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View Full Version : docs 2moro...scared....lots of thing wrong!

11-11-09, 21:51
I have a doc appointment tomorrow morning at 11, to discuss quite a few symptoms that are worrying me. But in the meantime im feeling so anxious about it all i was hoping someone might be able to help/reassure me.
For the last 5 days i have had a headache almost constantly, does go for awhile but mostly there,its abit more painful than my usual headaches, i keep feeling extremely sick especaially at night (feeling very sick right now) i have a niggly pain in my lower left side of my back seems to hurt more when i breathe deep (weird) but thats constantly there also. My right arm when elevated goes into a very bad shake, extremely annoying.
So there you are a very long list of things all scaring me into thinking somethings very wrong, im scared of going to the docs tomorrow for 2 reasons, that he will think im totally barmy or send me for a load of tests.
So if anybody can help tonight that would be great, ive built myself up into hell of a state the last few days and tonight is just so bad with the anxiety.
Many thanks for reading, sorry for the long post.

Debs xx

11-11-09, 22:09
I'm sure it'll be nothing serious. I think that aches and pains and esp headaches are pretty common this time of year with all the dark short days and long nights. And the more anxious we get the more symptoms we get. It's a vicious circle.

Try to keep positive! X

12-11-09, 06:58
My husband has constant headaches. He just saw the doctor about them and the doctor did just a very quick neuro exam like reflexes and looking in his eyes etc. Chances are it is nothing serious so try not to get worked up. With my anxiety I get tremors in my hands and it is very annoying, it could be similar to your arm. I get them even when I am not anxious. They called them essential tremors. Good Luck, I hope the doctor is able to reassure you and you come back feeling better and less anxious.