View Full Version : Bad Night.......To much time to think....!

10-11-05, 12:30

After a bad night with too much time to think i am now thinking i have Parkinson's........made worse by looking up the symptoms on the net....(i know it was stupid) i have about 3 of the symptoms that were listed.

As there is no test that can be done to confirm Parkinson's i'm worried that this will not be found until it's too late.

I have an appt with my GP next Wednesday so i am going to ask about it, but i know he will just say i'm worrying unnecesserly.

I am 50 yrs old so i am at the right age for parkinson's to start.


10-11-05, 12:51
Hi Trish

Unfortunately we all think too much while going through anxiety but I really do think you have absolutely nothing to worry about. We all have the same symptoms and unfortunately we are all suffering from anxiety. It is very difficult to look rationally at this after a very poor nights sleep. Distraction may help you to show that when your mind is occupied then the symptoms slowly fade - if it were truly something else the symptoms would be there 24/7.

Take care

Rach xxxx

"True acceptance means 'facing and relaxing' - it is submission" (Claire Weekes)

10-11-05, 12:58
HI trish...i suffer the same thing...sleeplessness and thinking toooooo much!:(
i do exactly the same as you and look stuff up on the net...its just too tempting isnt it. ive been told numerous times not to do it by my gp cos my brain subconsiously gives me the symptoms that are listed....
take your doc's advice on your symptoms....not your minds! :D...not easy i know....but its best...

10-11-05, 13:23
Hi Trish

Never surf the net for peace of mind when it comes to illness, I can tell you first hand that peace you don't get. I USED to google my symptoms all the time, and that was when my anxiety was at its worst. I have not given in to temptation recently and do not look up symptoms on the net and it has helped. I ended up in floods of tears at the doctors thinking I had all sorts of diseases. I am still here and thankfully have none of them.
I'm sure the symptoms you are getting are anxiety.

Good luck


10-11-05, 13:42
hear hear...my sentiments exaclty! :D its not easy but its best!

10-11-05, 18:11
My health has improved dramatically since I stopped googling!!!!!

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

10-11-05, 18:38
Check this out.

Over the past 8 months, I have definitely had/got the following illnesses:

Heart Attack
Pulmonary Embolism
Anaphylactic Shock
Peptic Ulcer
Stomach Cancer
Blocked Salivary Gland
Mouth Cancer
Glandular Fever
Thyroid Disease
Menieres Disease
Throat/Ear Virus*
Bladder Cancer
Kidney Disease
Renal Colic
Kidney Stones
Antibiotic-Resistant Urinary Tract Infection*
Myaesthenia Gravis
Multiple Sclerosis
Deep Vein Thrombosis in one leg
Polycystic Ovaries
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease*
Scarlet Fever
Lichen Planus*

There are more but I can't recall them offhand (the fact that I can recall this many off the top of my head is somewhat indicative of the amount of analysis I have been doing on the quiet!). How shocking is that??? That's over 30 medical conditions, 5 of which I have had in reality (indicated by the * - I have had a rough year but...).

The rest are a bad case of Googlitis ;)

Writing that out is therapy in itself - however did I survive that lot LOL!

Eeb x

10-11-05, 20:15
Hi all

Thank you for all these replies, i'm most grateful.

Eeb, it certainly puts things into prospective when you write it down, doesn't it?

I have always thought of myself as intelligent (well maybe half!) yet in the small hours of the night my intelligence leaves me....Why is that?

I know i shouldn't look symptoms up, as they say "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing"

Best wishes
Trish x

11-11-05, 02:39
Hi Trish,

I consider myself intelligent but when the panic sets in, all comon sense just goes out the window... happens to the best of us

All the best,


"Life's a roller-coaster and I am not strapped in"

11-11-05, 09:53
Hi Alan

You are so right.........panic attacks takes all my common sense away.

What i would like to know is why is my common sense with me throughout the day and then desserts me during the night???

I have read on another thread that you are about to become a dad......how wonderful for you, i wish you and your wife lots of love and happiness.

Best wishes

Trish x