View Full Version : anxiety after eating and in the evening

11-11-09, 15:15
hi everyone,
am pretty new to anxiety and panic attacks, i seem to get them after eating like the feeling of the food in my stomach brings on the anxiety especially later in the day, it got that bad were i couldn't eat at all but i was starving but then the feeling of being hungry starts it off also, i started realising that i wasn't going mad after reading as much info as i could from the internet and i seem to be getting a lot better during the day. its just when the evening comes i start to feel the anxiety again, i'm going to bed at 7 o clock every night just so i dont feel so bad, i try all the breathing and telling myself it will pass and i'll be ok but i just cant seem to get through it so i just wait for it to calm down slightly then go to sleep, has anyone got the same or any tips to help i really hate it, thanks.

11-11-09, 23:18
Hi i get this also..I'm feeling pretty tense sat here right now and think i'm off to bed in a mo just to make it go away....I sometimes wake up tense then i come round and it's fine but then it seems to come back around tea time i get lots of palps until i settle down and relax, sometimes it won't go until i get in bed and even then it might take a while to go x x

12-11-09, 00:46
yeah I was getting quite anxious more towards night time, I think for me it was the sense of increased danger outside and the knowledge that my doctor would be unavailabe, also i got anxious after eating and about the sensation of having a full stomach as I am emetophobic so I was concerned that if i was full there was something there to vomit. whereas if i wasn't then id be less likely to be sick.

12-11-09, 14:15
i feel a bit better knowing am not the only one feeling like this, sounds exactly the same as what you said danath mayby knowing the doctors not available is making me worse in the evening, i went the gym last night which gave me something to focus on rather than o god its getting dark and am going to feel bad again, was still a bit tense but not as bad, still came home and went straight to bed though but at least it kept me up a bit longer
even what you said about if you have a full stomach there's something to be sick is exactly the same, i've just had my first decent size meals for ages and started feeling a bit funny but my boyfriend took me for a driving lesson and felt ok then, mayby its having something to concentrate on other than my stomach makes it easier, still nervous about eating to much in the evening though think i'll give it a bit longer before i try, am so glad i found this website i seriously thought i was going mad!!

12-11-09, 14:19
i've just googled emetophobic and found this website http://www.emetophobia.org/ looks good, going to have a proper nose now though, i've never even heard of it before but looks like theres loads of people with the same thing.

12-11-09, 17:25
its the 5th most common phobia around so I hear, though its odd in the outside world you never do hear of it, I used to think I was the only one with it, theres another website called 'emetonline' i think too, daft thing is I was actually sick earlier in the year and didnt give a damn when it happened yet here i am still worried about it happening.