View Full Version : Fear of Ovarian Cancer

12-11-09, 11:21
I am struggling with my fears a the moment. I know and accept I have health anxiety and that a lot of my symptoms are due to diagnosed IBS so when I started getting severe low down pains on the right side some weeks back I tried to convince myself they were because of my anxiety.

All the same, I went to my Dr, had blood tests (blood fasting needs repeating in 3 months as does liver enzymes), but the rest were pretty much ok. I then had a pelvic scan and internal scan a couple of days ago and was told my ovaries are enlarged and uterus enlarged. I have had polycystic ovaries in the past and was told this could be why. The radiographer didn't seem too concerned. Just said there are fibroids starting on the womb too and that my GP might refer me for more tests. I left there feeling quite positive but that didn't stop me coming home and looking up 'enlarged ovaries' on the internet. I am now terrified I have cancer as it is one of the big symptoms.

Can anyone tell me....if it was cancer, would it show on the internal scan? Would she have referred me straight away? I keep thinking she was just saying it nicely to make me feel better and leave it to my GP to give me the bad news!! Why else would my ovaries be enlarged?

I am now suffering with extreme tiredness and am breathless and weak. Not sure if this too is anxiety or if I really am ill. I hate suffering health anxiety. Why can't I just be normal?

12-11-09, 11:48
did you have the camera did they take a biopsy at same time can you reply

12-11-09, 12:22

I had a similar experience, I was told I have enlarged ovaries and they are suspecting PCOS, and they didn't want to investigate further.

I guess if it was cancer they might have seen one very enlarged ovary and they would have sent you for a biopsy. But if it is both ovaries, PCOS is a possible explanation - do you have problems with your periods?

There are loads of other possibilities, usually it's some kind of cysts.

I feel breathless from anxiety too :(

Feel better :hugs:


12-11-09, 12:33
I didn't have any biopsy. I just had a normal ultrasound followed by one of them internal scans (like the ones you have in early pregnancy), with the long probe. She took a long time finding my ovaries. She did say both were enlarged but she never game me any impression that I should panic (but obviously I am!!). No mention of large cysts or masses or anything, just that they, along with my uterous, are enlarged. Apparently it is quite common to have enlarged womb at my age and with having 4 kids (I'm 36) so I wasn't too worried about that but my ovaries are the problem.

I am more breathless than ever at the moment and feel like somthing is stuck in my chest. I have a bit of reflux, does this cause breathlessness? Oh god what am I like? I am stopping myself from googling symptoms !!!!

12-11-09, 12:35
Oh, just to add, yes I do have very irregular periods and have done for many years. Lately though they have been horrendously painful, mid cycle bleeding and constant dragging heavy pain in abdomen.

12-11-09, 12:39
my daughter went for the same thing 2 weeks ago because she had a smear test that came back abnormal, well when the nurse did it she found abnormal mass so she had a biopsy there and then she is now waiting for results ,,so if nurse wasn't worried when you had it done you will be fine dont worry i know its normal but you will be ok i was a nurse for 15 years ,dealt with these problems ,the reason your breathing not right at moment is because your panicking try to relax ,xps my daughter 2 with 2 young boys

12-11-09, 12:46
Believe me if there was any hint that what they had seen could be cancerous you would hear from your GP very quickly - my cousin had ovarian cancer picked up on a routine pelvic utrasound and things moved very fast.

Your GP might want to refer you to gyny and they would usually do a hystersocopy to check the fibroids which is the camera in the womb where they also take a biopsy. You may also be sent for a pelvic/abdominal mri to check your ovaries.

I had a large ovarian cyst appear on ultrasound 6 months ago and was referred to gyny - I am approaching the menopause and have very dysfuctional bleeding so I had the hysterocsopy with biopsy and also a mri to check the cyst was just a benign fluid fiilled cyst which is it was and also the ca125 blood test. I had another scan last week and the cyst has gone! and am due another scan at end of Dec to check its still okay.

Most important thing to remember is that the radiographers know what they are looking for and if they are concerned your GP would be told and you would be rushed to gyny.

12-11-09, 12:48
Thank you gypsywomen. You have made me feel better knowing they would've dealt with an issue if they had one there and then. Thank you so much. I hope your daughter is ok. How worrying for you both. I wish her all the best. :hugs:

12-11-09, 12:51
Thank you for your reply Countrygirl. I have read up on this ca125 test blood test. I have got myself into believing I have to have it done too but noone has mentioned it yet. I hope you remain cyst free. Isn't it a worry! Thanks again x

12-11-09, 12:57

The ca125 test is not very accurate, they usually use it for people who have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and they use it to monitor the illness. It is not a screening test for ovarian cancer because it can easily be high in people with no cancer and low in people with cancer, so it has a lot of false negatives as well as false positives.

Don't worry, the uterus thing is normal in people with kids, I just have the one son and my uterus is slightly enlarged. If you have always had problems with your periods that supports the PCOS theory.
Don't worry! Maybe you could have the hormone test for PCOS and if it is confirmed you could feel better?


11-12-20, 18:48
Spoke on the phone with my doctor, he referred me for an ultrasound. I don't know why, because I was expecting and wanting that but it just makes it feel so real that he thinks I need one. I know I'm seeking reassurance here but the time before a test is so hard for me, can anyone offer me any help while I wait

11-12-20, 23:01
This thread is from 2009. Its quite apparent you're spiraling, but what can be said other than history has shown 99.9% of fears posted here have been irrational, and reassurance, whether publicly posted or privately replied to, are useless :shrug: Reassurance at best is a band-aid over a gaping mental wound :( Seek help for the real issue.


12-12-20, 12:03
actually, my thread, which I started two days ago, and had responses, and a lot of info on my situation, was removed without warning and somehow one of my replies to my OWN thread was placed here. It's interesting, it seems a lot of people are supported here, but I am beginning to feel unwelcome and unwanted.

12-12-20, 12:08
I just don't understand why I appear to be being singled out, I don't know what I did wrong. I see lots of people who post multiple times, I've only created two threads, for different issues, and my most recent thread explaining my reproductive/period issues was removed without any warning, and just one reply to my own thread remains, now on an entirely different thread. Hundreds of people are here seeking reassurance. I did not break any rules. I don't understand. My lone post here makes no sense without context and I feel like I can't participate in the forum freely. I have no idea what I did wrong here but it has me feeling pretty awful.