View Full Version : scared again

11-11-09, 17:38
Is common to lose weight with anxiety? I went to the docs mon evening and she sais i had a swollen lymph node, the second she told me i was scared and went off my food , i have eaten very little over the next two days , i have been worrying over it all , i seem to have lost 3 to 4lb ... is this normal , i dont feel like eating . I have had various bloods seven weejks ago , all clear... she only wants me to have blood taken in 4 weeks , am i worrying over nothing ?



11-11-09, 17:41
I think if you are very worried you do go off food, and if you aren't eating it is likely you you will lose weight

11-11-09, 17:45
Can't give you any advice about the lymph node but i can tell you that it is pretty common to lose alot of weight fast with anxiety, it's the fear. I lost 2 stone i really thought there was something seriously wrong with me and i really struggled to lose weight before.

Try to relax about the lymph node, i do know they can swell for pretty much no reason at all.

Luckily i dont even know where these lymph nodes are located and i can never feel any of these little bumpy things people talk about on here.

11-11-09, 17:49
I have actually been eating a lot MORE recently and have been struggling for breath at times.

I am worried sick all the time and very anxious a lot but I am eating more.

11-11-09, 17:54
i think you are too

11-11-09, 18:20

When i was at my worst i lost a stone in under a week and i too was convinced i had "C" my dr said it is totslly normal to lose weigh when extremely anxious due to the exessive adrenaline you burn up

11-11-09, 19:07
thanks... since i had my first panic attacks a few month ago , i have been scared senseless. I think i have got everything , analyze too much , stress too much , worry too much.. like i have said previously , i have had two lots of bloods done seven weeks ago and the were clear , had two ecg clear , seen two ent specialists and nothing , seen four docs and nothing...I had a bad chest about seven weeks ago and i have been left with mucus going down the back of my nose continuously , making me snurch and clear my throat regularly and sometimes cough, so i have gone paranoid thinking i have C and since the lymph node in my neck ( right ) has appearead , i tend to think the worse



11-11-09, 20:19
Swollen lymph nodes are quite common this time of year with all the bugs going around. It's just the body's immune system fighting off infections - so as all your tests have come back negative I wouldn't worry about it.

11-11-09, 20:21
Weird since commenting on this thread today my throat has now started to be shot to pieces.

No idea what is going on at all.

11-11-09, 20:24
Sorry star , hope my thread aint the cause of it .. its weird though , when i think i have something , then google , i come out with all the symptoms , does the mind make you think you have symptoms when you are anxious ?

11-11-09, 20:37
Sorry star , hope my thread aint the cause of it .. its weird though , when i think i have something , then google , i come out with all the symptoms , does the mind make you think you have symptoms when you are anxious ?

The mind is a very powerful thing.

All I will say, is that Google is a very dangerous invention.


But also very frightening.