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View Full Version : Just threw up in the toilet - can anyone tell me if I should be worried ?

11-11-09, 18:01
I had a cold yesterday and most of it has gone away. The Sinex nasal spray worked well.

Only thing is I have a really dry tongue(May have been brought on by my Inhaler tho) and even my sore gums and my ulcer on my mouth cleared up a lot after I used Bonjela.

Today I brushed my teeth and tongue and may have been too hard on them, but I am not very sure. I can't really remember.

I have a small hard red spot with a white layer on my tongue now and for once I have not googled anything here so I am making some progress.

But I am sure I know what it will say. The worst diseases and illnesses will come up.

Has anyone had this before please ?

I am sorry to keep using this to ask questions I just can't help myself and I am genuinley worrying myself to death

11-11-09, 18:06
It could be something very simple like oral thrush.
If you scratch the white stuff away, does your tongue bleed?

My mum uses inhalers for asthma and gets a sore tongue.

Why not Google "thrush", rather than Google your symptoms?

11-11-09, 18:07
It could be something very simple like oral thrush.
If you scratch the white stuff away, does your tongue bleed?

My mum uses inhalers for asthma and gets a sore tongue.

Why not Google "thrush", rather than Google your symptoms?

I haven't actually tried that yet, I'm a bit too terrified to.

I just want to stay so so clear from Google because it's caused far too much pain already for me since December

11-11-09, 18:13
Just went in the toilet at work again and looked again and it just looks very much like my taste-buds but maybe I am wrong. It was certainly a lot more noticeable than my tastebuds at the back of my tongue anyway. There is another one on the underside of my tongue.

I don't know if this is cos of the Inhaler, the Sinex reaction, the brushing harder, the sucking of so many Ice Cubes/Mint Glaciers I just don't know.

I can only be thankful I am not judged on here

11-11-09, 18:48

When i eat boiled sweets all my taste buds look like raise red spots, and when i have cold they are more noticeable. i guess u threw up from anx, i done that b4 too.

short and sweet but i hope it helps x