View Full Version : A HUGE WELL DONE TO Pickle09!!!!!

11-11-09, 18:56
Can we all say WELL DONE to Nikk:yesyes::yesyes::yesyes::yesyes::yesyes::yesye s:

As a lot of you know She made the 250 mile train trip on Friday to stay with me for a few days and is now on the return trip to Cornwall:weep:

She has been an absolute star and hope she will share her holiday pics with you all soon:yesyes:

Im missing her to bits already and the dogs are all sulking:weep:

Thanks Nikk for a lovely few days and well done for being so brave its an honour to call you my freind:yesyes:

And thanks for the teds and everything else:hugs:

WELL DONE PICKLE:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

See ya in December:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

11-11-09, 19:21
Well done Nikk - it was lovely meeting you at Kazzie's, and we enjoyed finding out about your spiders!!!! I am still thinking about the ones with pink feet - very interesting.

Do hope your trip back to Cornwall went well, and we hope to see you again before too long.

All the very best

Helen :hugs:

11-11-09, 19:52

http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:I6B-L1szfQl6tM:http://photo.net/general-comments/attachment/13905187/WellDone.jpg (http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://photo.net/general-comments/attachment/13905187/WellDone.jpg&imgrefurl=http://photo.net/photos/Anakin%2520Sk&usg=__Iz8z9rw-MBjj-keTJxrHaYXeGmw=&h=365&w=337&sz=37&hl=en&start=3&tbnid=I6B-L1szfQl6tM:&tbnh=121&tbnw=112&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dwell%2Bdone%2Bsign%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3De n)

I am really glad you all had a really good time.
Well done hun
Love Lisa

11-11-09, 19:59
Well done you, fantastic stuff x

eternally optimistic
11-11-09, 20:45
well done on your meet up, sounds like you had a great time.:d

Veronica H
11-11-09, 23:16
:yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:Well done pickle. Attempting a long train journey myself on Friday.


12-11-09, 08:33
well done nikk :yesyes:
you did really well...glad you had a lovely time, sorry i couldnt make it but will hopefully see yo u in dec.

12-11-09, 08:39
well done your pets will be pleased to see you x

12-11-09, 09:57
Awwww Thank you all.

Ive had the greatest time there ever.

There were lots of tears and everyhting as I didnt want to leave. Kaz helped me through my panics.

I will do a post about it all later on.


12-11-09, 11:12
Well done Nikk, glad you had a great time.

Take care

Carol x

12-11-09, 13:49
Well Done your a star:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yah oo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:XXXXXXXXXXX

12-11-09, 15:20
:yesyes: Conrats Nikk, you've done amazingly well. :yesyes:
You've also met Kazzie and lived to tell the tale. Heh!

12-11-09, 18:14
Well done, fantastic, an inspiration to all of us. x

12-11-09, 20:53
Grrrrr Gary:D

Theres a big Nikk shaped hole in my heart today:weep:

Cant wait till next month now:yesyes:

Well done again Nikk:yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:bighug1:

12-11-09, 21:00
Awww kaz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Youve made me cry as I wanna be there with you.

It wont be long till next time.

Love you and miss you loads.

Nikk xxxxxxxxxx

Ps thank you all xxxxxx

12-11-09, 22:16
Watch out Wiltshire here we come eh Nikk lol:roflmao:

4 weeks tomm:roflmao:

Luv Kaz x x x:bighug1:

14-11-09, 04:48
Good job Nikk xxx You're a brave girl:hugs: And I am sure you had a wonderful time w/ Kazz xx

Granny Primark
14-11-09, 16:33
Well done nikk.:yesyes:
Im so envious I want spend time with you both now.:D

14-11-09, 16:56
You will be more than welcome Lynn:yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:


Luv Kaz x x x:bighug1:

15-11-09, 12:37
Well done :)! I'm glad you had a good time xx

15-11-09, 18:40
well done Nikk

15-11-09, 21:15
Thanks Gang:yesyes:

I will now get to work finding a b n b where Kate realy lives.....had wrong county ffs

Kaz x x x:hugs:

16-11-09, 13:49
Great job Nikk and glad you both had a wonderful time.

Laura xxx