View Full Version : I have pain in my abdoman and back im scared it's cervical cancer.

12-11-09, 01:08
Hi I'm 29 years old and I keep getting pains in my lower back and lower part of the stomach, although I have had pap smears done, and had one last november of 2008, I'm still scared cause you know you look online and you see you have like every symptom for cervical cancer and same with ovairan cancer, I'm scared all the time and stressed out all the time it's getting worse and wrose the more I worry about the pains the more I start to think I have something. I have had a rough week and think that it's my anxitey doing all of this. Help! I don't know what to do!

12-11-09, 06:55
Cervical cancer is actually a pretty silent disease. That is why regular paps are important. When you do have symptoms they generally have to do with bleeding irregularily, painful intercourse and other symptoms and not what you are experiencing. Have you talked to your doctor?? The regular cysts that we get monthly after we release an egg can cause pain like you are describing. Even ovulation can be quite painful. I use to have to lay down the day I would ovulate with a heating pad. You are young, try not to worry. Keep having your regular paps and exams and you will be fine.

12-11-09, 08:40
Following a 30 year old Mum of 2 kids dieing of cervical cancer in my street I had convinced myself I had it too. I had real symptoms though and I was getting myself into a right state. My symptoms included back ache and period type pains all the time, I had a gynecology appointment which was hard for me to do as I have real issue with anything health related, the appointment came back fine, I also had a scan which again came back fine. I had my coil removed thinking it was that. These symptoms went on for months and months but eventually I don't know why but I accepted it was all to do with my panic attacks, my period pains were in fact the typical churning stomach you get from worry etc. I am fine now and these symptoms have passed. What you need to remind yourself is that anything seriously wrong with your body usually has serious symptoms such as irregular bleeding etc. Stop worrying and just tell yourself you are fine, see your Doctor again and just get some reasurrance. Easier said than done I know, it will take time but try and relax. Good luck xx

12-11-09, 23:44
Thank you AlisonJ and Hazy for your replys, it's so good to hear some real reasurrance from people who know what I put myself through on a daily bases, where as others seem to blow me off, saying it's just all in your head and don't understand. I am going to the Doctors soon and going to get some reasurrance.

16-11-09, 21:44
I have gone to see my Doctor, and he ordered some tests and I should have the relults in about a week, it's out of my hands now, I now sit and wait, and wait, and now wait some more.

16-11-09, 22:05

Glad you are having tests. Please ask for an ultrasound just to be sure. The reason I am saying this is I had the same symptoms and it was an ovarian cyst, caused a lot of pain that bad that I would sweat. I was told it was constipation and sent away with laxatives . . . nice, I knew it wasn't that but thought the doctor knows best.

I had pain for two weeks and went back, was sent for ultrasound and got called to go to the doctors urgently, was worried, had tests for cancer and nearly had surgery, the cyst shrunk and that was that.

Good Luck
Helen xx

26-11-09, 04:01
Hi everyone, I wanted to wright back you let you know I got the results back and not good, I have what they call a low grade cells or somthing like that, I was so worried to really listen. I am freakening out like all the time, and my mind is starting to go to all this bad stuff. I need HELP! I need somebody! I go back for another pap in 6 months. Pray for me!

26-11-09, 04:51
My wife had terminal cervical cancer. They gave her two months to live.. She never hurt anywhere. Her eyes were bothering her and she went to the doctor and they did some test and then surgery and then gave her two months. She went back to see the progression ,I mean how far the cancer had gone ,and it was gone..So just thought I would write a first hand account from someone that had it.. Michael