View Full Version : just found out my aunt has "C"

11-11-09, 07:51
Hi guys

When u need support where do u go? Here for all u guys to tell me i'm normal hopefully!

My aunt, who is like my second mum, has been in hospital for a week now with fluid on her lung. We found out last night that there are cancer cells in the fluid!

My mum screamedthe house down, my sis cried and i felt sick and ran round making cups of tea and giving out hugs and lots of reassurence. I was practical telling mum that the things they do now is amazing. I was so possitive! This morning i think its hitting me, i woke up with aching arm, feeling sick andtrying to keep it all together like last night.

Last night i w2as the old Nikki, i always dealt with bad news by being the rock. I was so pleased it was still in me. But now i'm scared that the anx and panic attacks will come back. I keep telling myself that it is ok and normal to feel like this after a shock.

I guess i'm asking if u would feel like this?

Thanks guys u r my rock


margaret jones
11-11-09, 12:26
Hi Nikki
Just read your post i can empathize with you i am just like you strong for everyone else ,but fall apart at times .
When my brother was very ill i looked after everyone buy forgot to care for myself and my own sadness ,I then suffered badly afterwards when we lost him . So my advice to you Nikki is look after yourself as well and allow yourself to be sad , while you support everyone else .My thoughts are with you all Take Care Margaretxx

11-11-09, 14:59
well i did it i cried. And i will cry more i know tough times are ahead. My friend got the all clear last week so i know it is possible.

Thanks Tetley i smiled when i read your post cos you are right i did good!!

11-11-09, 18:01
Yeah, well done Nikki.

I think you should try and find a cancer support group for you and your family. The hospital or your dr should be able to help.

Thinking of you x

11-11-09, 18:13
Hi Nikki

Well done for being there for your family
how you feel is totally normal

dont forget if you ever need anyone to lean we are here xx