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View Full Version : Armpit/breast pain and strange earache/headache

11-11-09, 14:51
Hi guys,

I have two symptoms that are really upsetting me at the moment.

The first is armpit pain. I get this a lot and have had it on and off for several months. It's usually my left armpit. I can only describe it as a sharp/prickly sudden pain in my armpit which comes and goes. In addition my armpit feels very slightly tender and sore when I press my fingers on it. And my left bicep also feels tender and tense.
Today I'm also having a mild pain in my left breast, which I don't get a lot as far as I can recall.
My husband examined my breasts last night and found no lumps either in the breasts or armpits, or any swelling, though he did notice that my left bicep felt tense.
I'm very worried that this is a breast cancer issue, or some kind of infection affecting my lymph nodes.

The second symptom is a strange headache/earache I have experienced over the past few days. On Sunday I woke up and my right eye felt sore - this is quite normal to me because I have sensitive eyes and they always get bloodshot with dust allergies and become inflamed. But then I felt a pain in my right temple - it was a sudden pain, quite sharp like someone was stabbing me with a nail. It was over in mere seconds. But it kept recurring again throughout the day, about every half an hour (and came on faster if I was talking lots, laughing or moving my head about).
The day after my eye was still sore and bloodshot but the sudden pain kept alternating, again every half an hour or so, between my eyebrow and my temple.
Yesterday and today, the pain has moved to inside my right ear and is more frequent.

My husband thinks it's some kind of ear infection or sinus infection, I had what I believed to be sinusitis a few weeks ago, and my right ear has been gunked up every now and then. When I saw the doctor about it a couple months ago she said it was just congested with wax and to use olive oil, it got better but perhaps it's come back.

Can anyone help me with either of these symptoms? I recently went to the doctor about headaches/muscle pain and had blood tests, which only came back with the results that I have an iron deficiency. But I'm not a big fan of blood tests in general because I don't know how much they can tell you if there is something serious happening.

I don't particularly want to see the doctor again but I think I might have to.

Thanks if you can help :)


11-11-09, 19:08
If it makes you feel better I have had something similar. An achy left bicep and underarm and the chest muscles over my left breast. The actual breast feels fine though.

My doctor has done two exams and found nothing to be concerned about. Its annoying and some days it gets to me.

I also poke and prod alot when something hurts so I've probably made it worse on own.
