View Full Version : Frustrated

11-11-09, 19:19
Hi everyone, I'm new here and I have recently started suffering with anxiety. Forgive me if this turns out to be a very long post. Im 20 years old and I have always been a nervy and shy person. This I have always been able to control fine. Until august this year I was a very happy outgoing person now not so much. In august I started off with health anxiety after hearing about the passing of someone, suddenly. This started to play on my mind, gradually building and building until that it was all I could think about. I could not relax at all and felt very uneasy, and very tired. All i could think about was something bad possibly happening to me. I began having minor chest pain, however coupled with my anxiety I went to my GP. I was eventually reffered for a heart tracing, all of which was clear. At times I felt so worried and tired, I had no energy, I was going to bed a 7pm in the evening and sleeping to 7am the next day. Not normal for a 20 year old. After a short time my thoughts began to dwindle, and i'd say by the end of september I was generally feeling about 90% back to normal. Now for some unknown reason I have began feeling very anxious again, however not so much to do with health. I just generally feel nervy about anything, and over the last week has taken over my life. I feel so frustrated as I thought i was nearly over it. Again I can't seem to relax at all, my mind constantly working overtime, and I struggle to concentrate on anything. I feel very tired, and have been having very low moods, something i did not previously have. I would not say I have depression, because I really do not have anything to be depressed about... apart from my anxiety! I have a beautiful girlfriend who I love very much, I live at home with my parents, and have a great car. Earlier this evening I have been feeling dizzy and passed out. I went to see my doctor and he is going to refer me to a "specialist". What would this specialist be? I just want to be back to my old self, be able to chill out, relax, I can't even sit down and watch a film because I struggle to concentrate.

Sorry for such a long essay.. :-)


13-11-09, 15:58
Hi Mark,

Welcome to NMP. I'm sorry you are feeling so lousy. Sometimes anxiety and depression go hand in hand. I don't know what specialist your doctor is sending you to and if I were you I would give him a call and ask. I have had anxiety all my life so it is all I have ever known. If it came upon me suddenly like it has you I think I would first get a physical and then perhaps counseling to see if any life event has caused it. It could all stem from the passing of the person you were talking about in August. For someone who is sensitive it could upset more than you know.

I do hope you feel better soon.

Take care,


13-11-09, 23:32
Hi Laura, thanks for your reply. I have had quite a few physical tests all clear. I think I have always had heightened anxiety, but it not at a level where it wasn't something I could control and get on with. Tonight I feel much better, and more relaxed, some days are better than others I suppose. Thanks for your help, I find that just speaking and listening to other people with similar symptoms helps a lot.
