View Full Version : Boiler broke...panic attacks

11-11-09, 14:26
I've been getting panic attacks as the heating has been broke all week. Seemingly you can get carbon monoxide poisoning from it. It's turned off though and a new heating system goes in tomorrow? Will I be ok if it's been turned off? :scared15:

11-11-09, 14:51
I have some dizziness and a headache:


Wow this sounds horrible..:weep: What am I going to do? Will I have it?

11-11-09, 14:58
Hi phil06. I'm not totally sure, but I think you should you OK if the boiler is switched off. (You might need another forum member to confirm, but I'm going along the lines that if something is switched off, it is unable to give off anything like carbon monoxide).
I had a similar problem when I first moved into my (then) new house. The heating wasn't working (boiler problems) and I was having panic attacks about carbon monoxide, even when the boiler was fixed. I purchased 2 carbon monoxide detectors (they were a tenner each from Tesco) and since I've fixed one in the kitchen (where the boiler is) and one in the lounge, it has given me piece of mind as I know that (subject to keeping the batteries up to date), no carbon monoxide is being given off (otherwise the detectors will make a loud alarm noise). Maybe you should try getting one of these?

11-11-09, 15:00
Sorry, didn't see your 2nd post. You may need to ascertain that the diziness and headache is not caused by anxiety/panic (although I'm not sure how you would do this). If you are unsure or really worried, maybe try calling NHS Direct, or the emergency services. Even if it turns out to be a false alarm, at least you can put your mind at rest.

11-11-09, 15:05
Sorry, didn't see your 2nd post. You may need to ascertain that the diziness and headache is not caused by anxiety/panic (although I'm not sure how you would do this). If you are unsure or really worried, maybe try calling NHS Direct, or the emergency services. Even if it turns out to be a false alarm, at least you can put your mind at rest.

Thanks it's my mum and dad's house so not sure. Don't think we have a detector but maybe when they fit the new heating they will fit a new one. I read elsewhere it would shoot you down pretty quick in minutes. It must be a good two days turned off. Just when somebody said about it then I'm into more panic about it.

From what I know it was working and when it broke it was hardly giving heat off so it was turned off from there. I'm hoping as it's turned off it's fine..I guess the gas people would not leave it unattended if it was not ok? :wacko: