View Full Version : help im new

happy happy ron
11-11-09, 14:56
hi all, im new to this forum, ive just started taking citalopram on monday (20mg) after starting with really bad panic attacks and depression at beginining of september. been on diazepan and trazodone but that didnt seem to work, now on a combination of 1 20mg citalopram a day and 1 5mg busperone three times a day. first few days been really bad, weak legs, no apetite, feeling sick, head feels like cant relax, waking in early hours still panicy. is this normal will it get better? please help

11-11-09, 15:33
yes its normal I had all the same sideeffects. I started to feel alot better after the first week and then great by the end of the second week.
I have been on them for 2 months now and Really do help alot, I still have the odd day when a bit anxious, but it's nothing comapred to how I was! and I havn't had a panic attack for a while now.
It's really hard to start with but if you stick with it, it will be worth it.
From what I have read, its the people with the worst side effects that the meds end up working the best for, so see it as a good sign. :)
hope its all goes well, good luck.

happy happy ron
11-11-09, 15:41
thanks, is it usual to not be able to relax, my head feels like its whizzing at a hundred miles an hour all the time, its driving me mad .