View Full Version : lymph node again

11-11-09, 20:34
i was reading last night on the net about neck ,shoulder and head tension could be a cause of raised nodes in your neck ... has anyone else heard of this.. also i have just been thinking , i have started going the gym recently and exercise my shoulders by shrugging them with heavy weights , it seems i where i shrug my shoulder , thats were the node as appeared , could there be a connection , mine feel more gristly than anything and i can move it .



15-03-17, 17:42
I know this is a very old post but I was wondering the same. My daughter is a professional dancer and has one node in her neck/shoulder area that feels hard and big after exercise but then decreases in size when relaxed. Her GP said the gland can feel hard due to the underlying structure i.e. the muscles in the neck and the close proximity to other glands in posterior triangle (deep cervical nodes). I would like to know if anyone else has experienced something similar? Thank you.

15-03-17, 17:52
Hi there! What would be the size of the lymph node if you had to guess?

15-03-17, 18:02
According to the ultrasound it is approximately 1x1 cm but to me it felt larger. It I also slightly hard and less mobile that the one in the middle of her neck that is pea size.

15-03-17, 18:20
Ohh ok well 1cm is a good thing! The neck is one of the most common places to feel lymph nodes and from what I've read the neck lymph nodes are the most common to feel. I'm not a doctor but from what I've read 1cm is not considered enlarged and that further up the neck there is a lymph node that is always a centimeter and a half at all times. I've had a lymph node under my collar bone that I've been aware of for about 9 months I believe. It seems to be about 7 or 8 millimeters (my guess) but I've been to a couple doctors about it and Googled alot which is how I know these things lol but also there is a poll on the forum of people who can feel the lymph nodes in their necks also. http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php if the link is giving you trouble you can find it by googling - NoMorePanic Lymph Node Poll.

15-03-17, 18:36
What worries my is the slightly hard part and the fact that is not fully mobile. It could be because of the muscles in the area. 4 hours of dance and body conditioning six days a week would make muscles hard and tense I think. This my affect the gland in that area. Also the size fluctuates during the day. It feels larger and harder after exercise and softer when muscles are relaxed.

15-03-17, 18:53
Lymph nodes may be mobile but you may not be able to move them. For example the lymph nodes above my collarbone are small and hard to move, but if i hold my arm above my head and turn my head to the side i can then move them as much as i like. I think the nodes can get pushed between muscles and tendons so whenever you push on them they are kind of blocked from moving anywhere. My neck lymph nodes are up to 1.1 cm but i always poke them so much i don't know if they would actually be smaller if id leave them alone. Dont Google lymph nodes, i did it and i sent myself into panic and depression.

15-03-17, 19:02
OMG my anxiety is over the roof. I am so worried about it. I cannot function. Dr Google is not the best place to look for the information. We are going to see ENT specialist to have a look next week.

15-03-17, 19:11
Nothing wrong with check ups! But really I feel like it is totally normal and fine. I went through the anxiety so I understand how it is but make sure you try to realise over time that things are alright when you go back to the doctor. Like I said 1cm is not considered enlarged so make sure you focus on the possitives!

15-03-17, 19:25
The tension in the neck could be from rubbing the nodes so much. I noticed the more i touch my lymph nodes the more my neck seems to be sore around the nodes. I too have an appointment with a ent in 3 weeks my doctor gave me a referral because i am so concerned but hes not concerned he just doesn't want me living in fear. Hes a really good doctor.

15-03-17, 19:30
Thank you. We have to see the ENT specialist as the ultrasound lady recommended it. She said the gland measurements are on the upper side of normal measuring 0.95mm. The gland has normal hilial blood flow (apparently good sign). I have to say the whole exam was frustrating. She wasn't even sure if the swelling was a lymph node to start with. Also there might be another small gland next to it but she wasn't sure. So frustrating. It only adds to my anxiety.

29-03-17, 16:57
So the gland is not a gland after all. The lump appears to be a muscle scaring (micro tear) with a sensory nerve involvement. It is good to check things out. Please guys do not stress and panic until you really have to. Also please do not consult Dr Goole. It can only add to your anxiety.