View Full Version : sore area in mouth (please help)

12-11-09, 10:45
hey, i have a cold coming on so i'm really anxious about that but i also have this sore area in my mouth. its right at the back on the gum area so i can't really see it. i'm really scared and freaking out i have mouth cancer or something serious. its really sore and can be quite painful. any idea what it could be?
please reply
Love Louise XX

12-11-09, 10:52
it wont be cancer dont worry ,when we are getting a cold all sorts happen you might have a cold sore in you mouth ,get some ANTISEPTIC MOUTH WASH I AM SURE THAT WILL HAPPEN PLEASE DONT PANC

12-11-09, 11:01
It could be a mouth ulcer, which I get when I have a cold because you get run down. Get some bonjela and some vitamin C and zinc supplements, they always help me x x x

12-11-09, 16:26
hey, i think it might be an ulcer coz it hurts i the same way an ulcer does but its so far back right by where my last teeth are so i cant see properly and i'm not sure what do you think? could it be an ulcer?
please reply
Love Louise XX

12-11-09, 17:36
It probably is! It should go in a couple of days, but if its bothering you, try and go to the pharmacist and they will be able to recommend things to take it off. Hope it gets better soon! x x x

12-11-09, 18:10
Ive got a really painful area in my gum above my furthest back wisdom tooth - been bugging me for days - I'm using bonjela at mo and does help abit. It also only started after I had the flu vacs - think it must because I was run down.

12-11-09, 18:16
this is weird i have the same thing right at the back of my mouth right side was going to post for advice, i had my very back tooth out at least 3 yrs ago its swollen and very sore to the touch where the tooth should be even when i swallow and my tongue touches it it's painful this is day 2 of having it so any ideas would be great was hoping its not an abcess starting but dont know if you can get it where there used to be a tooth, sorry for hijacking this post a bit xx

12-11-09, 20:39
I don't know if it does have anything to do with it, but theres plenty on the net about antidepressants being related to pain above the gum line - odd

13-11-09, 12:42
hey again, sorry for posting again i'm just really worried. i have a sore throat and i have this ulcer thing well if it is an ulcer and the whole of mouth is sore and it feels really horrible. could it be mouth cancer? is it all just from having a bit of a cough and sore throat? can you get ulcers anywhere in the mouth?
please reply
love louise XX