View Full Version : womens stuff!!!

12-11-09, 11:03

I was just wondering if anyone feels like i do at the time of their period, im fine before hand apart from the usual irritableness etc, i dont have any pains, just sore boobs, anyway as soon as i come on, i feel terrible, i feel lightheaded, dizziness even when im sitting own, which in turn causes my panic to start, i was in lectures yesterday and was convinced i was going to pass out, but didnt !! i didnt wanna go to sleep last night as i was convinced i was gonna die, or have a stoke cos i get a tightness in my head,

Basically i dont know if the lightheaded and dizziness is all normal for having a period, or whether im bringing it on myself as i get all worked up during my period and bring on my usual panic symptoms!!

its so frustrating cos no sooner do i get over the sympoms and start to feel normal again i have a week when i feel normal and convice myself it just anxciety then my next period starts!!

cant carry on like it, its my 3rd day today and cant get out of bed or get myself motivated to do anything !!i cant seem to convince myself at the moment its anxciety just thinking the worst!

i hope this thread makes sense cos i know i have been rambiling!!

12-11-09, 11:17
it does make sense ,, its all to do with hormones they get unbalanced ..during your cycle so it upsets your body ,can i say try to get up the worst thing you can do is stay in bed dont give in to your feelings many days i dont want to get up ,,but i do wont let anxiety beat me hope you feel better soon ,,

12-11-09, 12:40
I feel worse once my period has arrived but gypsey is right dont give into these feeling, fighting the anxiety makes you stronger. I also believe as we anticipate we will feel bad our brain can play tricks and we do indeed feel bad!
I hope you are feeling better soon, take care.
Carol x:hugs:

miss diagnosis
12-11-09, 12:42
ah yeah i get light headed around period time.
r u on the pill? this seems to make everything worse
PMS can lead to increased anxiety also
Try taking vitiman b suppliment.it really helps/