High winds are substained most of the
year at 30 to 80 miles an hour. Dust storms in the
summer some in the winter as well if there is no snow.

During the summer nighttime lows are about 40degrees
Fahrenheit highs during the days about 70 ..
For the most part .. the weather is pleasant in the
summer and spring.. If you can deal with the wind..
We are a mile and one half above sea level which
puts the sun on you like you are in a toaster oven.
You have to wear a hat and sunglasses so you can
survive..It gets rather toasty outside in the sun and
you can die of dehydration without knowing it..

We don't have floods here because we have two
drainage systems that are massive.. The Rio Grande
and the Raton Creek ravines .. We haven't had any
seismic activiity here according to NSGS since about
the 1800's although we live in the southern end of
a volcano that blew over 5 million years ago and was
a super volcano..We live in the southern end of what
was a super volcano and the other end is over 100
miles north of us..We have volcanic vents around us
all over but the volcano is dead that they know of..

We have 25 percent less oxygen but have the
cleanest air in the world according to the world
studies clean air department I guess..

Really no natural disasters of any kind.We do live
down range of a what was once a nuclear testing
facility and you do see tons of miliary aircraft here
days and nights. This valley is known for ufo
sightings and is called the Mysterious Valley .It
has lots of history..

Colorado as a whole is ok..Its scenic and fun to visit but living here ,well
maybe Denver or Boulder or somewhere like that.. but the other places
hmmm..We like to call the place we live ..Little Mexico..Its mostly
Spanish descendants and Indians that live here.. Some white Anglos
but most of the people here are Spanish descent.. or Indian..

Being such an outdoor place and all there are lots of tourist that come
here .. that have fun skiing ,snowmobiling , hunting,fishing for trout ugh.
lol.. They snowboard ,spend money and the locals love it..They always
put up signs here that say WELCOME HUNTERS.. lol...

Living here you are either a potato farmer, alfalfa farmer,hay farmer ,
you have cows ,horses,sheep and other animals that range from Alpacas
to donkeys to Llamas you name it we have it.. Sometimes it gets hot
here but most people don't have A/C here they just tough it out,Its
usually over pretty quick. The fishing to me sucks as im not used to
trout ughhhhh again.. Atv riding is fun ,exporing is fun and if you are into
rocks and geology you are in heaven..Colorado sits on 40 percent of
the USA's oil reserves.. We have every kind of rock and mineral here
there is even a industrial diamond mine in the very northern part of the
state. .

The plus to living here is..no roaches ,cockroaches, no mildew ,not
enough humidity .lol. Its the highest alpine desert in the world.
Being able to go outside your door and shoot anytime you wan
is great.. You can hunt right out your front door and sometimes
you have defend the livestock with your life and gun.. My female dog
gave her life in defense of the horses..

Over all there is a 360 degree view of snow capped mountains..its
quiet here so quite you can hear a car coming 8 mile away at night
on a dirt road.. I guess enough about here but just a little insight to
the differences about Louisiana and Colorado.. There are good things
and bad things.. So guess it all evens out.. As for the weather..
they are really prepared for it. .snow plows galore .If we are snowed
in we are usually plowed out by 9am in the morning ..Then I have
to break out the snow blower layer the clothes and clear our drive
so you can get out. Other than that we have a fireplace we use
all the time ,plenty of firewood and you always stock up on all the
extras.. Its plenty different coming from a place it only snows every
ten years about 10 inches and they aren't prepared either.. lol
I grew up at sea level ..and now live a mile and one half above it
on our lower property now we have another property that is at 9300
ft that we have black bear on elk and deer and antelope. Its all
interesting but thought I would give you the low down or a little taste
of what its like to live here.. Hope you didn't mind..Thanks for the
compliments and anything you want to know about the USA and
83 other countries I can tell you ..Its not that I haven't wanted to
visit the UK.. its just never been on my agenda.. Take care and thanks
for replying .. Michael

That made Really interesting reading. I find it great to be able to hear from people who actually live in a region because you learn so much more than the impression you get on Tv.

It's a totally different lifestyle to what we're used to here and you encounter so many things that you're just used to that I think would freak alot of people here. For instance the snakes in the boat! You'd never encounter anything like that here! You very rarely see snakes and never alligators! and I don't think we have anything as dangerous as you see at close quarters.

When I was saying about westerns, you see them so often but never get to see what it's Really like to live there so I think it's great to read what you've said because it offers a wonderful insight into reality and what living there means...so I'm grateful to you for sharing.

Even with the weather- you experience such extremes of temperature and a whole range of sevre weather that we never get here. We get a few tornados but they're absolutely nothing compared to the severe ones you get. We once had what we call our hurricane but to experience constant winds of over 100mph I can only imagine. Our climate is so tame in comparison. I'd love to see the amount of snow you get because even a few inches here we struggle with because we're just not used to it. I doubt very much I could stand that cold though! I don't know how you cope with it!

I can imagine they're really interesting places to visit but I don't think I could cope without someone like you to guide me because it sounds so different from here. I guess you're just used to it but to us I think it would feel like another world! I do find it very interesting to learn more about other parts of the world though so Thank you. It's a great insight!:winks:

27-11-09, 06:46
Bill just for fun thought I would add a few photos here to give you a little more insight .I added titles to them so you know what they are.. Michael


Front yard last year after clearing it once ..First snowfall

http://i823.photobucket.com/albums/zz151/michaelrosetti/0204080843.jpgThe same.. basically .


Road home from town..


Looking across property first snow last year..


Snap in front of the house last year..

Wife and the babies in the front yard..


Bulldozer clearing the road in the front of the house year before last..


Bulldozer getting stuck in front of the property on the road trying to clear it year before last.


Always good to have a little wind with your snow lol


Front yard this summer.. sunset.


Basically the same thing..I can show you tons and tons of photos of species of animals and landscapes and etc.. All you have to do is ask.. Thanks for reading.. Michael

27-11-09, 07:19
A few of our yard birds.. lol









These are but a few of our garden birds.. Michael

27-11-09, 07:40
Since I have gone so far so quick so soon.. Thought I would go all the way ..This is a short video of the hawk in the photo..Not near as much as I have of video of this one but enough to show you it was sitting in the back yard. Michael

Had to put the stupid link here as it won't let me direct connect.. Michael http://s823.photobucket.com/albums/zz151/michaelrosetti/birds/?action=view&current=hawkinyard-1.flv


27-11-09, 15:49
Hi Michael

All I can say is wow! I cant believe the depth of the snow. I've never seen snow like it.....I'm In Liverpool, England and here we hardly get any I think because we're on the coast.

Your dogs look like they have an amazing time in the snow.:D....I'm only 5ft1 so I reckon I would be in it up to my neck!

I for one would love to see some more photos of your birds and animals. I loved watching the video of the hawk. Amazing to have this to look at and enjoy on your property!

I enjoyed reading about Colorado and Louisiana very much. They seem so different to each other by comparison.

Take care....Lex :)

27-11-09, 20:00
Hi Michael

All I can say is wow! I cant believe the depth of the snow. I've never seen snow like it.....I'm In Liverpool, England and here we hardly get any I think because we're on the coast.

Your dogs look like they have an amazing time in the snow.:D....I'm only 5ft1 so I reckon I would be in it up to my neck!

I for one would love to see some more photos of your birds and animals. I loved watching the video of the hawk. Amazing to have this to look at and enjoy on your property!

I enjoyed reading about Colorado and Louisiana very much. They seem so different to each other by comparison.

Take care....Lex :)

Thank you so very much.. We have been blessed in many ways .. mostly some we have taken for granted..I would be glad to share more with you ..Ill try to upload more today..I have more video than anything else and sometimes I just freeze the video and make photos.. Sometimes I take photos and so on.. I am lucky enough to have a security camera on the roof that we often watch the stars with since we are so close to them lol

It provides me with easy to watch surveillance on the property and also spectacular sites of different wildlife that comes here frequently.. Ill try and see if I can upload other videos and other photos of the wildlife and will post you to let you know when I get them there.. Thanks so very much for letting me know you liked them . I really appreciate it so very much. Michael

28-11-09, 04:32
I can only agree with Lex! WOW!!!

I've studied everything, taken my time reading what you've written and looked in detail at the wonderful pics and video! We never see Anything like that over here! That's what you Would call a White Christmas.

Terrific reading! I so much hope many other people look at what you've posted because I'm sure they too will be amazed!

As Lex says, I'd Love to see more!!!

You look miles from anywhere. How far do you have to travel to see anyone and how do you survive in such an isolated area? It's such a world apart from what we're used to here. I don't blame you for not visiting here...I wouldn't want to either looking at those incredible pics!

Thanks So Much for putting all that time and effort in! I've Thoroughly enjoyed it!:):):)

28-11-09, 04:46
Twas nothin lol shucks lol :huh::D Just a for fun thing.. I am now trying to upload a long video of more wildlife. antelope,more hawks,doves, chipmunks, coyotes, deer.. so many you could just lasso them .. and a little this and that ..The video is shaky and well gets a little dizzy but hopefully you guys will stay with it .. If I can ever get it uploaded.

Im having a few issues right now but will keep trying.Im excited you liked the pics .. We have neighbors about a mile away but then there are only five neighbors with in a 20 square mile area.. Its about 8 miles to town.. but if you really needed them I think the other neighbors would come to our aide .Hopefully..

Im really glad you enjoyed the photos and such and will post on here as soon as I get the others going for you .. not hard surviving ,just thinking ahead and getting prepared for anything. We are both metro people ,both grew up in metro areas and lived in New Orleans for many years ,an international city so well .. You have to learn to survive in that jungle to lol.. Anyway really at a loss for words. Not feeling real well tonight but still working to upload more video.. Like I said some of it is shaky and im sorry but I was still new with my video camera when I made it and was so excited by the wildlife I couldn't get my camera going correctly when it was right in front of me..Thanks again for your kind comments ..Michael

I can only agree with Lex! WOW!!!

I've studied everything, taken my time reading what you've written and looked in detail at the wonderful pics and video! We never see Anything like that over here! That's what you Would call a White Christmas.

Terrific reading! I so much hope many other people look at what you've posted because I'm sure they too will be amazed!

As Lex says, I'd Love to see more!!!

You look miles from anywhere. How far do you have to travel to see anyone and how do you survive in such an isolated area? It's such a world apart from what we're used to here. I don't blame you for not visiting here...I wouldn't want to either looking at those incredible pics!

Thanks So Much for putting all that time and effort in! I've Thoroughly enjoyed it!:):):)

29-11-09, 18:35
Hi everyone

I know we're not going to have snow on Colorado proportions!!, but it's going to be really icey around the country so please please could anyone who's interested throw out a bit of food for the garden birds or maybe even put a feeder up.....just doing my bit for the RSPB!!

Thanks for reading

Lex xx

29-11-09, 20:50
Lex..I absolutely agree.. My garden birds always have food.The horses share their grain with them.The magpies are so funny. They eat meat .. and I have a video where they were sneaking up on the dogs trying to steal their bones..Its pretty funny.Ill see if I can edit it here and post it just for you .. Michael

29-11-09, 22:55
Hi Michael....I would love to see it....Thank you so much. I look forward to watching it.:)...Lex xx

30-11-09, 02:50
Ill try to get it out and edit it .. you will get a kick out of it..the birds are so bold.. and the dogs so protective of their bones lol.. Michael

01-12-09, 15:42
Theres been quite a bit of frost in my garden today so early this morning I put out quite a bit of seed and some of those suet pellets you can buy.

I'd only turned my back for a few minutes to make a cup of tea then when I went to the window to take a look, I thought I was on the set of the film "The Birds":D

There were robins, sparrows, goldfinches and chaffinches to name a few, then some bigger birds like magpies and crows and there was even a seagull perched on the fence. I can feel a trip to Pets at Home coming on for more seed!!

Lex xx

01-12-09, 22:14
Wow that sounds so nice..I miss seagulls so much . I have lived on the west coast where they were everyday and lived in New Orleans where they are a common site.. and all along the coast of Louisiana ..It sounds very nice.. We went to town today and I saw something in a tree that looked like a robin but it was over a foot long had a huge white stomach and long black tail. I didn't get a real good look since we were passing by. I love it when the birds come in and swarm.. Its great.. Everyday I go to feed the horses.. and so many of them have taken shelter in the run in.. Its a place like a barn for the horses to get out of the weather. Sometimes when I walk up they just scatter..Its pretty wild. The other day I saw one of the horses shaking its head and I couldn't figure out what he was doing..saw him from the security camera.. he was advancing so I thought I better go out and see what was going on.

As I approached there were two huge ravens.. We have them here with four foot wing spans .They were helping themselves to some water and one of our horse is so territorial that he didn't like it.. It was funny to watch.. There must be so many species of bird here ..We are the only trees and water supply for a few miles so I guess that is why they are here and with hay stacked they use that for nesting material and then they have the horses extra grain to eat. .So instant home I suppose..Im so glad you got to see all those beautiful birds .It was a good day for you . Thanks for sharing.. Michael

magpie girl
04-12-09, 15:30
hi michael i loved the pics of the birds MAGPIES being my favourite:winks::winks:,i love the cheeky way they turn every feeding oppitunity to there advantage.I get lots of magpies here but the parrots shout at them to bugger off.so they dont stay around for long:wacko::wacko:

04-12-09, 15:40
I agree Bill Oddie was great. Not so sure about the new guy.
I think Bill has a great set up getting Jays. I have my regulars
including goldfinches. Last year I had a flock of about 12 goldfinches and 1 siskin? It was like war on the feeders.
Went away on holiday this summer and lost goldfish to a heron I think....

04-12-09, 15:48
Thought birders might like this one.
Took this Red Kite at a transport cafe on the old A40
Hope the image isn't to large.
Wouldn't want one of these in the garden.


05-12-09, 00:30
Wow! Great photo Steve. I'd love one of those in my garden!!:D ....any more photos?

Today I put a load of those fat balls out. It didn't take long for them to be demolished by a gang of starlings. They make a right mess but I love to see them.

I've never had a siskin in the garden but plenty of goldfinches come usually with the greenfinches. The greenfinches will sit on the feeders for ages. I've also heard the robins singing through the night. Maybe they can't sleep like me!:D

Lex xx

05-12-09, 02:39

I wanted to say thank you .I really enjoy the magpies they are really opportunist and fun to watch.Im glad you like the photos and still working on getting the video ready of the birds trying to steal bone marrow from the dogs.Its cute..Anyway thanks again,Michael

hi michael i loved the pics of the birds MAGPIES being my favourite:winks::winks:,i love the cheeky way they turn every feeding oppitunity to there advantage.I get lots of magpies here but the parrots shout at them to bugger off.so they dont stay around for long:wacko::wacko:

20-12-09, 00:47
Hi everyone who loves birds!:D

Well today it's been pandamonium in the garden. Fights have broken out with bossier individuals jockeying for position. :D

It all might have had something to do with the snow and the fact that I threw out masses of grated cheese, a whole loaf and even a chopped banana as a trial. Didnt think they would eat it but a large crow flew down from the roof opposite and wolfed the lot!

The poor things must be starving. I have to confess to having a bit of an accident baking a fruit cake. I left it in the oven too long and it burnt. :blush:

It went down a treat with the starlings....at least someone likes my cooking!:roflmao:

Lex xx

20-12-09, 01:14
Posted this elsewhere, but I guess it should be here.
I'm in a deep fug at present. Tried to lift myself out ot if it by watching the garden today. Here's the result just to remind us that life goes on without the worries of the day:

My contribution to the season as I sit at my desk and look out:

On the 12th Day of Christmas my garden gave to me
12 sparrows squabbling

On the 11th Day of Christmas my garden gave to me
11 apples falling

On the 10th Day of Christmas my garden gave to me
10 weeds a'growing

On the 9th Day of Christmas my garden gave to me
9 bluetits flitting

On the 8th day of Christmas my garden gave to me
8 heathers blooming

On the 7th Day of Christmas my garden gave to me
7 koi a'swimming

On the 6th day of Christmas my garden gave to me
6 blackbirds calling

On the 5th Day of Christmas my garden gave to me
5 sea -ee -gulls

On the 4th Day of Christmas my garden gave to me
4 newts a'paddling

On the 3rd Day of Christmas my garden gave to me
3 doves a'flying

On the 2nd Day of Christmas my garden gave to me
2 squirrels eating

And on the first Day of Christmas my garden gave to me
A robin with his red breast.

Hope you all enjoy the season and a Happy New Year to everyone.

magpie girl
20-12-09, 21:19
loved the 12 days :D:D:D:D Today i toddled off down to the lake near my home.I took down 2 carrier bags of cereal,bread ,seeds,and pellets.I felt so sorry for the ducks coots moore hens,geese.it was so cold and they no longer have much shelter:weep::weep::weep:.The local council decided to chop all the bushes and shrubs down to there roots!!!!!!So im off to pets at home in the morning to buy a sack of corn and duck pellets,i cant bear the thought of them being cold and hungry.

21-12-09, 19:54
Hey Magpie....Hope youre ok. I've been trying to get that palm oil you told me about so I can make some fatballs...can't get it anywhere! Can you tell me what brand it is?...and will it be with the cooking oils?.....thanks chuck! :)

Love the 12 days maddie...chin up xx

magpie girl
21-12-09, 20:15
hi ,you can get palm oil in asdas for around 69p,its on the exotics isle with the chickpeas,(which birds love ).But failing that you can buy it on any parrot web site and it will cost £8 !!!!! Its the same stuff as in asdas only with a parrot on the jar:ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy:If you dont have an asda near you pm ur address and i will post you some :D:D:D:D.My garden birds are looking nice and plump and mr and mrs robin has come back again this year.Its been so cold here that i filled some old nest boxes with wood chippings and hung them at the top of my garden,just incase they need shelter.

21-12-09, 22:45
Hi hun

Thanks for that. I'm going to a different branch of asda here tomorrow so I should be able to get it there. I think I've been looking on the wrong aisle..lol....I'll get some chickpeas as well and give them a go.

My birds look fat as well. Theyre better fed than me:D

Dont you just hate it when the council cut things down. Don't know why they do it.

I bet the ducks and geese love you! Bet they make a beeline for you when they see you arriving with the grub.

Wrap up warm when you go to the lake :yesyes:

Lex xx

05-01-10, 03:02
I just wanted to tell you we're having a flock of about 10 winter visitors but I'm not sure which bird they are because what they keep doing is perching in a tree we have before taking it in turns to feed off berries off one of our shrubs but the trouble is the sun has been shining between them and me so I can't get a good look at them. All I can tell you is that they are the size of thrushes with speckles on their chests and that they're either redwings or fieldfares. They appear to have red on them so they could be redwings but as yet I can't be sure if it's just the reflection of the sunlight! I'm waiting for them to visit on a cloudy day and then I may be able to tell you which they are!

I just thought you'd be interested.:hugs:

05-01-10, 17:25
Hi Bill....I'm always interested to see whats happening in your garden.

A little chopped apple thrown on the ground may coax them down so you can get a better look - they do sound like fieldfares though.

I've had quite a few chaffinches today and plenty of starlings to name but a few. I went outside to feed them all quite a few times due to the snowy conditions ...wonderful to watch but its cold out there! :hugs:

05-01-10, 17:36
i have family of bullfinch a robin thrushes come to feed today snow deep so cleard a space so they can feed plus hang ots of feeders i will post a painting i did hop you like it

05-01-10, 17:45
http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m13/y-y-09-9-9/CopyofImage0115.jpg (http://s100.photobucket.com/albums/m13/y-y-09-9-9/?action=view&current=CopyofImage0115.jpg)

05-01-10, 17:50
Awww gypsy thats really lovely.....have you done anymore of birds?...like a robin pehaps?....wish I could paint like that! x

05-01-10, 17:56
just two parrots but i will and post would you like to see parrots

05-01-10, 18:06
http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m13/y-y-09-9-9/Image0130-2.jpg (http://s100.photobucket.com/albums/m13/y-y-09-9-9/?action=view&current=Image0130-2.jpg)

06-01-10, 04:30
A beautiful woman who can paint beautifully!:winks:...nothing more need be said I feel except I know which I feel is the Most beautiful of the two.:hugs:

Just to make you smile:)...(but hopefully not laugh!)


The bright sun rising, bringing warmth to a clear day,
As the birds began their dawn chorus, flying on their way,
The sound of the waves brushing the beach upon the bay,
As the cool sea breeze brings relief from the hot suns rays,

Church bells ringing, trickling through the fields,
A swan gliding gracefully, toward a stream between hills,
A blaze of red tulips glowing in the midday sun,
Daffodils nodding their heads in tandem, not to be outdone,

A blanket bringing warmth on a cold frosty night,
An arm bringing comfort to an old man with no sight,
A beautiful princess sparkling in a glittering new dress,
The delight given to a groom by his bride who says “yes”,

Tall grass swaying in the gentle warm breeze,
Butterflies fluttering quietly between the blades with ease,
The blossom of early spring on the bare dormant trees,
A perfumed red rose opening for hovering honey bees,
But of all of these, the most beautiful and most finest....is Thee!:hugs:.

06-01-10, 08:46
Hi there,

I thought I'd join this thread if I may?:)

I haven't read through all previous posts as there are quite a lot but I think I am caught up enough.
I also love watching the girds from my window. Where we used to live, there was a wood and river right outside our window. The wildlife was abundant. Now we live just a mile up the road in an an estate and our garden wasn't very mature when we moved here. The difference was huge.
However, I have put up my bird table and gradually moved it closer and closer to the house. They are about as close as I can get them now.
I am looking forward to re aquainting myself with the various species as I seem to have forgotten as much as I ever learnt about the different types of bird.:wacko:
I have a soft spot for robins. Not long after my dad died, I was out doing the garden and this little robin came and sat inches away from me. As I moved, so did he. I sat there looking at him and thought about how my dad used to love feeding birds and I cried. Still the robin did not move. They have felt special to me ever since.


Going home
06-01-10, 16:59
I wasn't a member when this thread first started, so nice to read it now. I too have a bird house/table and have been putting out fat balls and seeds. I also crumbled the last of the xmas cake and a bit of stollen, which is more like fruit loaf really isnt it, and theyve loved it. The bigger birds can bully the smaller ones though, so ive had to hang some of the fat balls where only the smaller birds can get to them. The blue tits are wnderful but don't stay long, they're very nervous and just swoop in to grab a few seeds then off again. But ive had a robin for a few days who sticks around on the table for longer...great to watch :D

Wonderful picture by the way gypsy.

GH xx

06-01-10, 17:24
I'm loving reading this thread and particularly enjoyed looking at your pictures Gypsy, I haven't got an artistic bone in my body.

I thought this is the best place to ask about a problem we have got. As I mentioned before I live in a house in a highly populated area of London and we have a small woodland area at the back of the gardens on our estate.

We do see loads of birds, especially blue and great tits and robins as we have a lot of bramble bushes. Unfortunately becuase of some lazy neighbours who aren't too careful with their rubbish, we also see a lot of vermin, mice and the occasional rat.

I don't want to put food/seeds on the ground for this reason and as finances are tight, I can't afford bird tables or fancy feeders..any ideas what I could do?

My back garden is just a big rectangle with nothing in it, surrounded by wooden fencing. I have never seen so many birds during the winter as I've seen this week so they must be starving.

Awaiting your brilliant suggestions :)

Going home
06-01-10, 19:03
Hi ladybird

Well you could maybe try hanging a fat ball off the fence and see if that works? Smaller birds will find a way to balance on it for the food. You can buy fat balls and packets of wild bird seeds in the supermarkets or pet shops for not too much money, but as other members have said on the thread, you can make them too. I didnt know about the oil based fat balls, only the lard based ones.

I melt the lard slowly over a pan of hot water until just melted and pour it over a mixture of nuts, seeds, dried fruit or just scraps such as bread, cake and biscuits. Its all you need.

GH xx :)

06-01-10, 19:30
Hi all
I live out in the countryside so see a lot of birds. I do take notice of them but I don't know anything about birds however, and there are some around at the moment with quite large wing spans, and they are a brown colour. Not much to go on I know but does anyone know what these may be? :unsure:
Happyone - Your post reminded me, that last Jan when my dad was buried, at the very moment prayers were being said around the grave, a little robin flew down right by the side of the plot and didn't move for ages. I noticed it, and it made me think and I have always liked Robins.
I saw one today, when walking the dog over the fields and it reminded me of what happened last Jan. They are such lovely little birds.

06-01-10, 19:30

I meant to tell you....those birds were back and they're definitely redwings. I've Never seen so many. They flocked in the garden. Must have been around 20 of them.:hugs:

06-01-10, 20:14
Hi Bill....oh thats lovely. I havent ever seen any even on one of my birdwatching trips. I did read on a birdwatching forum that theres many more wintering here than usual.

Ladybird....I know you said you dont really want to go for a fancy feeder or anything but you can buy nut feeders quite cheaply. If you try maybe Poundland or a Wilkinsons you can get lots of different types of feeders and seed for a small about of money.

You mention vermin...and this can be a problem. A hanging feeder doesnt really allow much waste to drop on the floor and if you get larger birds like a wood pigeon, they tend to "hoover" anything up off the ground.

The RSPB suggests sweeping up any bits up at the end of the day when the birds have finished feeding.

Remember too that the greater variety of seeds/nuts you supply the more varieties of birds you will get in your garden. However in this weather a bit of grated cheese, bread, soaked porridge oats, mince pies, will be gratefully eaten.

Please PM me if you'd like any tips etc...always interested to help x

Poppy.....not sure what your bird could be....maybe fieldfares or even redwings....female blackbirds are also a brown colour. Throw a little food out for them and maybe they will come down and you can get a better look. :)

Happy...I know what you mean about the robins. Theyre such chirpy little fellas and brighten up any winters morning with their lovely song.

Hi Going home....glad to know that youre feeding your birds. Keep up the good work. Seen anything interesting on your table? :)

Lex xxx

Going home
06-01-10, 20:21
I think we're all seeing more or less the same birdies at this time of the year, i love the robins as we all do and the bluetits are great. The blackbirds can be bullies but they need to eat too. Ive also seen an owl and a falcon-type bird in some of the trees and flying around (I don't know the difference between the falcons, hawks or any of the others of this kind of bird sorry). Its a shame we can't feed them all yes? They're all starving in the snow.

GH xx

06-01-10, 20:36
Thanks for your help.
I would love to put food down for the birds but have my cats who are mostly outdoors, in the garden, so its not such a good idea :unsure: Its bad enough in the spring and summer, when they catch them, plus voles and mice :lac: I suppose I could hang a bird feeder off a tree and that way the cats won't get at the birds so easily.
My boyfriend says 'at least they will die with a full stomach'!!! Horrid man!!! :mad:
My neighbour thinks the birds are either buzzards or kestrels. I am not sure what they are, but thanks for your help and suggestions. .

Going home
06-01-10, 20:42
Yes what a horrid man :D

07-01-10, 04:04
Well, we stuff turkeys and chickens so maybe cats think we stuff birds for their benefit!:D


I've read that fieldfares and redwings visit more in severe winter weather which is probably why we're seeing so many. I'm not actually sure what country they come from though because they're a winter visitor. They've been in our garden every day lately and I love it how they seem to take it in turns to feed off the berries as they fly backwards and forwards from the tree!:)


If this helps...The most common are buzzards which circle and are often in pairs and are very large whereas kestrels hover and are much smaller.:hugs:

Going home
07-01-10, 09:53
This morning I set up a second table a bit further away, to encourage the smaller birds who keep being chased off by the blackbirds...seems to be working. Ive been watching a robin eating some breadcrumbs and seeds..he's lovely :)

GH xx

magpie girl
07-01-10, 13:28
hi bill were seeing alot of fieldfares this winter i think they are scandinavian but not sure.They are stunning to watch i am really enjoying watch the wildlife this year.I built a snow man and he is full of edible goodies for all the birds :D:D:Dhe has carrot tops for hair KIWI fruit for his buttons a chillie pepper mouth grapes and palm oil for eyes .The only problem is i have to keep replacing them :D:D:D:D:D:D

07-01-10, 14:00
Hi Bill....Redwings are characteristic of Northern Europes conifer forests so theyre coming from Scandanavia along with migrant fieldfares as magpie_girl mentions.

hi GH...its difficult for the little birds to get a chance to feed. I've even gone as far as making my birdtable like a cage using plastic coated chicken wire. The little birds can get through the gaps but the big ones cant!

Hi magpie...brilliant idea! Might have to give it a try. Who's eating the kiwifruit? Blackbirds/songthrushes?

Lex xx

07-01-10, 17:47
The other day I put out some bread for the birds. None came for ages. Then I noticed it was all gone, so today I put some more in my garden.

Some blackbirds and a few sparrows (I think) came and were feeding when suddenly a bullyboy magpie came and scared them all away. It was a right old bully and wanted the lot. Funny thing was a crow came along and the magpie flew away.

I was wondering what birds the crows would be scared of? Perhaps my cat would do the honours...

magpie girl
07-01-10, 19:13
you cant blame the magpies for trying:D:D:D:D Sparrows and thrushes have had a peck at the kiwi but dont seem that keen,so tonight ive changed it a little he now has bread sticks for hair and ive put nuts dotted on his body :D:D:D:Dbut as soon as i get my camera off they fly :weep:

07-01-10, 19:21
Hi Melancholia...nice to see you on the thread. :)

I think a crow would stay a healthy distance from a bird of prey. They dont seem as nervous of them as the smaller birds. Maybe because the crow is quite a sturdy and strong bird.

Funnily enough I have seen a group of magpies (theyre part of the corvidae or crow family) divebombing a sparrowhawk.

Lex xx

07-01-10, 20:04
aww thats a shame mags....a photo of the snowman with breadstick hair would be lovely! :D

08-01-10, 05:01
I was wondering what birds the crows would be scared of?

Magpie girl?:whiplash::blush: Another chance to use Miss Whiplash!:yesyes:

I guess with all these east winds the fieldfares and redwings are finding it easy to fly here! Better make the most of them I think!:)

08-01-10, 12:05
LOL! She seems to have a lot of uses Bill - Miss Whiplash that is! :roflmao:

Thanks Slothette. I don't know much about this subject but willing to learn from you, Magpie, Miss Whiplash & Co.

I'm just worried all this bread in my garden is going to attract the rats, although my cat usually makes sure they're dead before she brings them in for me!

I'll be keeping an eye on you birds ... :winks:

08-01-10, 13:18
Hi all
Hope you are all well?
Laughed at what you wrote earlier Bill and I am glad you are back :)
Took dog for walk yesterday ( or rather he took me!) over the fields as I do everyday. It looked so lovely and like a wintery victorian scene.
Does anyone look at the fields with snow on top and think of chocolate yule logs with the white powder on top of them, or is it just me???:unsure:
I saw the little robins again yesterday. They are so tame. The dog kept trying to get at them - he loves chasing birds!
There are a lot of magpies around too. I always have to do that One for Sorrow thing! and then have to make sure I see a second one for Joy, otherwise it worries me lol
Does anyone say Good Morning or Afternoon, Mr Crow? I still say that and worry that if I don't say it something bad will happen :wacko:
Bill - I think the bird I keep seeing is a kestrel. It does hover and glide.
The dogs new retractable lead snapped! :mad: and I had to go running all over the countryside to catch him. His breed can run up to 30mph it has been recorded. He doesn't come back when I call him :lac:
I went back home, because he disappeared off into the distance, heading for Warwickshire, lol, and he later turned up 10 minutes later at the door, with a look on his face that he knew he had done wrong. I can't stay mad at him for too long because he is so gorgeous and cuddly.
Anyway I am going off the subject of birds...sorry...

Going home
08-01-10, 15:55
Poppy, my daughter does that with magpies too...if she only sees one she has to wave at it, say hello or some such thing or she says it brings bad luck :)

Put some more fatballs out today, and some mixed nuts and rainsins from Aldi coz they don't cost alot from there for a big bag.

GH xx

08-01-10, 17:39
I think sometimes superstition and anxiety are closely related, especially with OCD, and perhaps that is one possible way that OCD develops.:shrug: How many times do we feel compelled to repeat or do something until we feel "safe" and nothing bad will happen even though we know there's no actual rational reson other than in an attempt to avoid worry and anxious feelings if we resist?

I'm not saying all people with superstitions develop OCD. It's just a thought of the relationship between them. One thing to bear in mind is that superstitions ONLY become a problem if we find we feel really anxious when we don't perform a ritual in response to them and feel the desperate need to do something irrational to ease those feelings. Yes, I've suffered from it!:blush:


I bet your dog keeps you fit by taking you for your daily run!:D


Yep, I can think of ALOT of good uses for Miss Whiplash which wouldn't be appropriate for mentioning on here!:D I should be so lucky!:weep::shrug: I deserve a good whipping!:whiplash: No, I'm not into sado stuff!...come to think of, I haven't been into Anything for a Long while! :blush:

Sorry, I diverse from the birds so to speak!

The redwings were here again today and I've putting a load more food out. Had to get an icepick first!:D

magpie girl
08-01-10, 21:13
Well today ive been layed up in bed with a bug:weep::weep:but i got to watch birds on and off all day.Today paul cooked the parrots sweet potatoe and corn on the cob,but not being used to having to do the meals he cooked way too much.He cleared a spot on the top of the avairy and decided to put it out for the birds along with nuts and cranberrys.I couldnt believe how quick it vanished,it didnt even have time to cool down:D:D:D.Im finding that the wild birds are just grateful for any food at the moment,so tommorow im going to put extra feeders up.Oh and they seem to love porridge oats,its so cold out there if i could knit i think i would knit them all pullovers:blush::blush::blush:

10-01-10, 05:43
Today paul cooked the parrots sweet potatoe and corn on the cob,(He did what!?!?:scared15:) but not being used to having to do the meals he cooked way too much. (tut tut!:lac:)

He's not the only one! I cook too much veg too when we have plain old chicken!:winks:

SORRY!!!:D................... :whiplash:<---- magpie girl giving me a slap!:blush:

10-01-10, 08:45
feel for the birds we must keep feeding they need our help

10-01-10, 14:59
Hi everyone

Magpie..hope youre feeling better now:hugs:.....tried a tin of sweetcorn this morning and that went down really well. Its amazing what the birds will eat when theyre desperate.

I tried some muesli too. I soaked it over night to soften it up but now its outside and frozen into a hard lump! The blackbirds are still having a peck at it though!

Hi Poppy....I always do the one for sorrow thing. I practically hang out of the window sometimes to see a second magpie so I can have some joy lol.

How are the redwings Bill?....still havent seen any but I'm probabaly too far to the west of the country if theyre flying in from Scandinavia?

Just heard some geese fly over - theyre so noisy. Lol. I love the way they honk whilst theyre flying. I just wish they would land in my garden. :D

Keep up the good work everyone...our birds need all the help we can give them now. :)

10-01-10, 17:00
The snowy weather has lasted since before Christmas here. Today we were looking out of the window at redwing in the garden when it suddenly sat in the snow and stopped moving. After five minutes it was obvious that it was in trouble so we went out, picked it up and placed it in a box covered by a towel, indoors. It seemed to revive and we put some wild birdseed in with it but it didn't try to eat anything and twenty minutes later, sad to say, it died.

I have done some research and it seems redwings come from Scandanavia to Ireland in the winter to escape the cold weather. How ironic that they have been facing minus temperatures, ice and snowfor the past few weeks here. It was a beautiful bird. There are lots more out in the garden and in the fields and I have learned that they don't really eat seed but the best thing to put out for them is apples and sultanas. It really is important to feed the wild birds at the moment as they struggle to cope in the snow.

10-01-10, 17:38
A friend sent me this site, http://www.rspb.org.uk/birdwatch/ (http://www.rspb.org.uk/birdwatch/)

magpie girl
10-01-10, 19:48
Well today the birds have had my parrots mix in the feeders,and a little left over fruit.I added some honey to the water just incase they need a little pick me up.Dinner time me and the dogs stomped down to the lake with 2 loaves of bread and a box of corn flakes.It was deserted not a soul in sight and the birds seemed grateful to see me.The lake is frozen over and they really seem to be struggling this year,looking for food and shelter.Tommorow im on a mission ive asked all my neighbours for all there crackers breadsticks and stuff left from christmas,and i will take the whole lot down to the lake.Im gonna take camera down and get some pics for you all:D:D:D:DOh by the way if u have any leftover mince pies or cake birds love it :D

Going home
10-01-10, 21:29
Magpiegirl, I didnt realise you could give them a honey mix, can anyone tell me what i can or can't give them? ive been putting out seeds and nuts and raisins and sometimes a bit of fruitcake, which they love, but not sure what in the way of liquids if any?

GH xx

10-01-10, 22:04

Personally I wouldnt give them anything too salty like salted peanuts. Also the RSPB advise not to give them dessicated coconut as this can swell in their stomach - not good. Also rice can be put out but it should be boiled without salt.

Sunflower seed hearts are good as are black sunflower seeds in the shell. In winter you can chop up a bit of apple or pear. The blackbirds love it.

I put out leftover backed potato yesterday with butter!! Anything fatty is good because they need the energy from the fat to keep warm.

Grated cheese goes down a storm - its a case of either buying specialist type seed or using scraps or both. Sometimes its trail and error to see what they will eat!

Always provide water as seeds and nuts are very dry. I have a couple of large round terracotta plantpot dishes on the ground filled with water. They keep freezing in this weather so I go out with a kettle of boiling water and melt the ice. The birds still want to bathe in it even though its cold.

Hope that helps a bit xx

Going home
10-01-10, 22:09
That helps alot, thanks so much :flowers:

GH xx

10-01-10, 22:14
Hi Rain...Oh thats so sad - at least you did your best to save such a lovely bird.

Steveo5...thanks for the link. I'm a member of the RSPB and do the Big Garden Birdwatch every year. I love it. :D

Glad that helped GH x

12-01-10, 03:16
How are the redwings Bill?....still havent seen any but I'm probabaly too far to the west of the country if theyre flying in from Scandinavia?

They're still around Lex. I think there are also fieldfares with them because some appear different.

We don't normally see them. I guess it's a sign of the severe winter.:hugs:

12-01-10, 14:24
I seem to be noticing the birds a lot more now, especially crows. There's a massive sycamore tree in the park nearby and dozens of these crows gather there. It's as if they have a morning briefing there, then disperse later. But they're always there in the mornings, crowing away. I had a thing about greeting them with a nod but I have a bad neck now so I'm sure they'll understand.

Have you ever noticed the vibrant blue amongst the black in magpies? They have the most beautiful colour in them. Shame about their naughty habits though!

I've discovered that crows are very wary of the big pigeons - wood pigeons I think but I could be wrong. There were two feeding in my garden yesterday and a crow was watching nearby waiting for them to go. Unfortunately the pigeons didn't leave much bread.

Too bad for Mr Crow.............

magpie girl
12-01-10, 16:52
Magpies are magnificent birds and vibrant in colour if you manage to get a close look at them :blush::blush::blush:.If the birds seem very hungry were u are at the moment try soaking some chick peas and mung beans for 24hrs then rinse them off and there ready for eating.Its a good sorce of protien for them and will help keep the weight on for the winter.Any pulses should be soaked for 24hrs before feeding as it can swell in there bellys.Things like potatoes,sweed,turnip,parsnips,must be cooked and not fed raw.I add honey,or aloe vera to the water or a supplement called spark .It just gives the birds a lift like lucozade for a human.Birds will eat anything but salt and caffine should be avoided .

12-01-10, 17:18
i'm a bit worried now, how will my birds cope with a tub of dried fruit and nuts left over from christmas i don't think they had salt on them , i love my birds i have a pied wagtail that comes to my window and say's hello most morning.xxxxxx

magpie girl
12-01-10, 18:45
Fruit and nut mixes are really good for the birds theres usually a very low salt content in them.Holland and barret use to let me buy all there out of code stock for all the resue parrots and birds but there no longer allowed to do that due to health and saftey:blush::blush::blush::blush:they used to love the banana chips.

12-01-10, 19:37
Hi Everyone

crissy - dont be worried. :)...I was thinking of very salty peanuts. Like Magpie says, tubs containing fruit and nuts are not salty.

Melancholia - Yes you will see lots of birds now due to the snowy conditions. Even birds that we wouldnt normally see that usually stay in woodland areas are turning up in gardens as they are desperate for food.

Magpies are really beautiful birds - in the summer when the light shines on the feathers the blue colour is stunning. If you look closely you can see a similar effect on a starling - almost greeny blue.

Hi Bill - I saw a couple of fieldfares here today. Still got my fingers crossed for a redwing!

Magpie_girl - pity Holland & Barratt wont let you carry on. Seems a real shame. Would that stock just go in the bin?

......Well today I put loads of cheapo fat balls I got from Poundland out. The longtailed tits love them but they dont spend alot of time in the garden unlike the bluetits and great tits. Poundland is also selling some Bill Oddie seed so I bought some of that too - went down well with the goldfinches.

I also had a pair of collared doves here today. Their feathers always look so neat and tidy not like the wood pigeons who tend to look a bit scruffy! :D

Going home
12-01-10, 20:19
We don't seem to get a great variety of birds considering there are lots of trees and parkland over the road. The regulars seem to be blackbirds, a robin or two and some bluetits who don't stay around very long because of the blackbirds. The blackbirds rule!! :D

I'm going to stay with some family for a while from tomorrow and have left strict instructions with my other half about feeding them. I won't be completely offline though so will be popping back to read the birdie thread!

GH xx

13-01-10, 13:47
Hi GH enjoy your stay with your family - pop back and see us! :)

We've had yet more snow here today so I've just put plenty of food outside. I grated up a block of cheese and put it along the fence and on my two birdtables - the cheeky sparrows came down straight away and tucked in!

As I put food out at the same time each day, I think the birds must have got used to it. There's not a bird in sight then they suddenly appear as if my magic. I think they must be hiding in the trees just waiting for me to turn up with the goodies! :D

13-01-10, 13:51
i heard that this bad cold we have thousands of birds have died its so sad ,i feed mine everyday,my family of finch have not been this year whitch is so sad i hope there ok

13-01-10, 13:56

13-01-10, 14:46
I saw a really beautiful bird in my garden today (no, she wasn't wearing a miniskirt unfortunately!). Maybe you experts would know what it was because I haven't seen it before. It was the size of a blackbird but had red/brown and white round its neck/breast with a brownish body. It made a weird sort of hooting sound, not like an owl, but not the normal chirping of a bird.

Even birds that we wouldnt normally see that usually stay in woodland areas are turning up in gardens as they are desperate for food.

Maybe that's what it is: these birds have come searching for food in urban areas. Interesting. I put more food for them today anyway..........

magpie girl
13-01-10, 14:50
thats such a sweet pic,i tried to get pics the other day but my other half forgot to charge the flippin batteries:whiplash:(just for bill lol ) To say i was not pleased was an understatment.Today i managed to get 4 packets of sultanas reduced in morrison cost a grand total of 90p for the lot.im going to mix them in with dry porridge oats and sunflower hearts.We have a family of collar doves who always get first pick at the food but they tend to enjoy what the parrots have!!!!!!! Ive put out clumps of millet today for the small birds they seem to gorge on it and im left with twigs :D:D:D:D:D I did speak to the lady in holland and barret and she confirmed the stock gets binned,which is a waste humans could still eat it let alone the wildlife.It just goes to show we have turned into a throw away society:weep::weep::weep:

13-01-10, 14:58
Hi Melancholia - possibly a redwing. Have a look at this link and see if what you saw looks the same :) http://www.naturephoto-cz.com/photos/birds/red-wing-2016.jpg

Its a lovely pic Gypsy - I was trying to work out what it was - some sort of finch? Cant tell from the pic.

Mags I think its a real shame about H&B - what a waste. They should give it away never mind sell it!!

13-01-10, 14:59
http://www.cometobg.com/pics/444.jpgyes it was a finch

13-01-10, 15:02

13-01-10, 20:01
We gad 2 Russian birds in our garden this weekend, called fieldfares. Never seen them before. They were so pretty they made me really happy to watch. My friend said to me if I feel down, LOOK UP and she is right. Look up and look around at mother nature, it can be healing sometimes........

13-01-10, 22:12
Hi Smudger - lots of people are reporting seeing fieldfares due to the bad weather. They love apples. You could try putting a few on the ground and they may come down and feed.

I love feeding and watching birds too. Like you it makes me happy and its a good way to forget anxiety!

13-01-10, 22:52
Slothette, you sound like a real bird lover. I think I could be too given time! Ill try n pay more attention in future.I think this snow REALLY shows up their wonderful colours.Stunning!

13-01-10, 23:04
Yes youre right they look beautiful against the snow but they are really really hungry because of the weather. Do you feed them in your garden? A bit of bread, a few nuts , grated cheese, dried fruit from your cupboard will help them so much. :) xx

14-01-10, 06:36
As Lex says, I wonder if that's what you saw Melancholia - a fiedfare or redwing because they're the size of blackbirds and thrushes with the colours you've described but I don't think I've heard their call so I can't be sure. That pic is identical to the birds we had in the garden Lex but I'm pretty sure fieldfares were with them too.

Magpie girl - And there's me thinking you were ignoring my Miss Whiplash!:winks::D

By the way, did any of you see Snow watch tonight on BBC2? It was the usual crowd you se in Spring and Autumnwatch showing how wildlife copes with severe winters. I never knew that 80 or 90% of a bird species such as kingfishers and blue tits have been wiped out before when we've had severe winters.

You know, something that I've often wondered about, although I know it's rather morbid!, is why don't we ever see dead birds other than those hit by cars, caught by other birds or cats, or because of oil slicks etc? Where do they go? You don't even see to see them in the countryside or under shrubs in the garden. Birds that come to mind are like all those pigeons in cities, or flocks of rooks, or even sea gulls. They just seem to disappear but how? Anyone know? Thank you.:hugs:

14-01-10, 15:26
Yes, it definitely looked like a Redwing, Slothette - it had a distinctive white stripe on its head and had more white in it than a Fieldfare (I always did have a keen eye for birds LOL!). The Fieldfare looks more like a Sparrow to me. The sound it made was definitely different to the normal chirping of a Sparrow - more like the bird sounds in a forest. Are these birds not usually found in urban areas then? Makes a change from all the crows and magpies anyway........

*See you just can't keep away from Miss Whiplash, Bill! She seems to follow you everywhere! Hope you're well my friend...

14-01-10, 15:32

I have a question

I have a mesh birdfeeder.....cant put food on ground cos of dogs but Ive been poorly and Im nearly out of peanuts and cant get out atm

Sure I saw someone on tv saying you could use sultanas in them.....which I often do in the summer but at this time of year you should soak in water first....is this right????

Also is there anything else I can put in feeder that wont drop thru holes????


Kaz x x x :hugs:

14-01-10, 16:04
Kazz you could feed them:
a range of seeds, unsalted peanuts, andtable scrapssuch as cooked pasta or rice, boiled potatoes, cheese, cooked bacon rind, raisins and sultanas Dried fruit are appreciated too but always soak these first. Fat balls attract a wider range of bird species and provide a great boost of calories. Fruit like apples, pears and soft fruits are always popular and are a great autumn boost.

Hope that helps.

Nikk xxxx

14-01-10, 16:13
Hi Bill - yes I did see Snow Watch. Its sad to know that so many of the smaller garden birds are really struggling at the moment. Its only when you hear the statistics that you realise how difficult it is for them to survive.

Like most wild animals birds will seek secluded and out of the way places when theyre feeling sick - this is also illustrated with the late summer moult when they will hide themselves away. They instinctively know that if their feathers are not in tip top condition, then they are in danger from predators.

Woodpeckers will climb into a hole in a tree to die for example. Sick birds will go to ground and because they feel vulnerable, they will hide away. Sometimes rest and seclusion will help them recover but often they wont be found in their hideouts - nature then takes its course with scavangers/predators like cats, rats and foxes sniffing them out.

Birds also have a light body mass and decompose rapidly.

Hi Melancholia - every year we get redwings and fieldfares arriving to spend the winter here. Some will visit gardens but most usually remain in woodland areas. Lots of birdwatchers are reporting increased sightings of them in their garden - we believe its due to the snow. There are estimates that half the population in the UK feed the birds so many different species are turning up in gardens looking for an easy meal - lots of birds are starving.

Hi Kaz - glad to see you back hun. Hope you feel better soon. :).....at the moment I would put the sultanas out without soaking. In this weather they just freeze if you soak them.

The only thing I can think of at the moment is using fat balls in your feeder but you wont be able to get out to buy them either!

Maybe you could leave your feeder til you get better. Do you have a garden fence? Maybe you could sprinkle food along the top of it. I did this today and it worked well - grated cheese, raw porridge oats, sultanas, bread, suet , crushed biscuits.

Lex xxx

14-01-10, 17:26

Kaz x x x:hugs:

15-01-10, 05:27
Thanks Lex....

I wonder if they need another expert presenter!? Fancy it!?:winks:

I've a little question for our expert.....

I use some margarine containers, put holes in the bases to drain water and top them up with nuts, seed etc but it all goes soggy because the birds don't eat it all quickly enough so.....what can I put in them instead as I can put the seed etc on the birdtable which is covered.

I was reading the suggestions of sultanas etc. Should I try them or can they work out expensive?

Thoughts please. Thank you!:bighug1:

magpie girl
15-01-10, 16:32
Bill you could fill the tubs with sweetcorn and pasta:D:D:D:Dor even a few chickpeas its good protien for the little fellows and you would be suprised how many birds are attracted to sweetcorn.Old biscuts are good aswell the ones that no one wants :D:D:Di just crumble them all up i mix all sorts together and they dont seem to mind.

15-01-10, 18:39
Hi Bill - I think I may be able to give Kate Humble a run for her money! :D

As for the pots....well I'd go for little and often if you see what I mean. If youre getting left over seed then it usually means that youre giving your birds too much.

Some ground feeders like wrens prefer to have a good old forage - maybe you could spread the seed about a bit, but less of it. You can always put a bit more out later on.

You could switch to dried fruit which wont go soggy and the birds will still eat it plumped up with water. As far as the cost is concerned, I suppose it depends where you buy it. I buy value ranges from the supermarket. We also have a chain of shops called B&M - I bought 2 large bags of sultanas for 50p.

Lex :hugs:

19-01-10, 01:24

I tend to fill everything up because of time. Often I don't get time when I get up and its too dark when I get back.

I'm going to give the sultanas a go. I'll try mixing some in with the seed. The birdtable is covered so I try and put a mountain on there for them.

The fieldfares and redwings seem to have flown off now the weather's milder but today we had 2 jays visit. Haven't seen them for ages so it was nice to see a splash of colour at this time of year when even human beings are all walking round as the "men in black!":hugs:

19-01-10, 19:53
Hi Bill

Some parts of the country are having more snow tomorrow so maybe the redwings will come back!

How lovely to get jays in your garden! I've seen them in the local park but havent managed to coax them into my garden.

Hope the sultanas go down well - let me know how you get on with them.

......Couldnt sleep (again!) last night but I was kept company by a robin and a wren singing through the night. Maybe as the weather has gone a little milder, theyre starting to tune up for the spring!! :hugs:

Going home
19-01-10, 23:13
Ive been putting sultanas out on the table too...not soaked tho, and they've been eating them...hope that's ok. My son also told me its better to put bread out whole rather than broken up. He said the bread swells inside them so if they can peck at a large chunk they can take just the amount they need...is this right?

Love the birdy pics!

GH xx :)

20-01-10, 01:13

Bread's better crumbled up or broken into small pieces. Moisten bread if its very dry - its just easier for the birds to eat. Bread isnt harmful to birds. Hope this helps. :)

20-01-10, 05:16
Some parts of the country are having more snow tomorrow so maybe the redwings will come back!


Knowing our luck down here we'll only get rain so they'll have to bring their umbrellas!:wistupid:

We used to get nuthatches too but I've not seen any in ages! Just wondered where they've gone so I thought I'd ask "our" Kate Humble?:notworthy::flowers::)

20-01-10, 08:56
heard on radio if you string popcorn and hang it birds love it

Going home
20-01-10, 12:23
Thanks for the reply about the bread xx

20-01-10, 17:19
Hi Bill

To answer your question - research has shown that some woodland species (nuthatch included) do not visit garden feeders as much when the supply of winter beech mast in the surrounding areas is high.

This may explain why you havent seen any nuthatches for ages. :)

Hi Gypsy - yes I've read that popcorn is good but I havent got round to trying it. :)

20-01-10, 19:08
Hi, Just wondering something.

Can a chicken or duck crate be thrown out for the birds, i seem to remember mum saying throw that out for the birds????? when we had had chicken for tea.
thank you for any advicexxxxxxxxxxx

love crissyxxxxxxx

21-01-10, 03:50
Thank you Lex:hugs:

My next question would have to be....what's a chicken or duck crate?:shrug: Sorry for being thick Crissy.:blush: Whatever it is, I reckon our cat would love it!

21-01-10, 09:51
sorry bill, it's the carcus of what's left when you've had a chicken still with bits of meat on it, mum used to hang with string off washing line xxxxxxxx just seems such a waste to throw in bin when birds can pick at it xxxxx

22-01-10, 00:03
I sometimes put out cat food for the hedgehogs, which is chicken flavour, and the magpies come down and steal it! - never heard of anyone putting chicken carcass out though. I'm not sure which birds would eat it but maybe they would if they were desperate!

magpie girl
22-01-10, 17:28
chicken bones are really good for birds:D:D:Dthey strip the bones of the marrow inside which is full of all the vits and minerals they need:yesyes::yesyes:

26-01-10, 01:46
Well I never knew that! I thought it might be a bit odd - birds eating other birds if you see what I mean!. But then magpies eat chicks out of the nest so I suppose its only the same thing. :)

26-01-10, 01:55
My Blackbird drops in for dinner:)

26-01-10, 02:31
That photo reminds me of my father and his blackbirds. He used to keep some sultanas by the back door and the blackbirds would sit on the fence waiting to be fed on the patio. They became very tame. I should think they must have missed him when he was no longer around. Happy yet also sad memories. Lovely photo though!!!:winks:

26-01-10, 09:17
Hi Bill, glad you enjoyed the photo, yes, same here, it's the raisins that they go crazy for.
We have a tame Robin too, he/she likes mealworm pellets:)


27-01-10, 01:09
What a fantastic photo. I was feeling a bit down in the dumps and thats cheered me up no end! Anymore Dave?

Hi Bill - really lovely memories of your Dad though. I have nice memories of my Mum feeding the birds in her garden also. Robins remind me of her, which is why it was lovely to see Dave's photo. :hugs:

27-01-10, 08:55
Hi Slothette, glad to have cheered you up.
Here's one especially for you :)


27-01-10, 18:59
Awww thanks Dave - is that the tame robin?

Bill - I meant to ask if you had any luck with the sultanas?

27-01-10, 21:43
What wonderful photos..Its awesome this thread has gone on for such a long time and what amazing photos.. Im so happy to come here and look at everyone's photos it makes me feel good inside that everyone has decided to share something here and what beautiful photos.. Michael

27-01-10, 21:49
Wow, look at that robin in the snow - awesome picture, he is a complete fat fluffy circle !

27-01-10, 21:58
thanks guys I have just had a look at the robin photos they are great and the blackbird. They cheered me up too. Our redwings stripped our holly tree of berries when we had the snow. They even ate the ones nearest the ground. We used to get mistle thrushes in the garden but I haven't seen one for a while now. There is a private school up the road to us and the fieldfayres and redwings love it there. It is wooded with large green open spaces. I am going on a bird walk next week along the Blackwater estuary so that should be fun. Also to Minsmere at half term.

28-01-10, 01:19
Hi Michael - glad to see you back on the thread. I was only thinking of you the other day as I havent seen you around for a while. Hope youre ok. :)

Yes theyre fantastic photos - I'm hoping Dave might post a few more for us to look at. :winks: Sure beats worrying about our anxieties.

Hi ElizabethJane - I've never been lucky enough to have a mistle thrush in my garden. That would be lovely to see. Let us know how you get on at Blackwater Estuary next week and if you see anything exciting. I've been on a few bird walks myself and I really enjoy it.

I'm just wondering if anyone is doing the Big Garden Birdwatch for the RSPB this weekend? http://www.rspb.org.uk/birdwatch/

I've got extra bird seed at the ready and a massive tub of suet pellets! Should keep my birds happy! :D

28-01-10, 01:40
Since you first posted this thread and posted photos and I posted photos and others posted photos ..I have been keeping my eyes more open instead of ignoring the beauty outside..I have seen more hawks in our yard lately and the ever present magpies and even a few owls at night.When we are out and about im always looking for the different kinds of birds and I think about you..Thanks for the welcome back.. just been trying to keep really busy lately but things are slowing down again .I have looked in from time to time but haven't said anything.. its nice to be missed ..thank you .. yes the photos are wonderful way to forget your anxiety .. When i go to the store I see the bird feed but since we feed the horses grain I think the birds kind of eat the left overs.. Nice for you to post to me. Keep up the beautiful thread. .Michael

29-01-10, 03:35
Lex, not got the sultanas yet but I'm planning to when I get the opportunity.

Michael, there are some people you Never forget even when they're quiet and you'd be one of them so it's good to see you're still around and that you're ok. I must admit I've been doing the same as you recently.

By the way Lex, there's been a thrush visiting the garden the last few days. Nothing unusual about a thrush I know but I've not seen one for Ages!:hugs:

29-01-10, 23:55
I can't remember seeing a thrust since we lived in Louisiana .I don't think ive seen any here. I have seen doves,ravens, hawks,eagles, pinion jays "especially beautiful they are aqua colored " but no thrush..Bill thanks for the kind words you always seem to make someone feel good.

30-01-10, 01:38
Hi Michael - its nice to know that youre on the lookout for wildlife in your area. I'd be pretty pleased to see an owl where I live! ..... I googled pinion jays to see what they look like - such a beautiful colour.

I saw a thrush here a few weeks ago. To be honest I think theyre becoming more scarce which is a shame.

I've got plenty of blackbirds though. Today I untwisted a wire coat hanger and threaded about four apples on to it. I folded up the bottom of the wire so the apples didnt slide off and hung it from a tree. The blackbirds have had a go at the apples already! :D

Hey Bill - I hope you dont get too busy to come on NMP! :hugs:

04-02-10, 16:11
Lex, the only new visitor we've had is a marsh tit but I've started using the sultanas and they do seem to attract more birds.

Michael, I like to try to make others feel good, especially when they deserve to!:winks:

04-02-10, 20:14
Hi Sloth,

Glad you looked up a pinion jay the color is really beautiful. I have been watching the owls almost every night and watching them and also the hawks have been hanging around but I don't even bother recording them since they are here so often..

I did happen to see the biggest raven I have ever seen fly over a couple of days ago .. it had about an 8 foot wingspan.. Incredible ..I in my life have never ever seen a raven this large.. I do have a question for you sloth.. When we lived in Louisiana we were in a place called Venice for an afternoon. We caught a bunch of pelicans in a swamp and caught many of them in mid flight. I was curious if you might find them interesting here if I posted them?

Im not sure other than the southern states of the US where pelicans are plentiful .Please let me know if you care to have them here and ill up load them to where I can link them to here.. Michael

07-02-10, 21:33
Hi Michael

I havent had a chance to post over the weekend so I have only just read your post.

Yes I'd love to see the pelicans if you dont mind uploading your photos. :)

Its funny but I was only thinking that I would love to see an owl round these parts after reading your earlier post about seeing them in your yard. Over the last few nights, I've definately heard one in the area - haven't seen it yet though but I hope to.

Hi Bill ..... glad the sultanas are working. You get some amazing birds in your garden - bird watchers paradise! :D

07-02-10, 23:29
Ok Ill try a little later to upload them and link them here.. Yes the owls are here almost everynight.. I really don't know why because there is so much snow everywhere.I don't think the rodents are out but then again they like rabbits to .I know the rabbits are out because I see them and their tracks.. The other night I could have made some really great video of a fat owl sitting in our front tree..It was a full moon and the lighting was fantastic and he kept looking at the camera but then again I think people probably get bored with seeing it so I don't bother anymore recording it.. Usually Ill look at the owl and then just turn the camera back to patrol.. the hawks have been coming around i suppose for the same reason "rabbits".. Ill try to upload the pelican photos tonight. Thanks for writing .. Michael

08-02-10, 01:22
These are the photos that I was talking about Sloth.I hope you can see them ok and please be sure to look closely ..some of the birds are in mid flight and some are in the water and some blend with the trees..I also forgot there were two photos of a heron and these were common in the area I grew up in .We used to see them all the time. These birds are both native to Louisiana ,im glad to find them on my hard drive ..its good for my memories..

http://i823.photobucket.com/albums/zz151/michaelrosetti/DSC03185.jpg (http://i823.photobucket.com/albums/zz151/michaelrosetti/DSC03185.jpg)














08-02-10, 15:41
Hi Michael

Thanks for posting the photos. I really enjoyed then. I would have to go to the local zoo to see a pelican!

We do have herons here though too - I often see them at a local reservoir.

I wonder what species of owl you saw the other night? I listened here around 3am (can't sleep!), but didnt hear anything. Hopefully it will come back and I can take a look at it. :)

08-02-10, 19:44
Im not sure what species..we call them barn owls.. I will try to look them up today and see.. now we have seen two great horned owls ..they get over three feet tall .One on the road coming home one night.It was huge and the other was over our skylight about a year ago and just kept hooting.. gave me the creeps.. I didn't know where pelicans are native to other than Louisiana and I took those photos about six years ago now that I think about it.. glad you liked them . Will check out the owl species today and let you know. Michael

08-02-10, 20:34
now we have seen two great horned owls ..they get over three feet tall

What are they -monsters? That's nearly a metre tall! Looked them up on Wikipedia and they do look a bit creepy...

Your pictures are beautiful by the way.

08-02-10, 21:02
Thanks Melancholia,

No just birds.. Like I said I have only seen two of them in five years never had a camera available when I did ,I have had them fly over in the dark and you can hear their wings like a loud swooping noise. Another bird that we have here is the eagle..I never knew eagles were that large until I saw one up close and personal in a zoo once.. I have never gotten close enough or had a camera around when they were where I could see them but I wish..they are really beautiful.. There are wild turkeys here we have seen dozens at a time in one year but none since. .Thanks again for your kind words.. Michael

08-02-10, 21:30
I know this thread is about garden birds but I did manage to go on a bird watching walk last Saurday along the Blackwater canal and Heybridge basin. When we set out it was freezing cold but the mist soon cleared and the 'birding' along the estuary and canal was impressive. Our guide pointed out some redshanks in the water as well as dunlin which were more difficult to see as they are so small. The most impressive sight was a flock of brent geese who took to the air as they were disturbed by a bird of prey. The noise was reassuring. I have never heard any thing like it and we are going back soon for another look before these birds migrate. There must have been close on a thousand there. Who says that Essex has nothing to offer? The sun on the mudflats and the derelict boats added to the charm. Someone had seen a buzzard but it missed me. We saw some lapwings near the waters edge and various 'warblers' as we were close to marshland. Two cormorants had stopped to roost on some posts sticking out of the water. Our guide was going off to see if he could hear the cettis warbler but as my binoculars are not that strong we decided not to join him. The mud was impressive too and it was impossible to avoid it so you ended up walking through the middle of it. We had lunch on an old Thames barge (organised) and jam roly poly pudding and a glass of wine!

08-02-10, 21:47
Ok Sloth,

I found some information and suspect Im seeing either a SHORT EARED OWL or BORROWING OWL or a small GREAT HORNED OWL .Although just because there is a species not listed here doesn't mean they couldn't show up here. There is a bird reserve just down the road from us where they have the Monte Vista Crane festival
every year but to me cranes are not that impressive because I grew up seeing these and Herons about in the Louisiana Swamps.. also ducks and geese and about every species you can imagine.. Below I am listing what I found about bird species here in this valley where I live that can be seen .. Also I kind of borrowed some other folks photos to show what the species of owl looks like since I have never photographed one during the daytime.. That would be a great photo here.. since I only seem to see them at night.. Anyway hope you enjoy the info and the photos.. Michael
The SanLuisValley affords some of the best bird-study
areas to he found in the RockyMountain region. The chico
and rabbitbrush of the valley floor, the rushes and cattails,
the cottonwoods and willows along stream banks, the
conifers at higher elevations, and the water all combine to
the white-fronted, snow, and blue geese; also the peregrine
falcon, caspian tern, belted kingfisher, and poor-will to
name a few.
The following list includes those species which an observer
might normally expect to find during the late spring
and summer months.
American Avocet Common Grackle
American Bittern Common Nighthawk
American Coot Common Raven
American Goldfinch Cooper's Hawk
Bald Eagle Crow
Band-tailed Pigeon Downy Woodpecker
Bank Swallow Eastern Kingbird
Barn Owl Evening Grosbeak
Barn Swallow Gadwall
Black-billed Magpie Golden Eagle
Black-crowned Night Heron Gray-headed Junco
Black-headed Grosbeak Great Blue Heron
Black Tern Great Horned Owl
Blue Grosbeak Green-tailed Towhee
Blue Grouse Green-winged Teal
Blue-winged Teal Gray Jay
Brewer's Blackbird Hairy Woodpecker
Broad-tailed Hummingbird Horned Lark
Brown-headed Cowbird House Finch
Brown Towhee House Sparrow
Burrowing Owl House Wren
Canada Goose Hummingbird
Canvasback Killdeer
Cassin's Finch Lark Bunting
Cassin's Sparrow Lesser Yellow Legs
Cinnamon Teal Lewis' Woodpecker
Clark's Nutcracker Loggerhead Shrike
Cliff Swallows Long-billed Curlew
Long-billed Dowitcher
Long-billed Marsh Wren
Mountain Bluebird
Mourning Dove
Pied-billed Grebe
Pine Grosbeak
Pine Siskin
Pinon Jay
Pintail Duck
Redhead Duck
Red-shafted Flicker
Red-tailed Hawk
Red-winged Blackbird
Ring-neck Pheasant
Rock Dove
Ruddy Duck
Rufus Hummingbird
Sage Thrasher
Sandhill Crane
Say's Phoebe
Short-eared Owl
Shoveler Duck
Snowy Egret
Sparrow Hawk
Spotted Sandpiper
Steller's Jay
Swainson's Hawk
Townsend's Solitaire
Turkey Vulture
Vesper Sparrow
Western Grebe
Western Kingbird
Western Meadowlark
Western Tanager
White-crowned Sparrow
White-faced Ibis
Williamson's Sapsucker
Wilson's Phalarope
Wilson's Warbler
Yellow-headed Blackbird
Yellow Warbler


Great Horned Owl


Barn Owl "probably not this one"


Short Eared Owl ."more than likely this one"


Burrowing owl ."very well could be this one..we find these burrows all over our property although never seen one fly out of the holes.. the holes are huge"


Another Great Horned Owl..."I suppose it could be a small one of these but the ones
that I have identified for sure have been at least three feet tall but then again it could be baby ones "

08-02-10, 21:55
Dear looking for answers a lot of the birds you have listed we have in the UK too. I expect that they are migrants. It is interesting to see the great number that are common in both countries.

08-02-10, 22:03
I just was looking up birds that were common to the valley that I live in.. those are just a few of the birds of the USA..I have seen just about every species you can imagine all over the USA but many are native to other countries not just here, they only come here to migrate in the southern states and southwest because of the cold..I can't see species coming here to get out of the cold here in Colorado but when I was growing up in Louisiana it was a common site to see birds from Canada fly over when winter was coming. .Also since there is so much water in Louisiana there are tons of species that live there ..and also migrate there ,much more than is here in Colorado.. Maybe species like the Eagle isn't present in Louisiana that much but then again there are species there that wouldn't be caught dead here in Colorado.. I suspect the birds that are here in the states are also present in most countries I only copied what I found on a bird watchers site here in the valley in my state . Michael

08-02-10, 22:18
I have been trying to find the native areas or origin area for the pelican but found its mostly classified as a sea bird.. I suspect there are some on the coast of the UK as well.. I was just googling and found this site where they show some of the birds of Australia and they are magnificent.. I am putting a link here for that site and also they have their own native pelican although it isn't exactly like the brown pelican its still beautiful . Here are the links here .Hope you don't mind.. Michael



08-02-10, 22:24
Speaking of pelican in the UK.. :-0 Found this at world news about the very same subject.. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/6083468.stm

09-02-10, 00:23
Hi Michael

Thats a fantastic list of birds to see. I wonder do you have any binoculars so that you can see some of them at close range? As Elizabeth Jane says, we have some of those species too but any that I dont know from your list, I'm going to google.

I also just googled the Monte Vista Crane Festival. This is a little like the migration of Whooper and Bewick swans to an area quite near to where I live.

To be honest I have to say that I really do like owls! I dont find them creepy although I can see that coming across a Great Horned Owl in the dark could be a scarey experience!

The Barn Owl is the species I think is flying around my area during the night. The Burrowing Owl must be big then if the holes are huge?

I had a look at the links you posted and I take it back that I said I could only see a pelican in a zoo!! I didnt realise there were a few living in a park - poor pigeon though. LOL.

Hi Elizabeth Jane - talk about any birds you like on this thread. The more the merrier! It sounds like you had a very enjoyable day. It's a shame you didnt get to see the cettis warbler. I think I would have been very pleased to see one. :)

09-02-10, 01:10
Hi Sloth,

I have binoculars but find them bulky and clumsy..I do have that security camera that i took the video of the hawk but usually if I do see a owl or eagles its when im in my car during the daytime and silly me im not that great with a camera...now sometimes I do get a chance to video which I can make into photos but I don't hardly ever carry my video camera with me anymore..Maybe I should again.. Yes last year we were out blowing up prairie dog holes..I know that sounds bad but they are a nuisance and breed disease such as plague and others . they also destroy grasslands..Getting back to my original point..We saw many holes way to big for prairie dogs and I was thinking these must be some huge prairie dogs ,when a neighbor came over and told me that it was burrowing owls..I wanted to build some owl boxes to encourage owls to breed here and stay here but then I found out the cost and trouble and decided that I hoped they were living in the ground here and in the trees and the barn for the horses..

The great horned owls are spooky..I remember coming home that night and surprised on on the road it was right in front of the car .. was tremendous bird .. huge and the one sitting on the skylight in our bathroom one night. i walked in the bathroom and looked up and it scared me to death and then it was who who whoing for about an hour. It gave me the creep so I went out the front door and slammed it and the owl left..never came back.. But that is my two encounters. .

By the way the list I gave you ..I have no idea what type of birds they are if I saw them I wouldn't know many of them or most of them just a few species i do recognize .. I just thought I would list them from the pages of the bird watcher that lives here in San Luis Valley .. I thought the article bout the park was cute,although tragic for the pigeon ..

Also yes Elizabeth Jane nice to hear from you . Im sorry I wasn't sure you hadn't already posted here. I enjoyed the information about what you told us about the birds please do post again .Like Sloth said the more the merrier.

I was going to add we don't even have to go to the festival ,right down the road when they cut the hay the cranes come in by the hundreds.I did have some video of that somewhere and may have posted it here before.. Michael

10-02-10, 01:48
Hi Michael...no I dont remember seeing the video of the cranes. Maybe you could post it?

I have some binoculars - they are small and lightweight and just the job for bird watching.

10-02-10, 03:28
OK ill check on my other hard drive and see if I can find it and post it.. on here.. Michael

11-02-10, 01:55
I found the video of the cranes down the road from me..Ill try to get it uploaded tonight maybe with some of a hawk and some doves etc..

11-02-10, 02:02
Hi Michael....thats great! Looking forward to seeing it. :)


11-02-10, 02:56

Im not sure you can tell much about the video.. its of the birds coming over from the bird reserve into the hay fields here and then I added a hawk on a post at the end. I think i lost my video of the doves and some other birds but at least I found this.If you decide you want to see this better email me with your email address and its so small I can send you the video.. Michael


11-02-10, 03:21
I enjoyed looking at it - never seen so many cranes. We wouldnt get to see that here. I liked the hawk flying away at the end too.

I also took a quick look at Pepper the pony rolling on the ground - looked like good fun!

11-02-10, 08:47
Glad you enjoyed it.. that is a very common site down the road from me much of the year especially after they cut the hay fields..I guess I take it for granted pretty much.. Thanks for checking out Pepper. I posted that on here awhile back.. she is my sweetheart.. so very loving to me but our other horses are kind of standoffish. Nice you looked at the other video too while there.. Ill keep my eyes open for more different types of birds for you..If you decide you want the owl videos or anything I posted here in the past let me know and Ill email it to you for your own computer.. Thanks for checking the video out.. Michael

11-02-10, 17:04
I just wanted to tell you the nuthatches have been back. Not seen them for a Very long time.

Also I've noticed the dunnocks (hedge sparrows) making little "dances" to each other when in pairs. I'm not sure if it's boundary threats or courtship rituals though...or maybe they know valentines day is coming up!:lac::blush:

12-02-10, 19:20
Hi Bill

I'm pleased that the nuthatches have returned for you - I'm so envious! :D

Haven't seen my dunnocks for a while although the blue tits seem to be getting a bit frisky - theyre chasing each other around the trees. I've put up a nest box so lets hope they feel like moving in!

Yes Michael - keep your eyes open and your camera ready! :D

12-02-10, 19:37
Hiyer...can I join your bird thread ?

We've not had nuthatches for a couple of years now, they are so cute, like little mini upside down woodpeckers on the nut feeder. We have two pairs of bullfinches though who are flitting about and bundles of long tailed tits - sometimes the group numbers around 15.

13-02-10, 03:39
It's not my thread but I think it's a pleasure to have others join in Carys:hugs:

I can remember not that long ago I was standing in the garden when a flock of long tailed tits flew in all around me. I felt like I was standing in the middle of an aviary. It was a lovely experience.

Bullfinches are one bird I've not seen for a Very long time and nor have I seen those nuthatches come back yet since the other day which is a shame because I love seeing them.

Lex, those sultanas worked a treat! I've got to get some more!:hugs:

13-02-10, 14:14
Hi Carys - please do join in. The more the merrier I say!

The species with the greatest number in my garden are goldfinches - more than 30 sometimes! They're very noisy and squabble alot.

The nuthatches will come back Bill. I'm glad the sultanas are working for you. :D

I've got to go outside now and top my feeders up - I hope to see a bullfinch here one day. I think I'd be VERY lucky to see one though! :D

22-02-10, 12:52
Hello everyone

We had a bit more snow today and yesterday and the birds have come back in full force.

I've got 2 birdtables set up and was suprised to see 4 robins - 2 on each table. It was so nice to see 4 of them. They are usually very territorial so I think they may be tolerating each other a bit more now as the breeding season approaches! Anyone else got more than one robin in their garden?

Please keep feeding your garden birds everyone - they still need our help in this cold weather. :)

28-02-10, 04:35

There are alot of birds visiting the garden now. Lots of chaffinches, blackbirds, doves, robins etc but I've also seen the jackdaws, jays, marsh tits and also a goldfinch. The nuthatches have been back too.

I've also found a shop that sells a muesli for birds which includes sultanas and the birds seem to love it.

Sometimes I can find it so relaxing watching them that I forget the time!:hugs:

23-03-10, 04:24
Are you ok Lex?:hugs:

There were 4 jays in the garden today. Never had so many at one time before!

The funniest thing I saw recently was about a marsh tit. He was feeding out of one of the containers when he dropped something. He climbed all the way down the tree to search the ground below but he couldn't see it so he went back to the container. Evidently there couldn't have been another of what he dropped so he went looking in the other containers. He then gave up and flew off! Most birds won't even think of looking for what they drop! Just never seen that behaviour before!:shrug:

25-03-10, 06:15
Hi Bill - I pm'd you :hugs:

Sounds like a very clever marsh tit. The only birds I've ever seen looking for what they've dropped are crows - they're known to be very intelligent!

At the moment I seem to have more longtailed tits than anything else in the garden. They come into the garden at the same time every day. It's very odd as when the clock comes round to 4pm I wait for their call and I can hear them approaching like clockwork. I'm not sure why they do this. Maybe they have a set route and visit a series of gardens in order and get to me at 4pm? :shrug: It's very nice to see them though!! :hugs:

25-03-10, 18:36
I was glad to hear you're ok...ish Lex so thank you for letting me know as I was a little concerned why you hadn't posted on here for a while. It was simply not like you!:hugs:

I've noticed this routine too. The garden s often very quiet all afternoon but suddenly about an hour or so before it gets dark, there are are a number of regular visitors all arriving at the same time. It's almost as if they can see it getting dark so come in to fuel up for the night just as we do by having dinner in the evening. It's curious!

I hope you're feeling back to normal soon!:hugs:

29-03-10, 02:54
Hi Bill - I must get some more seed. Looks like there may be snow in my neck of the woods by Wednesday! I hope not though as I was just getting used to the lovely Spring weather. :hugs:

29-03-10, 04:04
Hello.I have just noticed the birds are back after the cyclone.They were very quiet for a week,I had no kookaburra's on my back fence or Rosella's even the crows were in hiding.Aboriginals say the birds disappear when they know a big storm or bad weather is coming,also when you see lots of black cockatoos,it means rain is on the way.But i am pleased the birds are back........so lovely to hear in the morning.I also have a big birdbath in my backyard.
Rhonda x:D

01-04-10, 13:56
Hi Rhonda

Glad the birds are back and more to the point that you're ok after the cyclone! Sounds pretty scarey.

I hadn't heard of a rosella before so I googled it - my aren't they beautiful!!

What other kinds of birds come to your backyard?

01-04-10, 23:02
Hi Slothette:flowers:
I get beautiful birds in my yard......Honeyeaters,Curlews they sound terrible at night sounds like someone screaming.Sparrows.Butcherbirds Magpies and lots of cockatoo's,that's because of the big bird bath and feeding trays my hubby built.I have the Blue Rosella in my yard,no Mountain larries.Oh I nearly forgot the Lorakeets they are beautiful birds,they eat the nectar off a tree out the back,and you know that saying..........Pissed as a parrot,wellthat is them,they are so funny to watch,they fly into the house and you think they are dead,but turn them over and they fly away,so funny.I can go on and on,out west of here there are millions of wild budgies,just magnificent to see,We certaintly have some wonderful,beautiful birds.:yesyes:
Have a Great Easter.

04-04-10, 04:30
This morning there was a pelican in my yard...I do live across the road from the beach,but it is the first time i've had a pelican in the yard.I have named him Peter.:yesyes:

05-04-10, 10:33
Our little housemartins are back. They come each year and build a nest just under the front of our roof. It's so funny because it looks like a nest with an extra bit on the side which looks like an extension! They're upmarket our housemartins!! We don't need an alarm clock in the morning when they come. Their chatter wakens us up!! They'll be there for a few months and we'll be out with the bucket each morning, cleaning their droppings!! That's the only drawback - we wish they could be house-trained!!
Myra x

07-05-10, 20:53
Aww Myra thats lovely. I'm still waiting to see some swifts darting about in the sky. Anyone seen any yet? :)

Going home
18-12-10, 00:16
Just wanted to bump this thread because it was lovely reading it again and now that the weather has taken a turn for the worst once more it seemed appropriate. LookingforAnswers and some of the other members put some great pics on it too.

Ive moved house since I posted on it this time last year and now have a canal in front of my house, which has been frozen for a couple of weeks so have been feeding the swans and ducks...:)

Anna xx

18-12-10, 14:51
Hi Guys,haven't been here for yonks, thought I'd put my Robin photo back on:)