View Full Version : enough is enough, is this anxiety

11-11-09, 08:12
Hey guys sorry for this long story it all started about 4 months ago when i had a lump come up in my throat when i swallowed i could hardly breathe but i didnt feel unwell, my mum was worried she rushed me to a&e were they done an xray of my throat which came back clear. i was then put down to have a barium swallow which also come back negative. Then out of the blue the next morning i woke up i couldnt move my legs/arms were aching and i felt the colour drain out of me. 1 week later i was no better so doctors sent my for a chest x ray and a blood test the blood test came bk clear however the chest x ray cAme back with some mist on my lungs as they called it so i was given anti botics, a month later still no better so yet again they sent me for a chest xray this time it came bk that i had enfluzema something like ashma i believe however the docs threw it away saying it was duff, i have alSo been to the dentist to check my wisdom teeth they are impacted but not high risk yet no swelling of the gum, so bk to the docs i went they sent me for another blood test for thyrod which came bk clear, then they said therr is nothing more we can do for u and stuck me on amitriptyline for cfs/me possible aneixty basically they dunno whats wrong, in the mean time i have got some more symptoms which i hate shaking all over feels like all my muscles are vibrating my eye lids when i close them are twitching so bad its visable, always hot cleamy sweaty hands and feet, cAn hardly breathe sometimes, so they have taken my of the amitriptyline because i felt like i was on a ride ar night lol can hardly sleep, my vision isnt right and ny heart beat is not fast but thuding agaisnt my chest

11-11-09, 09:13
you sound like you going through a lot,, but if you have had tests and they come back clear ,that's good you are suffering severe health anxiety witch can manifest its self in many ways try t relax

11-11-09, 11:38
i do try and relax but i seem to have these symptons 24/7 even when i do something im enjoying for example going west ham, it making me feel like i cant go out because i dont feel good :( but it is had to think that physical symptons that i can feel adds up to aniexty,
i personally thought like aniexty come and goes for example when you waiting to see a dentist everyone gets a bit anxious and sweats but it goes after

11-11-09, 12:28
in some cases yes it does but in others it stays with you i know i went through severe anxiety for 1 year no let up it was so bad ,,i just didn't know where to put myself thought i was going mad ,,so i can feel what your going through but there is a light at the end of the tunnel believe me ,,you will be OK

12-11-09, 08:25
My doctor believes that i might have chronic fatgiue sydrome cfs i hope not but could this be the case

12-11-09, 08:42
yes it could as this can cause many symtoms ,,but i feel your health is ok ,,try to think positive we have to to get by x

12-11-09, 13:01
just so hard when you got the worst headache ever had this none stop for 2 weeks makes me feel dizzy and horrible hate not breathe properly as well

12-11-09, 13:02
shaking all over all day long !!