View Full Version : Feel So Very Ill ( More, Please read )

12-11-09, 14:24
I have a phobia of being ill, any tiny symtom and i'll panic for days.

I have some toilet problems at the moment with my bowels, and im worried. Its been like it all morning and as soon as i need to go to the toilet i suddenly feel ill.

Im feeling so tired at the moment, theres not reason why i should be feeling tired, as im sleeping just fine. I dont know whats up with me, im hott, tired and feeling very ill.

Im scared of being ill, it petrifies me i cant handle it. :(

12-11-09, 14:31
have you any other symtoms ,sounds like you have caught a tummy bug ,,do you feel cold when you have been to the loo..

12-11-09, 14:33
I'm not sure .. probably just quite warm really.. throat feels a little closed up but nothing to panic about that i just dont want to be ill, last time i was ill. (this is going to to sound a bit awfully sick .. ) But everytime i puked it came out of the other end :/ this was this time last year. I dont want anything like that again but its horrible when this happens because it'll linger in your tummy for a while making you sit on the edge of your seat and it makes me nervous which doesnt help because i suffer with severe anxiety and panic attack problems.

12-11-09, 14:45
its something you have eaten or a bug .drink plenty of water ,,to put back what you loose ,,don't panic about what might happen ,,i know tummy problems are normal with anxiety so this could be the case but with you panicking about being ill it will feel worse ,,if i am anxious the first thing to make it worse is my tum think its same,me for everyone on here try to stay calm

12-11-09, 14:48
Hi Ruby

Your fears are probably due to the memories of the last time which is understandibly causing you some anxiety

The anxiety then caused hot flushes, tiredness and feelings of needing the loo
so ends up in a vicious circle

Try and relax alittle (not easy i know) but please try
and im sure your symptoms will reduce

Take care x

12-11-09, 14:58
Thankyou :hugs: I hope im going to be ok, i'll relax and read a book with a bottle of water, * Fingers Crossed *

12-11-09, 15:10
you will be hun your doing the right thing good for you xxxx