View Full Version : Flickering vision?

12-11-09, 17:01
I hope somebody can help put my mind at ease because i'm in a bit of a panic.
I thought i lost my vision for a split second a moment ago. It could be that my monitor flickered because I have a large 25" screen that produces a lot of light but i have never noticed it happen before.
For a while now i have worried about my vision because i have noticed split second flickers at work before but i have put it down to dodgey florescent tube lights as it always happens in the same room and the lights are constantly needing replacing.
It is literally for less than 1/4 second, it could almost be me blinking heavily without realising but it seems everything goes darker than a normal blink would make it...if that makes sense?!
This is the 1st time i've noticed it away from that room and i'm freaking out that it could be retinal detatchment. Please somebody tell me i'm being silly!
I last had my eyes checked 3 year ago and nothing showed up.
I am so scared, i have got the shakes now!
Thank you for reading,

12-11-09, 18:29
Is anybody online who can help? I feel dreadful :(

12-11-09, 18:38
Hi Rebecca
It doesn't sound like retinal detatchment to me. I had to have laser treatment recently for two holes in my retina which might have lead to retinal detatchment if untreated. I was petrified but in fact it was quick and painless. The symptoms I had for the retinal holes were a massive increase in black floaty things in front of my vision in the affected eye, and also flashing lights in front of my eye. It doesn't sound like what you have. Apparently the eye specialist told me that if your retina starts to detatch you can see a solid semi circular black shape at the edge of your vision, as though someone had taken a bite out of it. It doesn't sound like you have any of these things, but if you are worried go to your optician, not your doctor. Doctors don't have sensitive enough equipment to pick everything up. Good luck and try not to worry.

12-11-09, 18:49
Thanks for the reply mumsie,
Unfortuntely i'm now panicking about seeing a solid semi-circle in the corner of my eye! I'm sure i'm just being a worrier now because i do tend to pick up on every little thing when it comes to my vision. I'm sure i've only really seen it after i've rubbed my eyes an it's not constant.
I am comforted by realising that retinal detachment affects one eye at a time and my flickering seems to be both eyes at the same time (or the lights/computer screen!).
I am going to make an appointment to see an optician as soon as possible and i just know i'll be a bag of nerves in the waiting room.
Oh dear...i'm such a worrier.
Thank you again for your help.

12-11-09, 19:11
Hi rebecca
Your symptoms sound more like eye strain to me. The bite sized chunk missing from your field of vision would be quite noticeable, not small, and if you cannot see any floaters or flashes then it's highly unlikely its retinal detachment. Try not to worry. Seeing the optician is a good idea. Good luck.:)

12-11-09, 19:30
could just be visual snow. I have persistent visual snow/aura that came on last week. I read it has links with stress/anxiety.

If you are really concerned, see your doctor.