View Full Version : Small tasks seem a hard

11-11-09, 23:13
This has been my down fall the last few months. The least little thing sets me off. Motivation and finding the energy to do stuff. I'm back to giving in easy and I find myself getting worked up over situations I might not normally. I feel like some walking 'emotion'. Like I dwell on it before hand and when it comes to going somewhere, interviews, dates or anything I find it hard. Kind of feel hopeless and stuff don't work.

The thought of doing something crap for a few months seems a mountain task. I keep wishing everything will fall into place and feel I'm a ticking clock as the years pass by.

Does anybody else feel this? Litterly I find myself in an emotional battle, tension headaches, just a mess worked up as anything over nothing at times. I can't find any task or thing I can do that eases this tension. Words like "troubled" "upset" "horrible thoughts" just crop into my head and sometimes I actually feel distressed by it at times. I feel like I'm fighting a battle..every day has a new task. :blush:

11-11-09, 23:37
Hi, Yes, I know how you feel too. I find it extremely difficult to find the motivation to do stuff nowadays.

12-11-09, 12:50
I know what you mean.
I think the key is to make yourself do something, without waiting for the motivation to do it.
In my experience, not doing things leads to more of the same - likewise, doing things.
So, if you make yourself do something, you'll soon find the motivation to do more - because you'll feel better for doing something.

My first rule of every day is to get up, get in the shower and make a start. Things get easier after that.
If I stay in bed, all my energy saps away and I start to think like a depressed, anxious person.

Why not start with something really small - like walking to the shop to buy a paper, or putting the washing away. Every seemingly tiny achievement is a confidence-booster and a motivator in itself.
