View Full Version : New here - worried about MS (again)

12-11-09, 15:04
Hey there,

I am new here – have read the MS threads and they have been very helpful. Thought I’d share my story as I need some re-assurance and am in a bad place (again).

I am 34 years old married with 3 kids. Very anxious about my health as my dad passed away at 34 - heart attack.

I am going through my second MS scare in 2.5 years. The 1st was caused by dizziness, an awful episode of vertigo, and an "odd" feeling in my left leg. I went to doc, got a brain MRI scan that came back clean - doc told me it was anxiety and sent me on my way. Was thrilled about diagnosis and felt great for 2 years. The leg feeling never really went away, nor did the bouts of dizziness - I just was able to ignore them.

Well 2.5 years later, my leg is still an issue. It's no worse than it was, it just still feels weird - sometimes it feels weak, sometimes it aches like crazy, sometimes it burns, sometimes just tingles, and still sometimes when I am distracted or with friends I don't notice it at all. I have able to work out with no real issue. Went to orthopedist after some back pain and he assumed sciatica - got a lumbar MRI that came back clean - so still no answers.

Fine again for a month or so, well, of course my left leg started aching last week and felt 'off' again, and the light-headed feeling came back. Now I assume it must be MS. Why do I go to these thoughts? And they differ by the hour some days - some days I go through to lunch feeling great and confident that it is all anxiety - then by dinner time I feel like c*** again and get back into the cycle.

If my leg issue was MS, and I have had it basically non-stop for 2.5 years - wouldn't it be much worse now? I assume I would not be able to just ignore it (and it basically goes away) when I am feeling well? Plus I have been working out this whole time period! I guess my fear is the length of time that this leg issue has been hanging around. Also I assume that the brain MRI would have caught something as I had vertigo prior to the MRI - I assume that vertigo from MS is from brain lesions? I have googled and it makes me more and more upset.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be very much appreciated - health anxiety is the worst; and I cannot talk to my wife anymore about it - has 3 babies she is taking care of - she does not need a 4th

Thanks for listening. This is a great web site.

12-11-09, 15:14
if you had all clear i doubt if its ms ,the worst thing you can do is google ,,its not good on there stick to this site ,at least we help the more you worry the worse you will feel as for your leg ,well it could be a rheumatic pain, or sciatica

12-11-09, 16:14
If it's been two years you should ask your doc for another MRI. It's unlikely that anything has developed though.

12-11-09, 16:45
I agree with Ninja, go and ask your doc about it, could it be that your always thinking about it and thus these symptoms seemt to be always there? I ask because you say when your with friends the symptoms seem to dissapear which would lead me to think it is psychological rather than a physical problem.

I have done many months of research on MS as i too thought i had it but the docs say anxiety and i am currently waiting to see the neuro in december, they say that 9 out of 10 people with MS have the relapsing remitting type where maybe once a year you will have an arm or leg etc go numb, stiff, dead, struggle to move for anywhere between 3 - 6 weeks, i am obviously not a doctor but that doesn't sound the same as you at all.

I wouldn't worry about it tho and have a chat with the doctor.

12-11-09, 17:22
Thanks Gaz - I just had my annual physical and described it to doc (again) and he still thinks sciatica - he's not worried at all; said it would not hurt some days on and off like it does - for instance today not bothering me. Monday - pretty achy.

You are right though - when I focus on it and get stressed - it definitely gets more bothersome.

Thanks for your response and good luck with your neuro.

12-11-09, 21:07
Reading your message sounded like reading about myself! I too have real anxieties about MS. I've had loads of symptoms over the years but I've also had a clear brain scan more than once (last one was done 18 months ago). Like you, I currently have a real problem with my left leg - it feels "wierd", particularly when I am walking. It has been going on for about 2 months and sometimes I am more aware of it than other times. I had nerve conduction tests and the doctor said no nerve damage but may be it is sciatica. I am always asking my husband if I am walking "funny" as that is how it feels but he insists I am not. My upper leg often aches and when it is really achey, the "wierd" feeling is increased. I have got really worried about this and keep thinking may be this is MS. I can't decide whether to ask for a repeat brain scan. I saw the neurologist today who didn't seem unduly worried about it but has decided to repeat a back scan to see if anything is going on there. I am really sick of the whole thing and of course my anxiety is getting worse and worse. It's nice to know that I am not the only person out there with this...!!

12-11-09, 21:20
Hey Katbe - I think we are just worriers. I swear a few years ago before I got this darned Health Anxiety I would have paid it no attention!!